Community > Posts By > thatonepoet

thatonepoet's photo
Sun 03/03/13 07:39 PM
85% of the girls within 100 miles havent been on in over a month frustrated Makes finding someone hard.

thatonepoet's photo
Sun 03/03/13 07:36 PM
People not having anything written in there profile. If you cant describe yourself, do you know yourself?

thatonepoet's photo
Sat 03/02/13 01:03 AM
I wish i knew how to get into publishing spock

thatonepoet's photo
Thu 02/28/13 03:00 AM
Like my profile headline says, even i call myself weird winking

thatonepoet's photo
Thu 02/28/13 02:58 AM
He has so much love to share.
But all he can do is pull out his hair.
His life's not fair. His heart has nothing to wear.
Getting lost in his dreams.
Caught up on the light love gleams.
Falling apart at the seams.
As his heart just steams.

I will use my mind to find her.
I will do all i can to make time defer.
All at a price for two.
Its for her so i'll pursue.
If she thinks i'm untrue.
I'll be sure to show her a great taboo.

Come with me to where we are forbidden.
We'll go where everyone else didn't.
I can be your seven.
You can be my eleven.
Together we are eighteen.
Are you ready for the math scene?
Half of us would be nine.
That is the number of the divine.
No matter what you times us by we'll always add back up to nine.

thatonepoet's photo
Thu 02/28/13 02:56 AM
Like my one glove.
If feels like in this i am alone.
Like the one dove.
From the nest it was thrown.
Like my love.
Its seems like i can never atone.

Feeling like a circle with a straight line.
Feeling like a worshiper with no shrine.
A leaf without a vine.
A girl that wont be mine.
To a life we must assign.
To a plan we must design.
To a life we must combine.
To a plan we must refine.
To our lives we must intertwine.

Like my one glove.
If feels like in this i am alone.
Like the one dove.
From the nest it was thrown.
Like my love.
Its seems like i can never atone.
You know i'd follow you into the unknown.
I'd give you a living stone.
For you I'd break my own wishing bone.
Until by the wind, I am overblown.

thatonepoet's photo
Thu 02/28/13 02:54 AM
One dream.
Took a knife through my seam.
Broke apart what was once reality.
Slowly losing my vitality.
I will go insane.
Its all too much to maintain.
The pain will just sustain.
As if trying just goes in vain.
It would only take one flame.
In order to change the worlds name.
To change it from what it has became.
The devil is not to blame.
Only those who won't take aim.
They shall be considered the lame.
Battleground heaven.
I'll join gods army as number eleven.
Posted in his garden.
Waiting for the ground to unharden.
Disguised as a rose.
Taking down all who oppose.
Killing for the greater good.
In this world we should.
David wasnt blamed by god.
So i will join his squad.

Wrote that back in 2010, wasnt sure about putting in on here but oh well

thatonepoet's photo
Thu 02/28/13 02:51 AM
Reaching out for the light.
Doing what i can to end this fight.
I know whats right.
To find my peace in the cold of night.
Can you feel my vibe?
I'd let you join my tribe.
Just stand on my left side.
You can join me on this ride.

I'll keep my heart open.
If you can make sure it doesn't get broken.
My shell you wont have to reopen.
If you just make this love spoken.
I'll hold on tight.
With the grip of the words i write.

I am someone you can trust.
I know for this love you must.
I'll never go far.
But i'll always bring you back a star.
Do whatever i can to fix your scar.
Don't let heart break hold you back.
Mines broken but still beating.
It a token for the fleeting.
It explains why we had such a good meeting.

thatonepoet's photo
Thu 02/28/13 02:49 AM
I want someone who's arms i can cuddle.
I want someone who will lay with me in the puddle.
We won't need to be picked up.
We'll just fill up each others cup.

As the rain goes down the drain.
As our shame brings us fame.
When i say your name.
I want you to make me tame.
All i need is your answer
To turn my heart into a dancer.

If i told you i was vulnerable.
If i told you i was broken.
Would you make me invulnerable.
Would you be outspoken.

Would you show me honor?
Or would you be a goner?

thatonepoet's photo
Thu 02/28/13 02:48 AM
My heart is aching.
My hands wont stop shaking.
In a bed with only sheets.
They dont reflect anothers beats.

