Community > Posts By > AdventurousOne

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:55 PM

Blah blah, ad hominem, blah blah blah. You're not even Hawaiian. You don't know jack about me or my politics; especially since I'm technically the one on this board calling people out for being ignorant, jaded Americans. You just don't like the political incorrectness associated with my previous posts, and completely ignore the political questions at stake because you don't even have an argument.

Like Fanta said, go ahead and try to "take back" Hawaii. I'm not scraping your carcass off the road when you're done, though I'll be more than happy to smoke my Romeo y Julieta in the plentiful pineapple fields afterwards.

LOL..your pic should be titled "open mouth..out comes the crap" noway laugh yawn

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:51 PM

hawaii was a spanish colony lost to the united states
in the spanish american war

Well I didn't even have to answer this one..Fanta already put you in your place. Try using fact..not your own thinking...because you have already shown that to be CLEARLY wrong and unreliable. drinker laugh

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:45 PM

300-600 A.D
before 1778 Spanish?
1778 Western Contact (Captain Cook);

Written Sources begin at this time. (Before 1778, things were passed down through Oral Tradition.)

1778-1820 Merchants, Whalers and American Missionaries arrive
1795 Kamehameha I becomes King
1819 Kamehameha I dies; Kamehameha II becomes King
1822 Printing Begins
1824 Kamehameha II dies; Kamehameha III becomes King
1834 Newspapers Begin
1848 The Great Mahele is signed by the King, which has to do with land ownership
1852 Chinese arrive in groups
1854 Kamehameha III dies; Kamehameha IV becomes King
1863 Kamehameha IV dies; Kamehameha V becomes King
1868 Japanese arrive in groups
1872 Kamehameha V dies; William Lunalilo confirmed as King of Hawaii by the Hawaiian Legislature after an informal popular vote.
1874 King Lunalilo dies; David Kalakaua is elected King
1878 Portuguese arrive in groups
1881 Germans arrive in groups
1891 King Kalakaua dies; Lili'uokalani becomes Queen
1893 Queen Liliuokalani surrendered the kingdom to the United States under protest
July 7, 1898 Hawaii is annexed to the United States
1900 Hawaii becomes a United States Territory

Okinawans and Puerto Ricans arrive in groups

1903 Koreans arrive in groups
1906 Filipinos arrive in groups
1959 Hawaii becomes the United States' 50th state

Thanks Fanta. I know we disagree on some issue, but you at least have good info to fight with! drinker

Unlike others that could not produce fact over thier own insecurities.

But hy would Hawaii not be like the Illegal immigrants??

Hawaii was taken ILLEGALLY..period. Therefore ANYTHING after said time simply is NOT valid! If it is, then you validate ILLEGAL immingrants. Even though they are here ILLEGALLY, they are still here! So to make that ship them back across the boarder..correct??? Well Hawaii ships the US government out of thier territory. EXACT same issue..get the ILLEGALS out.

See the premise? flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:40 PM

ah I missed the history lesson lol

Texas used to be it's own republic...but a proud american now bigsmile

OK, will start here. Proud of WHAT these days!!?? What has America done that was good in the last 20 years???? It has basically declined in almost every respect, especially the IMPORTANT ones.

Education is in the toilet. Health care is garbage. ILLEGAL immigrants run wild and get more benefits that AMERICANS.

Hows this one...SACRAFICING AMERICAN LIVES FOR OIL!!! You are PROUD of America????

Seriously and sincere question...WHAT IS LEFT TO BE PROUD OF???

America is dying a deplorable death..again, what's to be proud of now???

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 05/01/08 03:45 PM
Edited by AdventurousOne on Thu 05/01/08 04:04 PM

Considering you know nothing of me or my education, your blatant attempt at ad hominem attacks are quite amusing. I am well aware of my nation's impending depression, but last time I checked, Hawaii is a part of the U.S. just like any of the other 49 states. Tell me, restless native, would you rather prefer we leave your inconsequential islands in the dust of history? You and your kind are just upset because you have nothing better to do but ***** about how the U.S. government treats you horribly, and how you're not living in grass huts anymore. Seriously, get a job and a life.

