Community > Posts By > trackcoachred

trackcoachred's photo
Wed 02/21/18 09:00 PM

Will look into that flavor of ice cream. But still not buying the dark chocolate. I suspect you secretly crave spinach instead. :grinning:

Your suspicions are correct actually, lol. My body always craves the greens. When I'm not craving chocolate that is. bigsmile

I missed this one. I credit my Grandma for convincing a 7 year old me that eating spinach like Popeyes would give me muscles like Popeye! It was some time before I realized bulging forearms were not that appealing but by that time it was too late. I was addicted to spinach :grinning:

I happen to like bulging forearms, slightly bulging that is.

The two things I notice right away on a man are his eyes and his forearms. Not sure why, guess I'm just a little weird.

I didn't like spinach as a kid, but later developed a taste for it. I prefer it raw in salads, or cooked in things like omelets or on my pizza.

I liked it, ate it, but no luck on the bulging forearms..
I still enjoy spinach in all it's various forms.. kind of interesting with certain foods. I am not a fan of greens in general but there is something about spinach that I think connects me to my memories of my grandma. I also love mounds candy bars, but hate coconut. Very weird, but my mom loved mounds so they were very available and that connection stays with me.

not weird, just your personal preferences.

Hmmm... Mounds candy bars are made with dark chocolate! biggrin

And you're right, it's not really weird, just preferences.

To get back on topic, I wonder if some of our needs are personal preferences as well?

We all have basic needs, but each of us have our own individual needs. Are those preferences, or something more innate?

More food for thought.

I almost missed this. Ok.. but this is top secret.. you are not able to tell anyone.. shhhhhh.... I like dark chocolate, but I do like milk chocolate better... but I do NOT like coconut... I do like mounds

On topic.. the need question is pretty deep.. and I wonder if it doesn't matter. In other words if you believe you need something.. are convinced of it. Even if it's technically a want or a preference, the lack of that elusive whatever, might prevent you from being all you can be.

Other than our basic needs, I believe most of what we "need" is in fact something a little less critical then "need" but obviously at times in our life we see these non-basic things as needs and that occupies much of our attention until they are either met or we grow and learn and determine that it's not a need.

Okay.. it's past my bedtime, so sorry if that doesn't make sense.

trackcoachred's photo
Wed 02/21/18 08:22 PM
stay. Would definitely be to my advantage.

trackcoachred's photo
Wed 02/21/18 08:03 PM
Chariots of Fire.. and I have watched over and

trackcoachred's photo
Wed 02/21/18 08:02 PM
At a different time, when I was younger, kissing was a technique that led to a goal. To be honest, today, if I had to choose just a few kisses to experience in life instead of all. I would choose the following:
1. Good night kisses for my four children when they were little and my two grandchildren at bedtime.
2. A kiss on my cheek from someone very special when waking from open heart surgery, knowing she was there waiting for hours.
3. My first kiss... of course. (trust me totally without "technique", the poor girl.
4. Kissing my mom's forehead during her final moments in 2004.
5. All of the kisses that I chose not to give, in spite of being tempted, that would have been amazing in the moment and so hurtful in the long run.

I know.. sorry if this is off-topic.

trackcoachred's photo
Wed 02/21/18 07:42 PM
So much I saw was beautiful. This topic made me think though.
1. Watching Prince ( a quarter horse) run like the wind out to the pasture after spending a rainy day inside.
2. Passing my daughter-in-laws art work that hangs on a nearby wall and taking time to appreciate it.
3. My 4 year old granddaughter's smile when I stopped by to drop something off and she raced to open the door. She makes me feel like a super-hero and her smile is beautiful.
4. The sky on the way home.. hard to describe, but a winter sky that caught my attention.
5. My bed.. which is calling me loudly...laughs.

trackcoachred's photo
Wed 02/21/18 07:36 PM
I don't believe I am currently thinking. Although not sure.. will give it some thought.

trackcoachred's photo
Wed 02/21/18 07:34 PM
Darn, I was hoping to win, but apparently too late.. Unless... hmmm... yes.. apparently I won. I would like to thank all of the little people who made this possible. :smile:

trackcoachred's photo
Wed 02/21/18 06:22 AM
182 and 6’. Am most comfortable in running shape at 175. But had to take some time off running but back at it.

trackcoachred's photo
Tue 02/20/18 08:54 PM

Inside a Depth of Show
An empty world of empty halls
Empty mirrors and empty walls
A low dark blackness invades

Seeking for that inner glow
The empty dreams and empty throws
Empty goals as empty knows
Seeking room for which to grow

Is there still a dream to dare
When empty life is oh so bare
And dreams of love are twisted fast
Into a dream that cannot last
Inside a depth of show

Inside a depth of show
The love of life we all must know
Is but a dream, a cross to bare
To show all others we seem to care
Is but inside a depth of show

Inside this empty depth of me
All the things I want to be
Inside this empty depth of show
All the things that you should know

The gentle squeeze of a warm embrace
A soothing touch upon my face
Tender feelings I wish to know
I hide from my depth of show

All of that which I once was
Now drifts out as empty flow
Inside this empty depth of show
Inside this empty depth of show

LOL, wow, I can't write poetry worth a damn.
But hey, I tried to express some of what I feel inside.
I guess I get hungup on the rhyming?
Probably could make a lot more sense if I just wrote it...

