Community > Posts By > shannara24
i think its just money talks. and money says it wants more and more and more. not sure how we will convince the government to serve the people instead serve the money.
Why do I
i grit them too at night. i think its maybe the mind's way to relieve stress.
does that kind of violence actually do something good or make things worst? from what i saw its not even the government thats really controlling anymore its the influence of the elite rich.
well imo its not completely unwarranted because of the feeling of powerless. whats the point on doing something with there will be no outcome is the attitude.
eh i doubt that will happen unless something really bad happens.
i think why people dont care and me as an individual is because we feel powerless. look at bush he got voted in again by cheating and it seems like we try to put a word in but it gets brushed aside because we arent the ones with money.
anyone awake
The government dates back centuries and how they brain wash everyone into thinking things are happening that are not. They control "THE WORLD". and I am not saying that I agree with what they doubt people need to wake up.. Watch that Movie I think you'll enjoy it.. Education ought to teach people from younger age to be careful about the agendas of politicians and preachers : politics and religion . These two elements have much power over our laws and our lives . Philosophy is one good study to free the mind from the propaganda and brainwashing . yeah but education is controled by the government sadly |
| explains a lot on whats actually happening today. make time for it and its worth the time to watch
i was going to get into that later but thats what i have learned too. for example almost every single war in the past the serect motivation for going to war is for land, profit, or natural resources. when i bring this up right away people just totally disagree and they turn into a rock and wont see any other view point but what they have in their heads.
Yes they do you come up with a great point. i prob gave the impression that government doesnt do anything for the people. I am all for having a government. but to me they give the impression that most if not all are there for the money and only do these things so people can get off their backs. this prob sounds idealistic and it is but politics should be looked as people that actually want to make a better life as a whole than their selfish greeds.
tell me why i cant moan about the current events when i dont agree with pretty much how things are running in our country. theres no sense of trust that anything that the PEOPLE want will happen. Dont say I am not American or something that is so shallow and you have not thought about why I am moaning. I am American because im using my right to moan about how things are running now. Its our right as Americans to do this unlike a lot of countries around the world. Instead of going off topic I made this thread to listen to people opinions on politics hopefully a good one somewhere. I dont care if you agree with what i said or not im here to see people many view points.
Please help me decipher
helloo, i m ready to live with u in the hell end feeling good there just like heaven..real end truth love can make every where heaven... cause I truly dont get it are you sure you are putting all the right punctuations? |
World of Warcraft sadly still after 3 or so years.
Edited by
Tue 07/22/08 08:41 AM
eh i dont want to be rude or mean but i dislike when people say its my responsibility to follow the crowd on what people are suppose to do. i always had a disliking in seeing old people(the politicians ) talking about topics that may or may not even happen. I disagree about your opinion on losing my right to complain. How did I lose the right? Did someone somehow without my knowing said since you dont have an interest in politics you now dont have the right to speak about it?
so pretty much the only reason people care about politics is because its something to do? seem rather an odd interest on watching what a politic says and see what he does.
excuse my poor grammar please i forgot to reread what i said lol
this might seem like a dumb question at first or maybe it is... but why do people still care about politics? Why do people believe in a good politics in high places like president? From what i saw they always says what people want to hear and then completely do something else. From my reasoning I am thinking they say what everyone wants to hear than they do what the rich people want once they are elected for the money. Please dont give specific answers why I am wrong because yes politics dont do all wrong but over all they do. This is a subject that I found no one ever knows a real answer but im hoping to see new view points.
The Radio Sux!!
radio/tv sucks stop watching/listening to them for couple of years now.