Community > Posts By > heavenlyboy34

heavenlyboy34's photo
Mon 09/03/12 12:25 PM
Not yet, but I love you people anyway. flowerforyou flowerforyou love love smitten smitten flowers

heavenlyboy34's photo
Mon 09/03/12 12:10 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Mon 09/03/12 12:27 PM
Is there such a thing? As Dr Amy-Jill Levine of Vanderbuilt explains it in her Old Testament lecture series, the stories of origin in the Hebrew bible, Torah, etc are lifted from Babylonian myth and the rest is partly or mostly myth (it is not even universally accepted among scholars that King David was a real person). Thanks! drinker

heavenlyboy34's photo
Fri 08/31/12 08:25 PM

ok then we want jerks

Honestly...I don't know what the hell ladies want.

I am, however, convinced that it is neither of the two extremes...For the most part, anyway, some of you are really weird.smokin

I'm the weirdest of them all!!11!! :banana: :banana: pitchfork :angel:

heavenlyboy34's photo
Fri 08/31/12 12:51 PM
funny laugh

heavenlyboy34's photo
Fri 08/31/12 12:36 PM
Single, but got a crush on a cute young lady. love smitten

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 08/30/12 11:11 PM
A very passionate performance of Habanera, dedicated to a young lady I have a big ol' crush on love

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 08/30/12 05:37 PM

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 08/30/12 02:22 PM

"this is exactly how Nice Guys operate, treating all encounters with women as a form of speed dating and then getting annoyed when its revealed that the woman getting coffee was, in fact, actually getting coffee rather than cruisin for an emotionally co-dependent shitstorm"

Hahaha! laugh
laugh laugh

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 08/30/12 11:36 AM

Krupa's journey, from Texas to Oregon,
began early this morning.
Two+ years in the making.
2200 miles to roll through.
His first night's target is El Paso.

He has deserts, the Rockies to cross,
and wildfires to pass through.

I shall update his progress, daily.
Safe travel, love :-)

Looks like El Kruppa is going through Phoenix on the way. Maybe I'll see him around. :banana: drinker

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 08/30/12 11:02 AM
There are nice guys and Nice Guys. The Mr Nice Guy who generally ends up whining about how women treat him isn't failing because of their niceness. It's because they make themselves boring, pandering doormats who frankly act un-manly thinking that will impress women.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 08/28/12 01:54 PM
smokin' hot! C'est si bon, l'amour! love love

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 08/28/12 01:13 PM
uber hot love flowerforyou

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 08/28/12 01:12 PM
I don't have any experience with ADHD, but I practice Kung Fu. As I've been told, martial arts help people with attention problems learn to focus the mind. ADD-care has a good reputation (I've never had experience with it, though).

heavenlyboy34's photo
Mon 08/27/12 11:03 PM

Not necessarily. For one what is your routine and progression like. Second what is your diet like. If you are not eating enough you won't grow.

As far as diet-3 eggs with salsa, cheese, and sour cream for breakfast and a protein shake. (sometimes I have the shake mid morning)

for lunch, I have a protein of some sort with a spinach salad topped with fruit, nuts, and dressing.

mid afternoon, another protein shake

Dinner, at least a fistfull worth of protein, some cooked side veggies and another spinach salad

I also usually have a banana in the morning, whether I hit the gym or not. Sometimes I have desert, but not necessarily.

I mostly drink water, but sometimes I like gingerale and sweet tea.

Studied originally to be a dietician and long been an advocate of eating a good diet to have optimum health.

I am not a fan of drinking protien shakes because I often find people ignore the need to have lots of water to keep the shakes from not stressing the kidneys/renal and other systems. Epic fail if you build muscle and collasp your kidneys or liver or end up with rotten teeth and fractures because this diet still sounds low on calcium. Be devoted to having your annual blood tests and tell you doctor honestly how much you are consumeing of food suppliments and any vitamins and herbs ect. Some of vitamins, minerals, and other incredients are toxic in the doeses some people who don't take advantage of a PROFESSIONAL licensed dietician to review your overall consumption. Actually a Dietician is more highly skilled than most general practicioners.

