WOOOOOW! It amazes me how some feel that every species is supposed to fit into a certain box and walk a line that man lay out for them. Once again, no law maker, no religion, no person has no right to impose their views on a subculture and have never even walked a mile in their shoes.
Again... True Homosexuality is a varience of nature just like left handed, albinos, midgets ect. Back in the day they used to stone left handed people because they said it was unnatural, Albinos in some cultures are still looked upon as devient. I won't even go into midget because I would hope that we could see a pattern here. When are people going to evolve an realise that homosexuality has been around since the beginning of time and isn't going to change because it is innate. Yes, SOME are not homosexuals but practice the behaivor and place a Gay label on it. So for the most part since we make up a large percentage of society, why wouldn't we have all the rights as others. Better yet, why not just go back to the slavery days and say it's OK because it's the law? |
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Thu 11/03/11 12:46 PM
I would like to thank all the people here that are opened hearted as well as minded to know that Homosexuality is noting more than a varience of naure.
I'm sadden by the ones who reside in a prejudice point of view and feel that people like myself are not entitled or worthy of marriage (in a church) and are not capibale of loving the same gender. |
nope, because those types of decisions can change,,, we should continue to encourage men and women to commit to each other for the sake of our community and each new generation of children that comes out of such unions,,, ha. 'for the sake of our community.' like it's in great condition or something. i'm pretty sure that those against homosexual sex use 'god' as their main reason. you're just trying not to bring it up. why would you deny someone the right to get married just because you don't like what they're doing in bed? if you don't like it, then don't do it. the end. don't stand in the way of their happiness. [although considering you're bi, i'm sure you'd like it. your god just won't let you. :p] marriage is not a 'right' , rights dont carry pre requisites,, why do people insist upon being 'married' if not doing so doesnt stop them from being together the way they want to there are no laws against homosexual relationships, there is just no legal support and encouragement of homosexual SEX A lot of gay couples have children, and property and legal marriage has a lot of legal benefits for couples. Insurance, inheritance, responsibility etc. yes, here is where i have big problem with them, if they are not be attrected to the opposite sex then, they don't have the right to want what comes from two opposite sex (which is children) if they can not produce for themself, then they should live without it.... What other people do and how they live their lives is none of your business if it does not hurt you. You are very clearly prejudice and uninformed. Why do you think you have the right to say who has the right to want children? That's really sad. ![]() ![]() extremely uninformed or should I say misinfiormed and very say. |
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Wed 11/02/11 11:58 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnxYQOyLvlY |
Hello all, I would like to wiegh in for a bit it I may, Me personally...Whenever I have made LOVE to a woman and she has equally made LOVE to me, it was the most uforic spiritual uniting of the souls that I have ever encountered! I've NEVER been sexually, emotionally nor spiritually connected or attracted to a man as I have with CERTAIN women. It's the way I'm wired and was born as some are born attracted to the opposite gender or some born attracted to both gender or some born connected to neither gender (asexual). I would ask those of you to consider people who are born intersexed or hormaphrodites. If a biological variation can occur in physical nature, then surely a neurological variation can be ...and is possible, therefore innately gay can be and is possible. I would also reccomend that the people who use God and science as their spokeperson for morality to check out the documentary; "For The Bible Tells Me So".(You could probably find it on HULU internet TV or You tube or buy the DVD). There-in lays your proof. This doc is written by a heteroexual so there is no "Gay Agenda" attachment to be attributed.There is scientific proof, there is several accredited assoc. proof...including Am.Psychological Asso. and there is scriptual proof. Thank you for reading and have a great evening! Light and love. you are just being consume by your lust... Respectfully...I wished it were that simply...I'm way past the maturety level of diffrenciating Making Love From Making Lust. Please try not to catergorize due to your lack of knowledge or/and experience. And No it isn't a choice for all...some... but not all. Thank you much! |
sexual orientation, sexual preference, innate vs nurtured really matters not to me our SEXUAL activities can be changed, I have changed mine from active to abstinent,, I almost changed it from heterosexual to bisexual,, but decided against it,,, for those who are christian, God is all powerful and like a good parent, will work with us when we are willing to work on ourself... Almost experimenting with bi-sexual and then deciding not to continue, -- does not a change make. Yes, sexual activities can be changed. Orientation cannot. That is something that is determined in the womb. not proven, but one theory,,, Oh I think its been proven. Yes... it has been! |
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Wed 11/02/11 10:24 PM
Hello all,
I would like to wiegh in for a bit it I may, Me personally...Whenever I have made LOVE to a woman and she has equally made LOVE to me, it was the most uforic spiritual uniting of the souls that I have ever encountered! I've NEVER been sexually, emotionally nor spiritually connected or attracted to a man as I have with CERTAIN women. It's the way I'm wired and was born as some are born attracted to the opposite gender or some born attracted to both gender or some born connected to neither gender (asexual). I would ask those of you to consider people who are born intersexed or hormaphrodites. If a biological variation can occur in physical nature, then surely a neurological variation can be ...and is possible, therefore innately gay can be and is possible. I would also reccomend that the people who use God and science as their spokeperson for morality to check out the documentary; "For The Bible Tells Me So".(You could probably find it on HULU internet TV or You tube or buy the DVD). There-in lays your proof. This doc is written by a heteroexual so there is no "Gay Agenda" attachment to be attributed.There is scientific proof, there is several accredited assoc. proof...including Am.Psychological Asso. and there is scriptual proof. Thank you for reading and have a great evening! Light and love. |
In Love..
