Community > Posts By > bluesunflower

bluesunflower's photo
Fri 07/25/08 07:05 PM
if you show an executions on tv do you really think that is going to solve anything?

i believe it would just add to the problem. society would love the "show" and next thing you know we would be sentencing innocents to death just for ratings.

jmo of course

bluesunflower's photo
Fri 07/25/08 07:01 PM

Hum, so you resent well educated foreign born people coming to the U.S. to work legally. These people will pay taxes and most likely live fairly law abiding lives in order to stay in the U.S. The U.S. is made up of immigrants after all...but that is another argument.

Perhaps you should examine the real reason this is an issue. Fat, lazy, badly educated citizens. Parents who would rather turn on the t.v. than spend time with their children assisting and educating them.

If corporations in the U.S. have to import people for skilled positions it isn't the fault of those people who worked hard to qualify for those positions it is the fault of those who chose to sit idly by content to watch t.v. instead of educate themselves.

It's called slave labor stupid.


So I guess field laborers & drug dealers fighting our border patrol along the border are educated now? What about the sex slave trade going on exploiting women & children every day?

Frankly there is no excuse. I pity people who can't see the big sell out. They must be blind.

qstepper wow you really twisted what lynann said....she said nothing about illegals in which i assume you are reffering of.

lynann i agree with your post

bluesunflower's photo
Fri 07/25/08 06:51 PM

im not sure i believe in it really.

ghandi once said that an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.

smart man

bluesunflower's photo
Fri 07/25/08 06:36 PM

just remember to take a snorkel :wink:

bluesunflower's photo
Fri 07/25/08 05:33 PM

i would but i think your roast is needing to be put in the oven.
laugh laugh laugh laugh

joking of course.

it was so tender, the potatos were good to.:wink:

i wondered how it turned out. you should come make me dinner :wink:
with or without the maid outfit:wink:

totally with the maid outfit...of course love :wink:

bluesunflower's photo
Fri 07/25/08 05:30 PM
Edited by bluesunflower on Fri 07/25/08 05:31 PM

i would but i think your roast is needing to be put in the oven.
laugh laugh laugh laugh

joking of course.

it was so tender, the potatos were good to.:wink:

you should come make me dinner :wink:

bluesunflower's photo
Fri 07/25/08 05:24 PM
i would but i think your roast is needing to be put in the oven.
laugh laugh laugh laugh

joking of course.


bluesunflower's photo
Fri 07/25/08 05:22 PM

i sooooo do...but i hate bright lights so mostly i wear shades inside stores n such...laugh
you just forget to take them off you old bittylaugh :wink:
if shes old im off the chartslaugh laugh

laugh laugh laugh

bluesunflower's photo
Fri 07/25/08 05:20 PM

i sooooo do...but i hate bright lights so mostly i wear shades inside stores n such...laugh
you just forget to take them off you old bittylaugh :wink:

oh goodness what would i do with out you :tongue: :tongue:
i dont know

oh me neither :wink:

bluesunflower's photo
Fri 07/25/08 05:16 PM

i sooooo do...but i hate bright lights so mostly i wear shades inside stores n such...laugh
you just forget to take them off you old bittylaugh :wink:

oh goodness what would i do with out you :tongue: :tongue:

bluesunflower's photo
Fri 07/25/08 05:15 PM

i sooooo do...but i hate bright lights so mostly i wear shades inside stores n such...laugh

bluesunflower's photo
Fri 07/25/08 04:42 PM

Unfortunately, bipolar has nothing to do with polar bears. It can be a serious problem, with major ups and downs. I've always like roller coasters, but the emotional ones are ridiculous!

My sister-in -law suffered from manic depression.Would you know what the difference between manic and bipolar is.She had awful mood swings.

they are the same thing just two diff names flowerforyou

bluesunflower's photo
Fri 07/25/08 04:34 PM
im cyclothymic...wich is a form of bipolar.

bluesunflower's photo
Thu 07/24/08 03:14 PM
when i was a bit younger i would have said it didnt make a diff but now i think it does if you let it.

saying that i dont really have an age range i just wont date anyone over 45.

bluesunflower's photo
Wed 07/23/08 06:35 PM

you must have found your crack lighter....laugh laugh

but really thats sweet flowerforyou

bluesunflower's photo
Wed 07/23/08 06:02 PM

my guess is mark.

as is mine as well

bluesunflower's photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:08 PM

no bars for me

but how bout some place that serves good egg rolls?? :wink:

bluesunflower's photo
Wed 07/23/08 04:44 PM

oh i guess


bluesunflower's photo
Wed 07/23/08 04:33 PM

oh i guess

bluesunflower's photo
Wed 07/23/08 03:38 PM
i just always answer with im peachy thanks for asking.

if its someone im close with i elaborate on my day but not always.

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