What is conspicuously absent from your diet is water, dairy specificlly whole milk, fat, and complex sugars for energy. Sweet tea unless it is green tea at night is on the wrong end of the day and probably not that good for you if it is white cane sugar or corn syrup.
It is Excellent that you are Not includeing a lot of sodas, energy drinks, or caffine.

It is important to keep in mind that Fat for an otherwise healthy active adult is not a bad thing if it is kept in percentage appropriate to other food groups. Yes unsaturated fats are best but not exclusively.

Try adding some avocados, olive oil, fish oil, real butter, small amounts of mayo, whole grain pasta and oats. Maybe some nut butters. And maybe even a dab of dark chocolate. The earlier in the day you eat fat colories the better because it converts to energy and muscle rather being stored as fat around your middle.

My concern is that your photos look like you are very lean and it would be easy for you to actually loose weight so I weigh yourself at least weekly. I would also make certain that you have a complete endocrine check to make sure you don't have any issues there.

Hope this helps.

Thanks! drinker Sorry I forgot my water consumption. My goal is 80 oz a day, but I tend to fall short of that by ~half most of the time. grumble I sometimes drink sweet tea. Water is my drink of choice, though. Thanks for mentioning my pic. I need to update that-it's quite old. I'm a little bulkier now.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Mon 08/27/12 10:53 PM


No one is going to invade Iran.

Their nuclear enrichment facilities and nuclear weapons related
activities are just going to be dismantled. Possibly by the Iranians
themselves, but if not, Iran's nuclear development programs will be
dismantled by force.

There is an international consensus that radical Islamic terrorist
sponsoring theocracies like Iran must never obtain nuclear warfare

Hopefully, Iran will bow to international pressure, honor their NPT
commitments and dismantle their nuclear weapons related programs
verifiably on their own terms soon.

They would be fools to comply by others demands. Would we ? And we have a history of useing weapons of mass destruction, not only the droping of the atom bombs on Japan, twice, but more recent in our indiscrimanate use of "agent orange" in vietnam, but more recently in the no fly zone in Iraq . So true, their more likely then not be a major war, although thats still purely wishfull thinking for now. Iran has every right to do as they wish in their country. No one has a right to determine what another country does. Id be more concerned with N. Korea, but messing with them is not wise either. Covert ops are more likely then not already attempting to undermind Irans infrustruter in hopes of depleting funds needed to continue their endeavers. They would be fools to allow any one to dictate what they will do or not do. If a war does start, our being spread so thin will not be good. Besides, nuclear ambition is but the ruse to invade, good luck, as this will be a war that no one wins, Iran has had years to prepare for invasion. It is foolish to invade Iran, Iran is not going to dismantle anything. Doing so would clearly undermine their own National Security. Only fools would bow to the international community which in reality is the USA, the EU, and the NATO nations. Who then influence the influence the countries that depend on aide to go along with them if you want aide to continue. So the so called "civilized world are the wons preparing for war anyway, dispite the consiquences because of the profits to be made. Whats holding us back from invading Iran? China and Russia. Not the so called civilized word. Thats some other imaginary place. The reality is war is profit, and we WANT THE MIDDLE EADT. Period.

Well said, sir! (your previous post as well, btw) drinker drinker drinker drinker

heavenlyboy34's photo
Mon 08/27/12 10:05 PM
not to me, but seems cool drinker

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 08/25/12 08:40 PM
Pie! drool :banana: :banana: :banana:

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 08/25/12 11:08 AM

heavenlyboy34's photo
Fri 08/24/12 04:06 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Fri 08/24/12 04:07 PM
single for now, but a hot commodity. Better get me while you can, ladies! :wink: :wink:

heavenlyboy34's photo
Fri 08/24/12 01:54 PM
most likely to fall off the bar laugh