Community > Posts By > Syggie

Syggie's photo
Fri 07/18/08 02:34 PM
that is always seems to little or too much."

Would you consider that be true?
Would you feel offended if someone you love ask you for space when you think you're not getting enough attention as is?

Syggie's photo
Thu 07/17/08 09:58 PM
Definitely love.

Syggie's photo
Thu 07/17/08 06:57 PM
If ask, sure, why not... as long as she doesn't plan on getting back at me later on. >.>;

Syggie's photo
Thu 07/17/08 05:22 PM

I think a lot of times, doing this online thing is doing things extremely backwards. What I mean is, you talk and you talk and you talk and get to know someone, then you decide if you want to meet, and by that time you might have developed some feelings for the other person. I know many of you, myself included HAVE done that. Often, unlike in the 3D world, the meeting is the last piece whereas in the 3d world, you see someone or are introduced, and then decide whether to go out with them. I actually prefer it this way, because distance forces you to talk; you aren't spending 2.5 hours some night sitting quietly in a movie. You can certainly cover a lot of ground when there is nothing to do but talk. Not to say that when some meet, it doesn't fly. But very often it actually does.

I agree. Getting to know someone online gives you the option to get to know them from inside out, provided the people involve are honest and actually want to get themselves known. Meeting someone in person have to do more with physical attraction more than anything, imo.

Syggie's photo
Thu 07/17/08 04:30 PM
25 and counting. >.>;

Syggie's photo
Thu 07/17/08 04:30 PM
25 and counting. >.>;

Syggie's photo
Thu 07/17/08 04:28 PM

How many sexual partners are we talking about here???

I really do not consider it cheating unless you make it official that you're together. But seriously, how can someone really have feelings for someone and then just go screw someone else? She may or may not be playing you, but do you really want to wait around to find out? I sure hope she's using condoms.. sick

Hmmm, truth be told i never asked how many. =P and no I didn't wait to find out. I ended whatever we had then. That happened long ago though... but anyway, as far as how understood it, she had "friends" whom she sometimes had sex with. She said she loved me and the others were "just sex." And while I see and maybe even understand her point of view on the matter... i personally did feel cheated so I walked away.

Syggie's photo
Thu 07/17/08 04:07 PM
Say you meet someone online and you spend a few weeks chatting and talking to this person and you fall for her/him, and he/she tells you he/she is in love with you too... but then find out he/she has been having sexual partners while this is happening. Would you consider that as cheating? Would you even consider it as having a "relationship" with someone you've never met in person?

Syggie's photo
Wed 07/16/08 12:46 AM
Mute. Not like I talk much anyway.

Syggie's photo
Sat 07/12/08 10:55 PM

Metal Gear Solid 4!!!!

This man speaks the truth!
MGS4 is one of the best games out there right now. Get it if you can.

Syggie's photo
Sat 07/12/08 10:54 PM
You got yourself a stalker then.... be careful.

Syggie's photo
Sat 07/12/08 02:11 PM
No. But I am currently avoding someone I did fell in love with. brokenheart

Syggie's photo
Sat 07/12/08 02:33 AM
Yes, I would.

Syggie's photo
Fri 07/11/08 08:34 PM
Blue - By Yoko Kanno / The Seatbelts.

Syggie's photo
Fri 07/11/08 08:09 PM
yes. sadly. Quite recently actully.

Thanks for reminding me!! T___T


Syggie's photo
Fri 07/11/08 07:44 PM
Just saying Hi to all. /wave.

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