Order Meggie
Fancy always have a flirty buddy
Lurid lonely make always funny Entire feeling since is calmer talky Smash of a gentle is apex by Affinity. |
ugli or ugly
Be sure from my love and honest
If you been the only one ugliest To me your ugly is magnificent Cause worry sends my dependent. We two because are uglier Let us be friend so partner Alive together as nice lover Because life seem too shorter. You give me the smile back Heal my lone less this hock Do not worry on my fan tick Ongoing my life is end fleck. |
Order Meggie
Will be with you watch the day,
Hate or love will see you a day, With ! no ?? you are sweetie, LOve you Pitchaya be or Meggie. Thailand is not far from eye; By plane be there or by sea; Mountains clamp even dicey; Find lane dear to Chiangami. San Pa Tong will be mine city Causes marry dear Meggie Stay honest to her granny Respect her and all family. Let see you daily Heart yarn you baby As a friend so buddy Miss you always honey. Do not blame age so white hairy, Still person feel young too sunny, Even no teeth can be very funny, Cause love gives life so never gully. Please accept as am Because do it oh; mum What wish will boom heart for you is big dam. This poem is to you dear Show all feeling so ewer just move finger do order Fallow your all songster. |
Sarah is honest and sweetheart
Alive with husband is too brat She has two mites too elegant Has a income from accountant. On the zone; meet Sarah With nick name is Texana Believed her as is my karma Cause imagines her as dogma. In backgammon; she is adept In account; she is consultant In transaction; she is initiate She deals always refinement Cause as Dame integrate. At her first date wordy Thought she is naughty Days prove her frankly Almost she is honestly Regard her is sincerely. |
just say HI
Chatting is not trait;
room guest are expert; am illiterate one exist; how can combat cast list; with chat words are specialist. Chat always need obvious intellect; chat guests all are wise so rationalist; shame to show them I am idiocy ardent; step up ENGLISH language is fidget. Maybe you laugh or to exploit; recital the poem is written last; sure are not ideal but insurgent, show all about traits tint. |
WORRY !!!!!!!! HOPE ???????
Edited by
Sun 04/20/08 11:07 AM
Out; there in borough lonely
Your mind and heart is groggy waiting for decent propheey To solve with slog telepathy Hope is that savior mystery. Wishing to be yours sincerely Showing you all my affinity Irresistible attractive your honey Give you crack reward remedy Hope is that savior mystery. Darling your picture from destiny Delight heart mind involuntarily Moreover; grant the vision deft personality To can have dexterity wording this poetry Hopeful hoodlum; you are the lonely honey mystery. |
Wished I been literary At all seience be fluently Perhaps pigs might fly As big author ingenuity. |
to my dear !!!!!!
Wished had flirt buddy
Lurid lonely make funny Entire feeling is calmer talky Sensation because affinity. A thought old man migrant not for fun Seem hallucination Orator presentation In segregate fiction. |
“Sweet Dreams”
Necessitate let us buoyant dream as we wishing;
Realization dreams achieve usfresh new vying, Someone prevail upon fortune so have a chink; Other work firm as so anticipates bar nix ping. |
to my dear !!!!!!
Even beauty of dawn is chary Superb so shiny flecks infinity Timid night humbug is immortality Devoid of moon be twinkle shiny Though sleek of planet is infinity Faintly light almost live sparkly You exist as mete flasher firmly Glare and daze enormous galaxy. |
What If
We draw generally to have an instant playing;
Possess confer a funny time so permit kidding; Crucial live is definite besides a hard working, deserve modify spirit to skill how spate running. She wanted !!! A long poem lovely, But she knowingly Am in English usually like Mississippi nutty. |
Does she see me
![]() pull the dole to left; then try to throw it right until rest to the indigent; might you win a prize from the spirit. |
she wanted
a long poem lovely, but she knowingly; Am in English usually; like Mississippi nutty. |
The Woman in me...
Not important what to write;
The significance is to not keep on writhe To can continue live and be right. |
Always smile and never be dries,
Have long life so ever day rise. |
buddy ?????
Edited by
Thu 04/17/08 01:45 PM
I be affectionate to her similar she exist glorify,
Drained down veneration my live; she is majesty, Deprive my all soul delight in favor by her deify, Though lashes me out like fillet toward doggie. Wonder how can rub out you from my memory; And you are in my heart similar incising rocky, Isolate my self firmness to stare you every fancy. |
Gnome applies us the best of all seedy,
sound of the drums from far is nicely, loudly when being close to the drum party, better run-of-the-mill to can be live honey. Raise our passion with us since baby, looking for firmed with bless charity, success of falls depend on what wordy, cause conversation is way accountancy. Judgment of a person cannot be marginally, Handsome in the picture but heart is saucy, Dialog proves if the soul mates are similarly, Therefore future alive continue auspiciously. Hunt east and west for close buddy, Feel and see glamour of that lovely!!! picture so character any lady dearly, As old man thought alive far lonely. Without prejudice; glare mesh fancy, Fond belief and trust to the all fantasy, WE fond hopeful to your's heal vagary, Preconception and freak is fond of whimsy. |