JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 12:48 PM
Didnt i tell you not to post my picture. :sniffle: everybody knows i play for the yankees.

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 12:37 PM
Im a libra and i still cant find one that can hang. Energy use yup. Sorry for those. Who aint got it and happy to those that dont. Happy weightlifting exist.

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 12:01 PM
I saw her once
When i was young
She grabbed my heart
And kept it then
Now ten years later
We meet again
Except this time
I asked her name.

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 11:57 AM
Ive been trying to get my poems to sound like stories so i gave this one a go.

Tim Burton is actually one of my many inspirations. I hope to be able to write many things for you all to just enjoy. Until next time ill just rant some more :smile:

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 11:02 AM
How did THAT come to be? And you already know me from our little debate.

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 10:57 AM

I enjoy your writing... and hope that I haven't offended.
A friend encouraged me to be "gentle" more.

I'll work on that.

Looking forward to seeing more.

You have not offended me my dear sir just fact is she has been there since the go. I hope your understand that you are who you will be and if you do offend me well it might have meant to be. So i tell thee my good sir should not honesty be better for a guy like me? Is it not out of respct that we say truthful things. Now "I" hope i have offended you my good sir cause if i have my apologeze(dang brain farts. How is it spelled again?)

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 10:52 AM
Hopefully we find each other soon.

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 10:42 AM
2keith what a strange way to try in someones pants. Maybe you should i dont know make sure shes down first?

Cold showers dont work after a while trust me my body just laughs at my brain and goes you wish it was that easy. I go for a touge run. Adreline spikes through the roof and after words i work out. Then maybe after all is said and done it might be the same.

The beauty of a man is that he is cursed to have an endorphine rush atleast once a day. That is why we are always happy. :banana:

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 10:32 AM
Wait....is he not famous?

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 10:29 AM
Sorry bout the bald joke for some reason it got stuck on what you said. My apology to you simplicity.

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 10:16 AM
Thank you all for reading.

Know that ive been writting for years and have been told by many to post them somewhere.

Youll pretty much know my state of mind by what i write since its pretty much how i feel. I wont post no names or hurt someones feelings. There just an expression and art form that i hope others might enjoy.

And Athena thank you. You have been reading my post since the beggining. Now i know its true what they say of you your supportive in this thing i do. For that is hard to find and men around should cherish that, y, since a women like this is hard to find.

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 10:06 AM
Im one of the few serious men who knows that he does want to find her to keep her happy. Wholl cherish and enjoy being with her and all she has to bring is...herself.

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 02:26 AM
rofl rofl rofl

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 02:13 AM
Just a word of advice, you might want to talk first isntead of just putting up your personal info. Aint safe and, no offense or disrespect, it makes you look needy.
But then again to each his own.

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 12:48 AM
I was just sitting there
Minding my business
When out of the blue
She got my attetion
She didnt do nothing
Or spoke any word
She just looked at the sky
And glowed like the moon
So i tried to remember
How to speak once again
But to no avail
I fell on my head
When i finally got up
She was gone once again
I cant wait
Till this dream comes again.

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 12:11 AM
Hi and welcome.

Take stroll
look around
if u see someone
give him a call.
Good luck to u
i wish u well
i hope u find
what u seek here.

JustANormalPerson's photo
Wed 01/30/13 12:07 AM
Can it be a video of just dodo_david?

JustANormalPerson's photo
Tue 01/29/13 11:45 PM

I just go with one

Did it hurt

Then she says what

And u answer

When you fell from heaven.

Hmmm..Didn't know peeps still use that corny pick-up line. laugh

Only when its worth it. :smile:

JustANormalPerson's photo
Tue 01/29/13 11:30 PM
I just go with one

Did it hurt

Then she says what

And u answer

When you fell from heaven.

JustANormalPerson's photo
Tue 01/29/13 11:21 PM
If my 2yo nephew likes to rock it its dope. Im thinking the guy got the idea from those teletubbies or what not. He figured hey why not.