Obama Today on Iraq...
i guess if i look at you hard. that would be a threat to.
Next Bank to Go Belly UP
i starting one this year, no not farmer brown. got corn tomatoes. need them without poison. but been hot here. corn not doing to well.
Obama Today on Iraq...
don't no about fanta. but for me I'm to old to fight. i live buy one rule shoot first. worry about it later.
Who is right ?.
vote for choice number three. none of the above.
i wish i could be a American racist. but crap I'm Russian no fair.
Who is right ?.
lets see whats worse. [sorry to censer but got ladies on here]. a bj or getting 1000.people killed. whats worse Clinton got that from a women. to a republican that strange a women.
Obama Today on Iraq...
hey star does you momma let you use her car.
Obama Today on Iraq...
today in Iraq. more Iraq people are murder. same thing everyday, but according to bush and McCain. its getting better.
Obama Today on Iraq...
i guess that's why in Germany they have a warrant for Donald rumsfeld arrest. another bush croonie.
OBAMA Ignores the Facts...
rule number one in the republican playbook. blame bill Clinton
Obama Today on Iraq...
well first off till brain dead bush invaded Iraq there were no terrorist there, sorry had to rain on your parade.
i just wonder who is dumb enough to support the worst president every, even worse the Nixon.
does your word now adays mean anything.
OBAMA Ignores the Facts...
lets see bush ignore the facts. there was no wmd. taking five years, over 4000 liefs have been lost. oil prices have not went down to twenty dollars a barrel like bush said, been proven Iraq did not try to buy yellow cake from Africa, Karl rove outed a CIA agent. over 1000.000 Iraq people have lost their life's. all for what. no its not freedom. my freedom is still doing good. George w bush deserves just what Saddam hussein got, i will donate my tax dollars. to hang bush.
Who is right ?.
its not about bush's war, its about living up to their word.
rush limbugh
i guess that's why ESPN fired him. guess that was a democratic fault to.
i would say yes on drilling, if not in Alaska.
i got idea. why don't we attack china. they are mean to there people like in iraq.oh we only pick on little country's. that's right.
i think i figure her out, all those chemicals in new jerseys have gotten to her.
I'm against Iraq war, but still. at 18 your a man, you no right from wrong.thats what wrong with this world today, to many bleeding hearts.