It's actually very good. You have a gift.

trackcoachred's photo
Tue 02/20/18 08:42 PM

Will look into that flavor of ice cream. But still not buying the dark chocolate. I suspect you secretly crave spinach instead. :grinning:

Your suspicions are correct actually, lol. My body always craves the greens. When I'm not craving chocolate that is. bigsmile

I missed this one. I credit my Grandma for convincing a 7 year old me that eating spinach like Popeyes would give me muscles like Popeye! It was some time before I realized bulging forearms were not that appealing but by that time it was too late. I was addicted to spinach :grinning:

I happen to like bulging forearms, slightly bulging that is.

The two things I notice right away on a man are his eyes and his forearms. Not sure why, guess I'm just a little weird.

I didn't like spinach as a kid, but later developed a taste for it. I prefer it raw in salads, or cooked in things like omelets or on my pizza.

I liked it, ate it, but no luck on the bulging forearms..
I still enjoy spinach in all it's various forms.. kind of interesting with certain foods. I am not a fan of greens in general but there is something about spinach that I think connects me to my memories of my grandma. I also love mounds candy bars, but hate coconut. Very weird, but my mom loved mounds so they were very available and that connection stays with me.

not weird, just your personal preferences.

trackcoachred's photo
Tue 02/20/18 08:28 PM

The child of the women's new toxic femist movment...MGTOW. Women in the work place claiming sexual harrasment when a guy doesn't call the back after a date...

Women accusing men of rape and after 20 years of prison, they admit there was no rape....but the man comes out severely raped and mentally destroyed.

Men being called sperm donors, yet women hail themselves and the be all of creation...forgetting that with out the spirit of men there can be no more women...

Women accusing men of sexual assault because of bummpimg into a boob or slapping a butt, after "remembering" the event 29 and a half years later??????????
Only to destroy someone's career....

Is this the end of the human race?!?! At least there may be a cold war on between the sexes...

Is it just too dangerous to date today?? The "me too" movment has turned into a patriarch destruction movement....many of these dike inspired movement are only too eager to say "Yes! destroy the fathers!"

Sooooooo, where do you weigh in on this subject???...Much to do about nothing or the end of dating in the future? Is this why Japan is investing billions in sexual robots??? Personally, I can just do with out
Any energizer bunnies....

Here’s how I see it.

I find it as appalling that a woman would ruin a mans reputation unjustly as I do a man groping an unwilling woman and dismissing it as no big deal. Unfortunately, they are usually the only ones who actually know the truth of what happened.

MGTOW, are a group of grown men who are capable of making their own life decisions.

All three of these practices are extreme cases and not how the majority of people behave or feel. So I don’t believe this will have any real effect on relations between men and women in the near future or distant.

I agree. I suspect that daylight shed on some of these issues will hopefully make men who disrespect women think twice and find that bad hurtful behavior does not have social acceptance and men who are victims of false accusations may find wisdom in avoiding certain compromising situations that leave them vulnerable.

Even so, extreme cases are as old as the planet and there will always be innocent victims.

Wow... my first paragraph is one really long, run-on sentence. I really should edit this, but ... on second thought, if my logic is flawed, no one will notice because they are so frustrated with my grammar.. decision made.. it stays.. :)

trackcoachred's photo
Tue 02/20/18 07:42 PM

Will look into that flavor of ice cream. But still not buying the dark chocolate. I suspect you secretly crave spinach instead. :grinning:

Your suspicions are correct actually, lol. My body always craves the greens. When I'm not craving chocolate that is. bigsmile

I missed this one. I credit my Grandma for convincing a 7 year old me that eating spinach like Popeyes would give me muscles like Popeye! It was some time before I realized bulging forearms were not that appealing but by that time it was too late. I was addicted to spinach :grinning:

trackcoachred's photo
Tue 02/20/18 03:45 PM
Wow this is awesome! I never win these things. What’s the prize? Oh wow. I almost screwed up. Don’t answer. Just mail it to me. Yes, ups is fine. I am very excited!

trackcoachred's photo
Tue 02/20/18 03:37 PM
Not looking for a date but from what I have seen on the forum, those who are looking would be fools not to try. :grinning:

trackcoachred's photo
Tue 02/20/18 03:34 PM
Thinking about conflict resolution and a teaching opportunity. Trying to focus on the latter even though the former is uncomfortable!

trackcoachred's photo
Tue 02/20/18 11:30 AM

I imagine so

Yes and very nice as well. :grinning:

trackcoachred's photo
Tue 02/20/18 05:03 AM

<~Okay people. You finally wore me down.

Not putting down your prior box with the words “” ok don’t remember the words lol. That was certainly very attractive but this is much better. I suspect everyone is happier. :grinning:

Hey there Coach. I do like seeing the people I’m talking with. I’m just shy and live in a small gossipy part of town. Lol! embarassed

I know you mean “helpfully curious and generous with information “ . You accidentally said “gossipy”. You are welcome. Here to help. Lol

trackcoachred's photo
Mon 02/19/18 08:46 PM

Good Raining Monday Morning, M2...

But very warm and rainy. :grinning:

trackcoachred's photo
Mon 02/19/18 08:44 PM

<~Okay people. You finally wore me down.

Not putting down your prior box with the words “” ok don’t remember the words lol. That was certainly very attractive but this is much better. I suspect everyone is happier. :grinning:

trackcoachred's photo
Mon 02/19/18 08:41 PM
Just friendship