Community > Posts By > adamjason

adamjason's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:11 AM

Love's what keeps you young and smiling no matter the people and/or problems to face. :heart: love LOVE IS FAMILY, FRIENDS, LIFE ITSELF, A GOOD NIGHT KISS, AN ENJOYABLE EVENING WITH THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE AND AFTER THAT A LIFETIME TOGETHER.

adamjason's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:10 AM

adamjason's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:05 AM
rip it

adamjason's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:04 AM
yes but what i really loved about bruce lee
is thatwhat he done in the movie he could do in real life like
the 1 inch punch or 1 finger push ups..

adamjason's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:02 AM

Very good flowerforyou flowerforyou

And in the words of Ayn Rand
"Love is a command to rise to our highest potential"

adamjason's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:00 AM

looks good, im not going to say that you need to correct your spelling...:tongue:

well i try

adamjason's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:00 AM

send that poem in its really good

thank you i will

adamjason's photo
Thu 06/12/08 11:58 PM

did u write that
if u did that was good

thank you and yes i did

adamjason's photo
Thu 06/12/08 11:55 PM
Edited by adamjason on Fri 06/13/08 12:10 AM
love is when you smile at me
love is when your not lonly
love is you and you are what i care about
love is someone i can't live without
love is when u can look in my eyes and see the lie
but still you dry my tears when i cry
love is you and you are what i love
you are what love is.......

adamjason's photo
Thu 06/12/08 11:51 PM
please tell me what you thank.....

adamjason's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:54 PM

named my son brandon lee after his son that dies in the making of the crow

the crow another great one

adamjason's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:46 PM
the best thing to do is copy and past this to your note pad and save it

adamjason's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:45 PM

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
actually u did...

thank you

adamjason's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:44 PM

do they have virgins that work at virgin mobil.....
the phone place?

I have a Virgin mobil laugh


adamjason's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:42 PM
do they have virgins that work at virgin mobil.....
the phone place?

adamjason's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:39 PM
i'm just trying to help

adamjason's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:34 PM
<3 Love, i.e. "I <3 New York" (looks like a sideways heart)
</3 Broken Heart / Hearted, i.e. "She left me and I'm </3"
adn Any Day Now
afk Away From Keyboard
afn that's All For Now
amf Adios Mother F_cker
asap As Soon As Possible
asl?, a/s/l what's your Age, Sex, and Location?
atm At The Moment
b4 Before
bbl Be Back Later
bc, b/c Because
bf Boyfriend
bfd Big F_ckin Deal
bfn Bye For Now
brb Be Right Back
btdt Been There, Done That
btw By The Way
cu See You
cya See Ya
d/w Don't Worry
dl, d/l Download, Downloading; ALSO "down low"
eg Evil Grin
emsg Email Message
f2f Face To Face
fts F_ck That Sh_t!!
fyi For Your Information
gal Get A Life
gf Girlfriend
gg, g/g Gotta Go
gl Good Luck
gmta Great Minds Think Alike
gr Gotta Run
gtg, g2g Got To Go, Gotta Go
gtsy Glad To See You
h&k a Hug and a Kiss
h/o Hold On
hb Hurry Back
hfs! Holy F_ckin Sh_t!!
hw Homework
ianal I Am Not A Lawyer but...
idk I Don't Know
im Instant Message
imho In My Humble Opinion
imo In My Opinion
irl In Real Life
jk, j/k Just Kidding
jtlyk Just To Let You Know
jw Just Wondering
k, kk Okay, alright
kit Keep In Touch
kthx Okay Thanks
kthxbi Okay Thanks, Bye
l8r Later (Goodbye)
lmao Laughing My Ass Off
lmfao Laughing My F_ckin Ass Off
lol Laughing Out Loud
ltns Long Time No See
lyl Love Ya Lots!
lylab Love Ya Like A Brother
lylas Love Ya Like A Sister
mwa a Kiss (the sound "mwa")
nc, n/c No Comment
nfl Not F_cking Likely!!
nfw! No F_cking Way!!
nm, n/m Never Mind
np No Problem
ns No Sh_t!
nvm Never Mind
oic Oh, I See
ol Old Lady (wife, girlfriend)
om Old Man (husband, boyfriend)
omg! Oh My Gosh!, Oh My God!
otp On The Phone
pal Parents Are Listening
pita Pain In The Ass
pls, plz Please
pm Private Message
pmfji Pardon Me For Jumping In
pos Parent Over Shoulder
ppl People, i.e. "lotsa ppl do that"
qt Cutie
r Are, i.e. "what r u doin tonite?"
rl Real Life
rofl Rolling On Floor Laughing
roflmao Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off
roflmaoqxz Like "roflmao" but so funny you hit extra letters.
roflpmp Rolling On Floor Laughing, Peeing My Pants
rtfm Read The F_ckin Manual!! (read the instructions, notes, etc.)
sb Smiles Back
so Significant Other
sol Sh_t Out of Luck
sos Same Old Sh_t
srsly Seriously
sry Sorry
ssdd Same Sh_t, Different Day
stfu Shut The F_ck Up
sup? What's up? or Wassup? (a greeting)
sys See You Soon
ta Thanks Again
thx Thanks
ttfn Ta Ta For Now
ttyl Talk To You Later
ty Thank You
tyt Take Your Time (common reply to brb)
u You
ul, u/l Upload or Uploading
ur Your
vn Very Nice
w.e Whatever
w/e Whatever
wb Welcome Back
weg Wicked Evil Grin
wtf? What The F_ck?
wtgp? Want To Go Private? (go to a private room)
wth? What The Heck? or What The Hell?
wts? What's That Sh_t? or What The Sh_t?
xoxo Hugs and Kisses (X's are kisses and O's are hugs)
ybs You'll Be Sorry
yt? You There?
yw Your Welcome

adamjason's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:30 PM
it came on the other day and i look up to buce lee
my self but what did you thank about

bruce lee and enter the dragon?

adamjason's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:28 PM

Don't answer the phone until you have all your other business finished. then you're both available to spend as much time as you like. Just a thought. flowerforyou

thats cool but should he get mad becouse i have to go

adamjason's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:23 PM

Do you want to spend hours and hours on the phone every night?
I don't. There's more to life than that.flowerforyou

i don't

but life is moving so slow for me

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