LOL, I know you perfectly! Your kind is very simple, you have a little book knowledge, but could not hold your own in this world without someone else carrying you, telling you what to do and how to do it.

Once again, all you have are WORDS and claim everyone is "attacking you" (a very common trait among many with inferiority complexes).

And again, what is REALITY is what stares you in the face, but all you have is WORDS that mean nothing. drinker

I'm not a native of Hawaii. I am an American. And have seen the likes of you and your kind destroy what was once a great country, because you self served yourself right into destruction.

Glenn Beck said it straight.. the American people did it to themselves! I'm just one of the few that had sense enough to prepare. so your actions won't really affect me.

So as you fall, I laugh, because justice to your kind is being served. drinker drinker drinker laugh laugh laugh

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 05/01/08 01:28 PM

i guess the united states should give hawaii back to spain then

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Nah, even a BETTER idea. Why not just have the United States keep its nose in it's OWN BUSINESS and fix it's OWN problems, instead if sticking it's nose where it does NOT belong and is NOT wanted/? ( CAN YOU SAY IRAQ!!!???)

Don't you think that would be a much better thing for America to do since it's in so much trouble as is???? noway laugh laugh drinker drinker

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 05/01/08 01:01 PM

You know whats odd?

When Ike put the question to the voters in Hawaii whether to become a State or not, 94% voted yes...

You dont seriously think we will give it up do you?noway noway


Of course I don't expect the US government just to give Hawaii up. Did you not READ the article on CNN I listed??? It's been clear for a LONG time that Hawaii was annexed ILLEGALLY by the United States..period! It's like ILLEGAL aliens..what part of ILLEGAL do you people not understand????

Thats would be just like giving amnesty to illegal immigrants right now. OK, so they got here illegally, well they are here so we just let them stay! That's EXACTLY what you would have to be fair and equal in this situation! Try to tell me i am wrong there.

Of course the segment you are talking about, thats 3 generations AFTER the United States ILLEGALLY took Hawaii. That means 3 generations of "trained ponies".

Hawaiians have every RIGHT to take back thier own lands as a soviergn nation! It's clear they were annexed ILLEGALLY, so where is the problem??? What's RIGHT is RIGHT! drinker flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 05/01/08 12:53 PM

Yeh, and whats even more cute is when arrogant pr*cks think they have "rights" and they don't really even have a clue. And they sit back with what looks like a turd in thier mouth spouting off cander from an insecure and low IQ brain. Don't ya think??? noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh

Low IQ and insecure. Right. You found me out!

And what do you mean? I DO have rights, they're God-given, and no one can take them away from me. Before you start dispensing internet flames, maybe you should consider that there are real problems in this world to be dealt with--things like broken borders, inane monetary systems, and taxation--as opposed to your little "Free Hawaii" thing that has absolutely no legitimate grounds for political debate.

ROFL..grounds for political debate??? I'm sure you're a master debater! drinker laugh laugh

And all your words mean nothing. You interject bs. You should be an American politician, you'd fit right in! All mouth, no action!

The proof is right in front of you..America is on the verge of economic collapse! How are your words going to fix that?? it was all the people like you doing nothing but TALK. So keep talking while America falls! You have nothing but words...and worthless words at that. you're own standing in the world shows your REAL place...ignorant, arrogant and going down fast! drinker drinker drinker laugh laugh laugh

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 05/01/08 10:10 AM

hah! engaged

OK, just asking a legit question.

had another lady on here who was not married but had 2 kids from a guy she had been living with the past 3 years...and another child from another father.

Just did not seem to put much thought of years down the road and she is splitting up with this guy..therefore leaving 3 kids now to pay for her stupidity and lack of forethought.

