Community > Posts By > DanielBilliam
sliders,, ha, i remember that one! i used to watch the reruns on the sci-fi channel |
They had a show on comedy central called "TV Funhouse" ...i'm pretty sure it wasnt an SNL spinoff. It was a part cartoon sketch show, part "adult" kids show. It was so funny but they only made like 2 seasons
That, and Wondershowzen on mtv2 Anyone else? |
would you call me sexy?
how many t's in hottttttt?
Your profile is great but I think you need a different pic for your main one. Best of luck to you in your search. ![]() Haha, that's the only thing I wasn't willing to change when i started this thread. I appreciate the advice though |
Yakety Yak is funny dumb
is that a paint ball that exploded behind your head? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It makes me seem more interesting. Who wouldnt wanna meet a guy with explosions goin on behind him? You look like your name should be Blammo. Aha! I knew I started this topic for a reason! |
Not bad. I'm usually extremely skeptical of Rate My Profile posts (and my skepticism is usually justified, unfortunately), but pleased to say I know some folks who could take a lesson or two from ya. Cheers! ![]() MarsNS Thanks! |
Your hair's on fire.... ![]() That's not fire, its my aura of coolness! ![]() |
I'm luvin that sweet ass mullet!! ![]() ![]() But really, nice profile. You seem like you have a good sense of humor. Shouldn't have any problems finding a pretty girl. ![]() ha, i wish i was as hot as the guy in that pic |
is that a paint ball that exploded behind your head? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It makes me seem more interesting. Who wouldnt wanna meet a guy with explosions goin on behind him? |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Do whatcha gotta do I guess |
.....whatcha think? Be brutal, that's how newbies like me learn!
Give me the bad news
Edited by
Sat 04/05/08 08:37 PM
Cowgirls suck! ...that's what you did wrong
Q&A jokes ...enjoy!
What kinda of bees make milk?
-BOO-BEES! What would happen if you cut off your left side? -You'd be alright Have you seen Stevie Wonder's last cd? -Neither has he What do you call cheese that is not yours? -Nacho cheese What do you get when you mix LSD and birth control? -A trip without the kids Why dont bunnies make noise when they have sex? -They have cotton balls What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts? -Beer nuts are $1 and deer nuts are always under a buck What does it mean when the flag at the post office is flying at half-mast? -They're hiring What's the job application at Hooters? -They give you a bra and say "here, fill this out" What is the hardest part of roller blading? -Telling your parents that you're gay What did the lesbian vampire say to the other lesbian vampire? -I'll see you next month What do you call a gay dentist? -Tooth fairy What has 8 wheels and flies? -A garbage truck What do you call a school bus full of white people? -A twinkie What did the one tampon say to the other? -Nothing, they were both stuck up b**ches Why didn't Ray Charles make it to heaven? -He couldn't see the light Why did the mafia cross the road? -Forget about it What's the best part about dating a homeless chick? -You can drop her off anywhere What did the cannibal do after he dumped his girlfriend? -Wiped his a** How do you stop a dog from humping your leg? -Suck his **** What is the difference between "ooooohh" and "ahhhhhh"? -About 3 inches Who makes more money a drug dealer or a prostitute? -The prostitute. She can wash her crack and sell it again What do you call a Vietnamese guy who thinks he's black? -Vinegar What would be the funniest thing to put in a black church? -The clapper What's the difference between a black man and a canoe? -A canoe will occasionaly tip How does every black joke start? -By looking over your shoulder What do you call 300 white men chasing a black man? -The PGA tour What's black and blue and floats? -a white guy who told too many black jokes How do we know that Noah wasn't black? -He only took 2 chickens Why cant Mexicans have a barbeque? -Cause the beans keep falling through the grill What do you get when a Mexican and an asian have a baby? -A car thief who cant drive Why can't Mexicans be firefighters? -They can't tell Jose from hose B What do you call a Mexican with a rubber toe? -Roberto What do you call 2 Mexicans playing basketball? -Juan on Juan Why did the blonde have sex with the Mexican? -Her teacher told her she had to do an essay Why did God give men penises? -So they have at least 1 way to shut women up How is a woman like a laxitive? -They both irritate the s*** out of you What does a woman put behind her ears to make herself more attractive? -Her ankles How can you make your girlfriend scream while having sex? -Call her and tell her How are women like rocks? -You skip the flat ones What do you do when your dishwasher stops working? -Tell her to get back to work What's the difference between a penis and a bonus? -Your wife will always bl** your bonus How do you blind an asian? -Put a windshield in front of them What's better than honor? -In her Why are hurricanes normally named after women? -When they come they're wet and wild, but when they go they take your house and car with them Why cant an asian couple have a white baby? -2 Wongs dont make a white What do you call it when an Italian has one arm shorter than the other? -A speech impediment What's the difference between an irish wedding and an irish funeral -1 less drunk Why do jews have big noses? -Air is free What's white and goes up? -a snowflake with downs What do you do if an epiletic person has a siezure in your bathtub? -Throw in the laundry What do you call an anorexic with a yeast infection? -Quarter pounder with cheese What did the retarded apple say? -Meow How many kids with A.D.D. does it take to change a lightbulb? -Want to ride bikes? What's the opposite of Christopher Reeves? -Christopher Walken What does D.A.M. stand for? -Mothers Against Dyslexia |
Toilet Paper
I'm VERY MUCH into butt maintainence. I go for the two-ply AND i use those baby butt wipes too. My ass smells great 24/7
Know whats really good ...strawberry toaster strudel! friggin amazing the age we live in today
The Big Question Is?
Another big question is what would happen if you ate corn for an entire week? Would you crap nothing but corn?
Or how about telling me what "crips" think of santa claus When you delete your recycling bin, where does it go? If your car is traveling at the speed of light do your headlights work? I do like your poem |
Hello from NE Philly! I'm new here (and to dating sites in general). Just interested to see who we have out there in the Philly area.
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