Community > Posts By > stoneagesmurf
Alright fade, ya can email me now
Smurf change your email so I can email you silly .. I'm not within 50 miles ................ OBVIOUSLY ![]() Alright im changin it now |
Wow Smurf that's GREAT news!!! I'm not surprised though .. you seem to have your sh*t together ![]() Yea, I like to think so, and I guess its good that I haven't found somebody to slow me down, because I got to make my life better before I should think about dating, right? |
Woot woot, hey sup people. Word up on my job, my manager told me that after my 90 day raise hits, she's gonna make me assistant manager, she talked to corporate and they okayed it.
Wootness for me, still no luck with other things, but never give up hope. ![]() |
Love me Hate me Fear me
How bout not.
there ya go .. the assertive approach is always attractive ![]() Oh ill give her an assertive approach alright. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hey Smurf ... good to see ya hon .. sorry the opportunity wasn't available for ya ![]() |
What is up, sorry I haven't been on in forever, works been a b**** (yes I put the stars after the B) but hey, I got invited to a ladies house who was partying alone last night, she had a party to go to, but she didn't want to be a 3rd wheel, so she invited me to her house for the night, but it sucked cus I had to work...
(Yes she was older) ![]() |
JUGGALOS!!! Mcl!!! Just my random outburst for the day
Not to many people respect days that represent what makes our wonderful country so awesome. We all remember the dead when they die, and say "so what" every other day, for instence, remember 9-11-2001? I can remember after it happened, naibhors** lined walked outside and gave hugs and cried with other people, I remember everybody for miles lighting candles in remembrance.. Now though... its like the buildings were never there in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I love memorial day, and im not trying to bad mouth anyone in this topic, but remember the reason we have the holiday, and remember those that gave up things they will never get back.
Kk im done, and im sorry for sounding like a rant.. Didn't mean to |
Has anyone ever....
We'll be half way there when I get a hand job while drinking my coffee, and it hasn't happened yet
Men Are Like...
Men are like apples. The doctors say there good for you, you just can't figure out why...
A hurricane, calm at first then BOOM
Rain tonight
Well, where I live, we haven't gotten rain in I think a whole month
Yea, im more of a classic kinda guy
Where do you eat breakfast?
Well, when ieat breakfast (usually I don't), at mcdonalds. I rarely eat at my house and im usually on the run and need something fast
Actually, my point of view about them... they suck, their music is all fake, and they do a horrible job in acting like they play instruments. But hey, that's just my opinion