Community > Posts By > HollySarah
OK, why do we need this post 4 different times in 4 different places? Goooooood question! |
I know a lot of people don't feel the same way I do, but I am 100% pro-life.
I just can't see the reasoning behind killing an innocent baby, just because someone forgot to use protection or even because of rape. I wasn't technically raped, but I did have an unwanted sexual experience (no actual intercourse) when I was 15. If it had gone farther, and I had gotten pregnant, I KNOW I could not have had an abortion. It wouldn't be the baby's fault. Why KILL it just because 'I' didn't plan it? I don't like the idea of there being a law saying you can't have an abortion..I think everyone should just have 'common sense' not to KILL an innocent baby. However, that's OBVIOUSLY not the case, so I think the law DOES need to be in place. Just my 2 cents..for what it's worth. |
Scary Movies..
It is the one. I lived in a big old farmhouse by myself with the bathroom upstairs. There was a mirror above the can so you saw out the window. I kept thinking Pennywise and those damn ballons were gonna be out there My dad played a trick on my mom after she watched the movie, 'It.' Before she got up to go to work, he got some helium balloons and was able to put them down a sewer grate. When she walked out to the car, she saw them and was scared to death! He sure got it for that one, lol! Even when he would tell the story to us or someone new, he would get a smack from her :) |
Scary Movies..
In about 1979 Original "Amittyville Horror" ME TOO!! I read the book first and got creeped out and then watched the movie and was curled up in a ball watching it, lol! I DO love scary movies though! |
not bad
So far I have showered and dressed, dropped off applications at a few nearby businesses, ran to Knoxville to check out an apartment (I soooooo need a place of my own) and now I'm back here and have cleaned the kitchen. Living room and bathroom is next. My LEAST favorite part..bathrooms, ick!
Later I'll head to the gym to do some weights and then head to the greenway for a bike ride :) |
Nope. Not I.
I don't much eat hot dogs anymore. Mainly because my favorites, Grote & Weigel and Deutschmacher can't be found down here in TN! We used to get them all the time when we lived in CT. Oh well! |
hello to all... ^_^v
I'm a day old newbie :) Have fun! |
Under 30
Yep, still under 30. Though, I've only got 5 more years until I AM 30..yikes!! How'd THAT happen???
a new fireplace
It's too hot for one right now, but I would love to have one in my house to use during the winter! Of course..I guess I need the house first, lol! No fireplaces in the apartments where I'm currently living!
OK, Who Stole The Ketchup?
It for sure wasn't me!! I HATE ketchup! Ick, yuck, gross!! :P
I never even liked it when I was a kid, go figure! Most kids do, but I was the odd one :) |
favorite movie
Favorite movie(s): Sweeney Todd, Hairspray, The Sound of Music, Brige to Silence. Yeah...I like musicals :)
Favorite tv show(s): Biggest Loser, LOST, Extreme Makeover-Home Edition. |
What was
'Fancy,' by Reba McEntire. Yeah..I'm a country fan :)
religious virgin
Well, my advice would be to talk to him and see how he feels and tell him how you feel about it.
I know it's not the 'norm' these days, that's for sure! I actually could be called the same thing..religious virgin..though I don't particularly like it put that way. I just know that I am a Christian, I love to attend church, witness to others (no, I don't badger people about it, I just share my story at appropriate times) and I just LOVE Jesus :) My beliefs are to wait on marriage to have sex. I can't say that's how it's going to be, no ifs ands or buts, but that's how I feel as of now. I don't look down on anyone else for NOT choosing those ideals though. Just my two cents :) ~Holly Sarah~ |
Question for the ladies.
I'm going with honesty!
Just finished my dinner.
I made a chicken stir-fry. Brown rice, chicken, carrots, green pepper and seasoned with salt, pepper and teriyaki sauce. It was DELICIOUS!! ~Holly Sarah~ |
I am verrrrrrrry new to sushi. I have always loved seafood, but it was always cooked :)
I recently went with my dad to a japenese buffet (like 'I' need a buffet, lol) and tried a number of different kinds. I liked most of it. There was one that stood out as a favorite, but I never did notice the names, lol! I will next time so I will know what it's all called :) ~Holly Sarah~ |
Picture Perfect
Roast Marshmallows around a fire :)
I guess I'm just odd then, lol! No big surprise :)
I like guest spots though, for the most part, so it'll be neat for me to see! ~Holly Sarah~ |
Any House MD fans!? :D
I have only seen two episodes (just happened to catch it while flipping channels) and am HOOKED!!
Gosh, how could I have gone sooo long without seeing this amazing show?? Love it :) ~Holly Sarah~ |