In a battle for survial.
I'll stand by you from arrival.
Its how we survive.
Its how love can arrive.

Join me on an adventure.
Into the void we'll venture.
You wont get hurt.
All your pain i'll convert.
Into something like sand.
That i can pour into your hand.

thatonepoet's photo
Thu 02/28/13 02:47 AM
Where to look and what to find.
Will you be one of my kind?
What I've seen.
And what I've done.
Made my own scene.
And made it run.

To change your reality.
You must lose your mentality.
Think you'll go insane?
Wait for the picture that's left to remain.

Rewritten like a versus.
Don't worry its not a curse.
Although it couldn't get much worse

thatonepoet's photo
Thu 02/28/13 02:44 AM
There is a light in the distance.
Its calling for assistance.
To prolong it's existence.
All it needs is persistence.

There is a spot in the dark.
Left and forgot like a car in park.
No one to change the gears.
No one to stop my fears.

Would you come to the light?
And join me in this fight?
Or would you join the night?
And bring on more of the blight?

Two powers which to none they can compare.
All thats left is to prepare.
If you know your place.
Its my heart you'll embrace.

I went right into your mind.
And left with us entwined.
Searching like i was blind.
But out i came with you in my bind.

thatonepoet's photo
Thu 02/28/13 02:44 AM
All I am is broke.
All I can do is choke.
When I see your face.
I come in first at the race.
Then lose with my speech.
But I still know your in my reach.

thatonepoet's photo
Thu 02/28/13 02:41 AM
Love lead me on.
Let me go like a fawn.
I'll run. I"ll run.

Where are the arms.
That open up like swarms.
Love can sting.
Its worth hearing wedding bells ring.

Am i stupid?
To try to be cupid?
I try when i sleep.
Only to wake to the sound of myself weep.
Am i weak or am i strong?
Am i wrong?
Or is that the backwards way of right?
Like the sun in my night.
Like the run in my fight.
A moon with heat.
That keeps my heart skipping a beat.

All these voices.
Telling me all about my choices.
Choosing the right path.
Is like doing Albert Einstein's math.
Four paths on a two way street.
At an intersection where no one meets.

I wonder whats next?
Should i find a way out of the hex?
Calling out for a spirit.
Listening for a new way to hear it.
Don't run. Don't run.

Its a friend.
Who's stuck with you in this bend.
Guard go down.
Now I'm shattered on the ground

thatonepoet's photo
Thu 02/28/13 02:33 AM
When it comes to relgion and science, what kind of questions would you have? I'd wanna known about they thought about how we conduct ourselves has humans and how we treat our planet. I should've put that in my intial post.

thatonepoet's photo
Thu 02/28/13 12:35 AM
If you were contacted by an advanced alien civilization, what questions would you have for them?

thatonepoet's photo
Tue 02/26/13 03:02 AM
I believe, also in Chi and the abilty to share energy with others. Would you consider telepathy plays a part in someones abilty to pick up on vibes around them?

thatonepoet's photo
Tue 02/26/13 02:46 AM
Any advice?

thatonepoet's photo
Tue 02/26/13 02:31 AM
Edited by thatonepoet on Tue 02/26/13 02:33 AM
I love you like my spaceship
Fall and break my hip
Yes i trip
Its all about getting back up again
Held up like my chin
Yes i sin
But Gods where I've always been

I asked for your powers
Now i feel like jumping from the twin towers
You broke me like a coward
Like all the worlds milk has been soured
My spirts been tainted
As if my soul has tainted
My life has changed
My thought process rearranged
Praise lord Jesus
Its the truth he sees in us

I hope that one doesnt offened anybody and if it does i'm saying sorry now.

The next one i wrote when i became drug free.

Wasted breath
Leads to death
Take my advice and dont roll the dice
Keep your life to a normal nice
Marrying drugs and the brain
Man thats a brutal stain
If you find the gain
Its only a preception
Trying to get a little reception
My reality
I've put my brain through brutality
Gave it a beating
Waiting for that new meeting
Its all deceiving
Like how i barter
I'm my own martyr

Please let me know what you think about these and if you like them i'll share more. I have alot, some are long, and some are just four liners. I would like your criticism be it good or bad.

thatonepoet's photo
Tue 02/26/13 02:06 AM
I've added alot of stuff.