Community > Posts By > JusWannaSayHi

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 01:37 AM

Good, how are you?

der her is!!!!
c'mon me u n rare 3sum now!devil :tongue: devil :tongue:


woohooo, i is a lucky man :banana:

get em!!!

Yes, rare, come be the cream in our cookie:wink:

yeah baby!!cum on!!! lol ya know ya like dark we is sexy ass hell too!! you best ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun ova herre!
yes do like drool *runs over to jus and calleigh to join in the "fun"* bigsmile

gets da shears.... cali holdem down!!!devil
wtf?! shocked

haha lol...
good luck mandrinker

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 01:34 AM

nop,,,,,,,,i brought this thread back to say.......dont post or be an azz....ur all done and dead to me.....from here on out.......mad

does that go fur me too??ohwell

never my favorite!!!:wink: even tho u got a stupid boyfriend azzmad

LMAO!i am soooooo drunk , stoned, and toe up i cant even stop to think straight.....
wheres e at??
when ya find me one lemme know please
you called? :banana:
ahhhhhhhhh thats great man.......i knew u were u couldnt be her boyfriend......cuz shes crazy...........
do you hear this jus? noway

crazy freak....aint he

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 01:32 AM fav.
g'nite scotty!

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 01:24 AM

Im just trying to work out if that picture makes her look like a ladyboy or not..

hey!!!!!:angry: what ?? aint never seen a tranny before???

grumble*mumbles*grumble change dat damn pic t'mar! look like a lady girl...who da fud he thank he is! fudden mr.bean n chitgrumble
hey not true. jus is ALL woman. :smile:

i am a super woman!wooooooooooooooooooooooooosh!

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 01:23 AM

girls have at it!!! Hahaha u said, GURLS! NOT MANY WOMEN LIKE US ROUND! laugh laugh laugh frustrated

lmao! i did huh??? lmao!
scotty wanna watch??

Now what???huh :tongue:

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 01:21 AM

freaks are fun in the middle of the night:banana:
oh you got me thinking my naughty thoughts

ohwell so long as ya keep rare outta em it'll be fine , but he is mine n cals man!:tongue:
got it?huh

good den!bigsmile

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 01:19 AM

Im just trying to work out if that picture makes her look like a ladyboy or not..

hey!!!!!:angry: what ?? aint never seen a tranny before???

grumble*mumbles*grumble change dat damn pic t'mar! look like a lady girl...who da fud he thank he is! fudden mr.bean n chitgrumble

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 01:15 AM

I did.:banana:
put them back in the cage

:angry: i aint spendin anudder day in dat cage! i don't care whatcha do , but i aint gonna git in der! you understand me? i aint gonna go and ya cant make me damnit!!rant

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 01:13 AM


girls have at it!!!
AWWWW u still got mE! :banana: eVerythinG happenS for a reason you'll bE oK! :heart: :heart: drinker drinker

Now what???huh :tongue:

hella yeaha!!!:tongue:

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 01:11 AM
all jokes aside....i'd beat his azz

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 01:09 AM

Good, how are you?

der her is!!!!
c'mon me u n rare 3sum now!devil :tongue: devil :tongue:


woohooo, i is a lucky man :banana:

Yes, rare, come be the cream in our cookie:wink:

yeah baby!!cum on!!! lol ya know ya like dark we is sexy ass hell too!! you best ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun ova herre!
yes do like drool *runs over to jus and calleigh to join in the "fun"* bigsmile

gets da shears.... cali holdem down!!!devil

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 01:08 AM

well hell ders duh duh retard!

can u read duh word comin out my muof???

i`m still trying to figure out what your typing

me 2!

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 01:07 AM

I could go far far FAR worse..

*rolls eyes and sighs* yessss Dan, we KNOW whoa

well maybe THEY don't but 'we' do .... :laughing:

am I seeing double or are there 2 of these threads? d*mn it MUST be late ..

totally lit at the moment...yeah i may have done it twice..aint too sure ...daing i did dint i

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 01:04 AM

i think you just gave rearentery a hardon
Cool now I have a place to hang my coat.

the combination of the pic you have up and the post you just made damn near made me fall off the couch laughing
epic isnt it? shocked

rare i think cotton has a crush
oh? how so? huh

well he comminted you first thang...never said nuthin else but about you ... sounds like a crush to me...whatchu thank??

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 01:01 AM

There's always a sink full of water and a finger..

well hell ders duh duh retard!

can u read duh word comin out my muof???


Y O U ? ? ?


poor thang aint been right ever since he jumped on that broom stick...sure is a pittyful thang to have to live like that....

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 12:57 AM

hey are you tonight?

*in sexy itallian voice*

how u doin?smokin
laugh laugh

u never responded to my answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am sooooooooooooopssssssssssssssssed off at you!

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 12:56 AM

Good, how are you?

der her is!!!!
c'mon me u n rare 3sum now!devil :tongue: devil :tongue:


woohooo, i is a lucky man :banana:

Yes, rare, come be the cream in our cookie:wink:

yeah baby!!cum on!!! lol ya know ya like dark we is sexy ass hell too!! you best ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun ova herre!

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 12:55 AM

there is always the washing maching

dude!!! that friggin pic is for real fuddin wit my eyes and mind...nochit!!surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 12:52 AM

what you drinking tonight?

drinker drinker drinker

salvia tea n pot ....u?

*starts sayin wif cal*
baby u purdy tonat! les go in cheer n .........oops drool


JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 12:49 AM

what a softy !! laugh laugh the 2 ply had a reply !!laugh

soon he'll get rippled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl