threepurpleroses's photo
Tue 01/15/13 03:47 PM
Edited by threepurpleroses on Tue 01/15/13 04:14 PM
My heart is heavy
It feels the blow
Of things that happen
It cannot control.

It’s not even
Given a chance to see,
If it could dance
And love be set free.

The stakes are high
It wants to say
Forever is
Not just a day.

Not given a chance
To show it’s true
Belies a relationship
T’ween me and you.

The pain is just
Yet another stake
Pumped thru my heart
Just like a dart.

A heart so pure
It has not found
It’s soul mate
Guess, it’s not around.:cry:

Melissa R. Thompson 1-15-2013

threepurpleroses's photo
Tue 01/15/13 04:44 AM
Passionate words, it touches my soul. Great poem! Awesome job!:wink:

threepurpleroses's photo
Tue 01/15/13 04:33 AM
flowerforyou Thank You AthenaRose2 flowerforyou

threepurpleroses's photo
Tue 01/15/13 03:49 AM

I have looked for you
My Whole life through,
You must be on a star….
I feel I’m getting closer,
Yet you seem to be so far.

The time I’ve spent
Has been well meant
I learned things
Thru and thru…

I know what I need
For you to be
To make it a
Long life true.

Where I should go
When I need you so
Gets clearer by the day,

My heart, it leads,
And, I shall follow,
Never intending to stray.

Melissa R. Thompson 1-15-2013

threepurpleroses's photo
Tue 01/15/13 03:37 AM
It spells it out so clearly.
I actually know the feelings you portray. lol

threepurpleroses's photo
Mon 01/14/13 10:37 AM
flowerforyou thank you!flowerforyou

threepurpleroses's photo
Mon 01/14/13 01:45 AM
flowerforyou Thank you for liking my poem.flowerforyou

threepurpleroses's photo
Mon 01/14/13 01:44 AM
:smile: Inspiration is the keys of writing. I am glad I could help!:tongue:

threepurpleroses's photo
Sun 01/13/13 07:25 PM
flowerforyou Thank You!flowerforyou

threepurpleroses's photo
Sun 01/13/13 06:49 PM
I waited for you......

I waited for you,
But you were not there.
You left me wondering
If you were coming back.

I spent the day thinking
Alone, in an unbearable situation
Of defeat.

When we argue and fight,
The world just does not seem right.
The love we once shared,
Where has it gone?

Have we grown that far apart?
Have we not worked on our relationship?
Have we not tried?
Now, I just sit and cry.

Is this what you are doing?
Crying, like me.
Wondering if there is any salvage
Of a love that once was?

Or have you left
Knowing it is not to be?
I hope that the love we shared is not gone.
That you will be back.

But, I just don’t know.
I pleaded with you
Not to go.
Not now. Not like this.

But you left.
And I am alone with my thoughts,
The hurt, the sadness
The not knowing what the future will bring.

No matter what,
I want you to know
There is a special piece of my heart just for you.
It will never belong to another……

I love you……Forever and always……

by Melissa R. Thompson Copyrighted 1-7-2013

threepurpleroses's photo
Sun 01/13/13 06:35 PM
Awesome truth to America's plight. Couldn't have said it better myself. Too true, and brings sadness to those of us that care.....Great poem...

:cry: for our country...

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