Community > Posts By > nyquil73

nyquil73's photo
Mon 05/26/08 02:24 PM
Nine Inch Nails

nyquil73's photo
Mon 05/26/08 02:19 PM
She Wants Revenge
True Romance

nyquil73's photo
Mon 05/26/08 02:00 PM
If you look at the cost and stresses and such that comes with having kids... you'll never have them, Kids are great and worth it.

Mine are a handful and can be a pain (most of the time) but i would never change a thing about them.

nyquil73's photo
Mon 05/26/08 01:56 PM

nyquil73's photo
Mon 05/26/08 01:55 PM

nyquil73's photo
Mon 05/26/08 01:52 PM
its always at the worst time when I first bought my house the heater went out on the first big snow storm

nyquil73's photo
Mon 05/26/08 01:18 PM
Radio Head
Carma Police

nyquil73's photo
Mon 05/26/08 01:08 PM
yes I am and right now taking a break from trying to kick the habit

nyquil73's photo
Mon 05/26/08 01:07 PM
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Can't Stop

nyquil73's photo
Mon 05/26/08 12:54 PM
I read the books as a kid loved them can't wait to see this with the kids
glad to hear is better than the first

nyquil73's photo
Mon 05/26/08 12:51 PM

nyquil73's photo
Mon 05/26/08 12:10 PM
depends some fights are best to just let it go

nyquil73's photo
Mon 05/26/08 12:09 PM
social distortion bad luck

nyquil73's photo
Mon 05/26/08 10:46 AM
I live about 5 miles from where I grew up, most of my family left to go to Florida but I love the mountains here

nyquil73's photo
Mon 05/26/08 10:29 AM
snow patrol

nyquil73's photo
Sun 05/25/08 10:53 AM
off for a day with the kids, Hope everyone has a great day.

nyquil73's photo
Sun 05/25/08 10:52 AM
off for a day with the kids, Hope everyone has a great day.

nyquil73's photo
Sun 05/25/08 10:34 AM
gotta love the day shift, I won't work anything but that.

nyquil73's photo
Sun 05/25/08 10:29 AM
thanks for the lol welcome gives me that warm fuzy feeling :smile:

nyquil73's photo
Sun 05/25/08 09:57 AM
sounds like a fun day too bad you have to work tomorrow.