Community > Posts By > AngelLight

AngelLight's photo
Sat 08/22/09 03:00 PM

sighhhh... yes beautiful :heart:
flowerforyou {{{AngelLight}}}

Hi (((MsT)))...thanks for the love flowerforyou

AngelLight's photo
Sat 08/22/09 02:58 PM

Gets my heart pounding:heart: smitten

Glad you like the write brwn...thanks for your input :heart:

AngelLight's photo
Fri 08/21/09 11:03 AM
Ty for this thread V, for letting us know of this loss.

FaithfulOne...I could hardly know what you need right now that would bring you comfort and, because I don't know, my prayer for you will be that you receive whatever you need to process this, in your own time and in your own way, with Love never leaving your side.

My deepest sympathy to you and your family :heart:

AngelLight's photo
Fri 08/21/09 10:44 AM
Wonderful collaboration ...

So many of your writes are contemplative and life giving brwn

And, this write goes perfectly with the pic of what appears to be a lovely. I've never seen a labryinth with a heart at the center flowers

AngelLight's photo
Fri 08/21/09 12:43 AM

Hello beautiful! Nice write! flowerforyou

Hey you, lady you good to see you again, and in those curlers of yours rofl :laughing:

Hope all is well in your world, however busy it may be flowers

AngelLight's photo
Fri 08/21/09 12:40 AM

just beautiful and serene and loving as always:heart:

Thanks (((P))), I appreciate your thoughts waving :heart:

AngelLight's photo
Thu 08/20/09 11:02 AM

Beautiful indeed!

thanks scgirl! :smile:

AngelLight's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:59 AM
May you know and experience your deepest heart's desire..

A strong and passionate write! flowerforyou

AngelLight's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:48 AM
Wow ma_t, Absoulutely lovely is right!

Sounds like "you prayed each other" into each other's existence flowerforyou

AngelLight's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:37 AM
So beautifully expressed Emmy...

You dwell within the purity of Love, with God and Soul as anchor :heart:

AngelLight's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:29 AM
Very powerful and heartfelt... aesthetic write :heart:

AngelLight's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:23 AM

this heart has rooms that lay in dust,
& ashes that once were hope.
they must be cleansed so they can mend,
my pain so i can cope.
but i can't begin the task,
for the ashes i hold to dear,
and in the dust i still recall,
that once i had love here.
there's plenty of empty for rent,
in this heart thats turned to stone,
i'd like to put out welcome signs,
but im more comfortable alone.
i stir the ashes on the floor,
& pray the dust will cover me,
in hopes that in that ancient dust,
lay some happy memories.
nightmares keep me company,
lost inside my shell,
the thoughts of loss torment me,
while im trapped inside this hell.
so i walk the lonely halls,
& listen for whats not there,
the silence is very deafining,
& it's hard to breath the air.
i find some footsteps in the dust,
follow them down a corridor,
they lead me to a giant mirror,
im with myself again once more.
there's plenty of empty rooms for rent,
in this heart thats turned to stone,
i'd like to put out welcome signs,
but i'm more comfortable alone,
i stir the ashes on the floor ,
& pray the dust will cover me
in hopes that in the ancient dust,
lay some tender memories.
i pace each day room to room,
in search of whats been lost,
all i find is dust & barren walls,
the price my loss has cost,
stiil i search every room,
& look behind every door,
in hopes to find the one that leads,
to the word outside once more

Hauntingly beautiful bedlum :heart: flowerforyou

AngelLight's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:15 AM
Nice job

I really like the flow, and the juxtaposition of words and thoughts...uniquely done :smile:

AngelLight's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:07 AM
As always, ty for your post Frank ..:heart:

AngelLight's photo
Thu 08/20/09 09:39 AM


Ty's nice to meet you flowerforyou

AngelLight's photo
Wed 08/19/09 10:08 PM

very nice angel
you have a softness about your writes...

flowerforyou flowerforyou

I appreciate that kc
...ty for stopping in and commmenting :heart:

AngelLight's photo
Wed 08/19/09 02:40 PM

:heart: This one goes to my LadyWench:heart:

On a gentle breeze
A sweet lilac scent
its fragile whisper drifts
Through the air
Like a mystical spirit
Manipulating this eagles flight.
Soft shadows dance in my mind,
Waltzing in the candlelight.
Silhouettes in a loving embrace
As I listens to the symphony of nature,
Seeing her soul in streams of moonlight
My eyes gaze upon the petals of lilacs
Like soft silk she wears.
As we sway in a loving embrace.
Exhausted breaths shatters the night
Easing into a rhythm of delight.
Exploring the borders of reality
Our lips together whisper
A lustful, loving tune.
As a cloud casts darkness across the room,
The love of the lilac comes to bloom.

This is truly beautiful ma_t, and I LOVE this line ~

"Seeing her soul in streams of moonlight"


I'm very happy for the both of you! drinker :heart:

AngelLight's photo
Wed 08/19/09 02:33 PM

Whoot following a bliss filled sigh - nicely done, Angel woman, very nicely done.......

Hey there DK waving

Ty for your input :heart:

AngelLight's photo
Wed 08/19/09 02:30 PM


Hi T...appreciate the love...right back at ya :heart:

AngelLight's photo
Wed 08/19/09 02:30 PM

waving BEAUTIFUL as always Angel!!!flowers

ma_t, I'm very glad you liked it. Thanks waving

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