I have read long lists of 'signs' that people are in love. From magazines to ezines to newspaper articles, everyone has a theory. Some of them sound more like 'obsession' to me than being in love(like one which suggests being in love keeps you from being able to concentrate or work or think about anything but that person wherever you are) I think the difference between loving and being in love has to do more with how we view that persons happiness and health in relation to our own. loving , I Think, is when you place the health and happiness of another as equal to your own being IN LOVE, I think, is when you place the health and happiness of another ABOVE your own I dont necessarily think the latter is always healthy , but I do think it can be a very strong foundation for a healthy relationship, IF both partners feel it how would you differentiate loving someone from being IN LOVE with someone? My perspective would be that being in-love would consisits of the highten pheromone feeling that has a tendency to disolve after awhile. Loving someone consists of the AGAPE type of love (unconditional)love that will never dissapate after the honeymoon, fairytale, walking on cloud feeling is gone. Good and necessary question! |
I have met females online who have become very good friends of mine, offline we have met and become some of the closest friends. We dont live nearby but we travel now to see each other and online we talk a lot. I am grateful i have them Same here! ![]() |
what do you mean by "sense of perception"? I'm not going to lie.. I am a tad vain and the thought of putting on lippy and fixing my hair just to stay at home and video msg someone doesn't appeal ![]() What IU mean by sense perception? I can see their facial expressions, hear the tones of their voice, how they react to questions and situations and so forth and if they take car of themselves in appearance...just like if they were standing in front of me. The only thing you cant do(and I don't mean this in a funny way)is know what they smell like. As for fixing up just to video with them, it's just as if you would do when you go on a date, however, as you get comfortable with one another, the fixing up seems less and less important. My personal preference is to see someone in their nature state anyway....just the way God made them. |
I have actually tried the skype and video messenger and it was a bit fun and wierd at the same time! It gave me a better feel of the person...sense perception is very important to me.
sorry for the repeat posts...my computer is act wacky!
How do everyone feel about skyping or video messenger? I mean if for some reason you cant meet right away, do you think those means are a good idea to get to know them?
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Thu 10/27/11 08:51 AM
... a face to face meeting? More often than not, I've gotten to know someone fantastically well via online/text/phone convo's but when we’ve met in person, not an iota of chemistry. I’m as much to blame for not wanting to remain in contact after realising that we're not compatible. It’s one of the reasons why I prefer to meet quite soon after having exchanged a few ‘you don’t sound like an axe murderer’ emails/phone calls – I know...I know – can do without the “how can you tell he’s not an axe murderer” responses – irony people!! ![]() I was reading one of the threads and someone mentioned preferring to get to know on Mingle first before meeting them. The response seemed to indicate months as opposed to weeks...It got me thinking...maybe it’s me and my womanly sensitivity.. but how do others deal with it? Weeks/months of getting to know someone, then after one date, nothing? well honestly, the dates I have had IRL have not been forum friends, and I think part of the problem is that I did not take enough time to get to know them so there was no "connection" before we met - just a few emails exchanged - to me it is kind of ironic that the people I have got to know the best are the ones who live further away (usually) due to exchanges in the forums. so I think we would stay friends even after we met - even if a romantic relationship did not develop - because we started basically as freinds first where my IRL meets did not have that "freinds first " element now I have a different problem of hesitating to relate romantically because I don;t want to ruin the friendship if the romance doesn't work out...good grief Even if someone lived quite a distance from me, I would still want to meet them sooner rather than later. yeah...the 'not wanting to ruin a friendship' is a different kettle of fish altogether ![]() Depending on where each person lives, it might be tough to meet incredibly soon. Or expensive. So, I can understand not wanting to put a lot of money into traveling until you're both sure about meeting. [/quote |
Well I am Lakota by religion and my God loves ALL with no stipulations or restrictions!!! I truly cant see how some people can believe God loves U ONLY if U follow the bible!!!My religion loves and worships nature and ones sexxual preference has NO bearing on what kind of soul U are,Im not knocking the bible, just those that uses it to try to rule our way of life by words. Im strictly straight but that does NOT make me any better or worse than someone else but the way I live my life does!! It's unfortunate more people can't seem ![]() |
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Sun 10/23/11 07:36 AM