So if its all planned and good..CONGRATS! flowerforyou I hope the best for you and your new family! flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 05/01/08 10:06 AM
Which came first..they pregnant or the engaged????

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:25 AM

all we need now is the rest of the country to protest to take the country back from corrupt corporate politicians

but don't think it will happen in my lifetime


would they rather be a part of spain (is that what they are saying)

You are correct, that is exactly what you need. But as you point out, it won;t happen in your lifetime, not anyone's I would think. Simply because the American people have become self consumed. If something doesn't affect them directly, then they don't care. Even if it does affect them directly, most still do nothing. My condolences to you and your future generations. flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:18 AM

Hey Cuz!!!

Bout time I found you around here! Thats so cool about your post! Sign me up, you know I'll be there to help!!! drinker drinker drinker

You still coming up to the northwest for the summer?? Let me know! Will be good to see you again! How's my uncle doin these days? Have not seen you all in forever!

You get your lands back...I'll come help you build! Dang its good to see ya! drinker drinker drinker flowerforyou

You can just call me the albino Hawaiian! noway noway :tongue: laugh laugh drinker

Hey man! It's has been forever! drinker Yeh, plans are still for the northwest this summer. What have you been up to?

Everything is fine here. When you coming back out for a visit? You missed some 30'ers a few weeks ago.

E-mail me your info again and will call when I get stateside! drinker flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/30/08 10:03 PM

glasses interesting glasses

Don't worry will still be welcome on my island! drinker flowerforyou

It's the US government I HATE..not the people. flowerforyou

Care to expand on that?

Expand on????? I would, just not sure what part you wish me to expand on?? flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:48 PM
Edited by AdventurousOne on Wed 04/30/08 09:48 PM

glasses interesting glasses

Don't worry will still be welcome on my island! drinker flowerforyou

It's the US government I HATE..not the people. flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:45 PM
Taking Hawaii BACK from the USA!!! I pray they succeeed in thier quest for thier RIGHTFUL FREEDOM that was taken by force by the United States!

Then I will become a legal Hawaiian citizen and tell the US government to kiss off!!! Thieving corrupt b*stards!

AdventurousOne's photo
Tue 04/29/08 10:04 AM
Many times over. But fame is only good for those who WANT it. Personally, I like privacy, so fame is something I don't care for...I try to AVOID the spotlights. flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Mon 04/28/08 02:03 PM

People put pictures up on their profile that obviously aren't them? I mean sooner or later someone is gonna find out if you ever go on a datelaugh

Or are they just into online deception with no real intentions of ever meeting anyonenoway

Inquiring minds wanna know:wink:

Why would you think my pic is not real!!???? noway noway :tongue: :tongue: laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Mon 04/28/08 01:57 PM

well I just like blowing the heads of of prairie dogs. This thing would be great for when they were shooting back, and taking cover behind concrete walls

Prairie dogs better better have the Kevlar out! noway :tongue: laugh laugh

Yeh this gun was massive. They had to actually bolt it down before it could be fired.

AdventurousOne's photo
Mon 04/28/08 01:53 PM

It was just some humor. You know, when they say about guys and guns...or fast cars..or whatever guys are into. No harm meant, just joking around. Cool gun though. drinker
cool, sorry, I guess I really am compensating for something, and it hit a nerve laugh laugh

No problem. I just jhappen to know the son of the inventer. Last name is Haskins..actually was brother to Coach haskins at UTEP that they made the movie about.

I'm NOT a gun fanatic, but got to shoot this one. My friend had what he called "green tipped" bullets..said were for long distance and would penatrate cinderblock walls. Was definitely an experience. noway flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Mon 04/28/08 01:49 PM

a choke? Lawnmower or car, lol. I haven't seen a carb on an import in a LONG time

Yeh me too..didn't they go out in about 1990?? I THINK (not sure) they replaced carbs on all American models then and went to fuel injection..or am I mistaken??? noway

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