Community > Posts By > ddupuis

ddupuis's photo
Fri 01/18/13 02:38 PM
since I live more off of emotion than logic I can cry very easy, I care about people that dont even care about me. yep Im a cryer really bad. its all good Im proud of it. it feels good to let emotions go.

ddupuis's photo
Fri 01/18/13 11:49 AM
I think this is a trick question.

For me true love seems to be connected strongly to ah whats the words Im looking for. love at first sight type feeling. I think true love the feeling at least, is that a sense that you want and need to be with this person. Normally this feeling is great for passion but bad for long term relationship. If I was you, and I could be wrong, but if I was you I wouldnt focus on true love. I would focus on finding somone you like, someone that cares for you and can make you happy, and let that, slowly blossom. after 10 years, after your sure you dont want anyone else, doesent that generate your true love feeling?

ddupuis's photo
Fri 01/18/13 11:41 AM
Edited by ddupuis on Fri 01/18/13 11:42 AM


No, don't think I am

Not to be nosy ... but what makes you say that??spock

I've gotten all kinds of reasons, from not being pretty enough to having tattoos.

Im new here and I read your post no Im not datable not beautiful enough too many tattoos. are you kidding? seriously? Allthough everyone has beauty inside that is always datable, its just that men (and women) dont look for it, you also are beautiful on the outside. if someone hurt your feelings in the past im sorry, but to me you are beautiful. and thats the outside I didnt get to know you yet. :)

ddupuis's photo
Fri 01/18/13 11:16 AM
god I mist be bored thats why Im replying to all the threads lol

Sex chat cyber whatever you wanna call it is not necessarily bad. BUT, since its hard to know the person at the other end, the chemistry and passion isnt always there. so when a lady has sex chat with a guy (sorry guys) thats rude disrespectful and mean, its a turn off.

sometimes, it can be as powerful almost as the real thing, but for that to happen you need to know what women want, there dreams passions fantasies.

Since most people are selfish, they dont care, and it doesent work.
There are the rare romantics that can pick up on women's pleasures.

But every year its less and less. so sex chat isnt bad. but do it in private with the right person, after you know their goals and dreams. then it will work. If you care about the person at the other end.

ddupuis's photo
Fri 01/18/13 10:57 AM
ok Im gonna shut this conversation down with my opinion, is sex all men want? well let's do some math. is it harder for men to find women to love them, or women to find men? well in the old caveman days the men had the power. But now it's 2013 women have analyzed men for a very long time, and khow what to do to hit our buttons. (We actually killed our power ourselves with television, sex, tv ads, slim women, hell even beer commercials, sports. pretty much everything) so it seems like we are not even equal to women anymore. they have the power.

So this brings up the issue that it is harder for guys to be happy. It now takes longer to find love. I strongly believe that not having sex, confidence, company, can lead to depression. which makes it even harder for men to be with someone.

Is sex all that men want? no, but since it takes a while, when we finally feel that we might be happy again, the sex trigger kicks in. once the sex is over and the relationship started, and the man feeling confident and happy again, then sex is not the only thing on the mind.

Anyways Im new to this site, and Im super passionate romantic, devoted, and yes sex is a strong power in my mind. Im sure once I can hold the special someone in my arms, and release those emotions, I wont only think of sex either.

There you have my opinion. maybe makes sense maybe doesent. but thats my way of thinking. Take care ladies!

ddupuis's photo
Fri 01/18/13 10:38 AM
Hi ladies just putting myself out there, check my profile maybe Im right for you. Maybe you can handle me. :)

Good luck!

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