I read yesterday that 60 percent of women find other women sexually attractive. I can't say that I have ever found a woman sexually attractive. I have said "she is a beautiful woman" but I did not want to sex her up. So I guess I am the minority on this one. Nothing wrong with it either way in my book. If they like it they should go for it. No.. nothing at all wrong with it. What I found interesting about the article was that older women are now beginning to feel that the love of a woman might be far superior than that of a man. I have always thought that if I was a woman I would have nothing to do with men...in a sexual way. Nope, not attracted to other women myself. I just wonder if women may be attracted to other women as they understand them better. For example; they can communicate better with another woman or express their feelings openly. Those have always been difficulties with men. Could this be the reason they turn to other women? I guess you would have to ask these women personally. Yes, this is one reason for some, however not all. There are various reasons why people adopt the homosexual name. Some think it's the "in" thing to do, some enjoy the excitment, some are confused, some cannot even stand within a close range of the opposite gender without being replused,some enjoy the emotional and/or sexual connection because of familiarity, some have suffered trama by the opposite or sometime same gender and it stems from a result thereof, some are wired neurologically, biologically or both from birth. It's like you said...you would have to ask that person specificly. Unfortunately most people have been taught to generalize homosexuality and believe it's just a choice or preference. Yes, there are some who choose it for their own personal reasons but they are not homosexuals, they are just behaiving in a homosexual manner. Homosexual tendencies can also become fluid over the course of a life time. True homosexuals have no choice just as true heterosexuals have no choice. I hope this can shed some light on the subject a bit. As for the original question...I believe the percentage is much higher than what statistics show's. If we didn't have the negative stigmatism that society and religion attach to same gender attraction, I assure you there would be more people steppin up! Commin out of the closet would be more like commin out of the auditorium! ![]() |
I read yesterday that 60 percent of women find other women sexually attractive. I can't say that I have ever found a woman sexually attractive. I have said "she is a beautiful woman" but I did not want to sex her up. So I guess I am the minority on this one. Nothing wrong with it either way in my book. If they like it they should go for it. No.. nothing at all wrong with it. What I found interesting about the article was that older women are now beginning to feel that the love of a woman might be far superior than that of a man. I have always thought that if I was a woman I would have nothing to do with men...in a sexual way. possible evidence that sexual preference evolves based upon our experiences,, not our 'hard wiring' Sorry but this statement couldn't be farther from the truth! ![]() it will never be proven either way,, just theories,,, Ahhh but there is proof my dear...I'm one of them ![]() that is not proof of HOW you became 'one of them' ![]() But I never "became" I already was and so was many others. We are just variations just like some were born left handed or green eyes or albinos ect. I also want to thank everyone for being opened minded about different orientations. Namaste! ![]() |
I read yesterday that 60 percent of women find other women sexually attractive. I can't say that I have ever found a woman sexually attractive. I have said "she is a beautiful woman" but I did not want to sex her up. So I guess I am the minority on this one. Nothing wrong with it either way in my book. If they like it they should go for it. No.. nothing at all wrong with it. What I found interesting about the article was that older women are now beginning to feel that the love of a woman might be far superior than that of a man. I have always thought that if I was a woman I would have nothing to do with men...in a sexual way. possible evidence that sexual preference evolves based upon our experiences,, not our 'hard wiring' Sorry but this statement couldn't be farther from the truth! ![]() it will never be proven either way,, just theories,,, Ahhh but there is proof my dear...I'm one of them ![]() |
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Fri 10/21/11 07:38 PM
1 Corinthians 6:9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders Not intending to make a thread drift but food for thought: The word "Homosexual" didn't come into existance til the 40's. The translater use the closest word to decribe sodimites which were the one's exploiting the temple male prostitutes (Johns). Homosexuality has gotten a bad wrap because of it ![]() |
I read yesterday that 60 percent of women find other women sexually attractive. I can't say that I have ever found a woman sexually attractive. I have said "she is a beautiful woman" but I did not want to sex her up. So I guess I am the minority on this one. Nothing wrong with it either way in my book. If they like it they should go for it. No.. nothing at all wrong with it. What I found interesting about the article was that older women are now beginning to feel that the love of a woman might be far superior than that of a man. I have always thought that if I was a woman I would have nothing to do with men...in a sexual way. possible evidence that sexual preference evolves based upon our experiences,, not our 'hard wiring' Sorry but this statement couldn't be farther from the truth! ![]() |