sex? is it important ? why? Important, yes How else would we populate the earth? |
All of you...
John Legend |
First time...
Roberta Flack |
Well, I'll say this... The day boob jobs are paid by medicare, then I'll rally for sex vouchers for the poor. Deal ![]() The affordable boob-care act? Yeah... no b(o)(o)bs left behind.. didn't you see the bill? ![]() |
Sexy Momma??
And what exactly does having children have to do with being sexy? ![]() |
I give it 3 weeks before you dating this guy seems there are some things not making sense, he may have moved too soon, but it seems at the same time you do care if he texts you, and that you are trying to have 'more' of a conversation than just friends.....that is my opinion Nah... Even if I did " see" him as a possible date, he ruined it with the ripped to shreds Tee shirt and pajama bottoms. I consider that disrepectful. Yes, it's his home... but When I have a guest, I wear clean and un ripped clothes. Even if someone pops over unexpectedly, I'll throw on a long shirt and yoga pants. |
Iam sorry tee. ill wear my good pj and a nicer tshirt next time. LOL.You rock tee dont let that get to ya. rock on ! That's all I ask Nascar... Wear the good T's on our dates! ![]() |
No one likes to be pre judged or blamed for someone elses bad behaviour! If I don't trust or like you, it's YOU ,I don't trust or like. Here's my confusion: ![]() I have a friend that I've known for roughly 2 years, we used to date, but he was going through something at the time so I moved on from him. Well, he reconnected with me last month. I consider him a friend at this point but even that is hanging by a thread. He has this " thing" about labeling him or " judging" him. He never calls , justs texts and even that is just " Good Morning" I try to have some type of conversation, he never really says anything. Ok.. I don't care he's just a friend. Right? Then, he sends a text.. " Hey, I thought we were going to hang out" Ok, again , he's a friend.. I go to his place to watch TV, drink a beer... like I would any " chick" friend. He wants me to cuddle with him... So OBVIOUSLY, I draw the line! I blow up... Damn, you men! It's all you think about! Then, He blows up, " Don't put me in a box" WTF? You are acting like a caveman... and I'm not to put you in a caveman box? Can someone tell me where I went wrong? ![]() ![]() FYI- this dude was wearing a ripped to shreds teee shirt and pajama bottoms when I can over! It's not like he was dressed to impressed! Ladies, you answer as well, have I been out of the game so long, I'm missing key points? Clearly there isn't enough time and space here for you to include all the background upto reaching this point. However, you say you did date this guy if only for a short period of time some years ago but you moved on and then he reconnected with you a month ago. Well maybe what you saw as renewed friendship he has seen as picking up where you both left off, that is the previous dating relationship two years ago, so I cannot blame him entirely for his coming on to you. Unless you made it absolutely crystal clear to him when he reconnected with you that it would never be any more than friendship he is not entirely to blame in my opinion. Sorry but guys are not mind readers, and unfortunately some guys just have to have it spelt out to them. He certainly did not show any respect for you in what seemingly he at least thought was a date by his tatty clothes. I think there was confusion on both sides here, he was dating and you weren't and I would not judge him too severely. If he did not know the state of play before he certanly does now!! So if you wanted to remain friends with this guy I suspect he would not act the same way again, but after such a bad experience it might be difficult for you to maintain any kind of friendship with him, only you really know the guy. This is just my opinion. This is also, what I was thinking , Duttoneer! Except, I never gave any indictaion of " Let's rekindle what we had" vibe. He texted Good Morning, I texted Good Morning... I mimicked what He did so there would be no misunderstanding! I hadn't texted him in over a week before he did this, let's cuddle move! I was busy and I assumed he was too, or else he would have texted me sooner. I think he thought , since I'm not seeing anyone and he isn't seeing anyone it would be ok, because we're both lonely. If he would have talked with me on the phone he would know, I HAVE A HOUSEFULL OF PEOPLE EVERYDAY!! I have the hang out house of my family! He would know that... if he'd have called to ask a few questions, and gotten to know me better! |
One Sunday Morning
One Sunday morning, Satan appeared before a small town congregation. Everyone started screaming and running for the front church door, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away. Soon, everyone was gone, except for an elderly gentleman who sat calmly. Satan walked up to the man and said, "Don't you know who I am?" The man replied, "Yep, sure do." Satan asked, "Aren't you going to run?" "Nope, sure ain't," said the man. Perturbed, Satan asked, "Why aren't you afraid of me?" The man calmly replied, "Been married to your sister for over 48 years." ![]() |
New young male member ..UK
how KIND of you to use MATURE.. but if you want gentle.. you'll have to visit christian mingle!! ![]() ![]() |
about Nigeria
Let talk about Nigeria as whole,what u feel. How will u categorize d Nigeria citizen as a whole in terms of hving a relationship or dating Nigeria. Sorry... Too many scammers. I worked hard to get in the position I'm in financially to blow it sending it to someone else. You may be sweet, but it's not worth trying to figure out. |
thought i'd say hi...
Edited by
Fri 03/28/14 10:46 AM
And hope someone says hi back! Feel free to browse my profile and hopefully message me! Xx Ceud m�le f�ilte ![]() ![]() ![]() This calls for a c�ilidh. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here is some snack food: ![]() Here is something to drink: ![]() AHHH! She's from Scotland!! ![]() Now, I get it! ![]() Welcome! ![]() |
New young male member ..UK
Hi guys, I realised I like to talk a lot so came across this site and just enjoy with connecting with other like minded individuals from different areas around the world. All the best, Chris Hi! ![]() Welcome! ![]() |
This kid has a dinner date this evening...#2 with the gentleman. ![]() ![]() Let me live vicariously through you, Shutterbug!!! ![]() ![]() How was the date?? The meal was nice. The restaurant was packed as the main part was hosting some kind of party, so we took a booth in the lounge/bar area. It was very difficult to have a conversation as the people and music were so loud. After dinner we came back to my place where we talked and had a couple drinks. Think I'll give him a call later and see if he'd want to go hike around a lake on Sunday. ![]() I'm living vicariously through you as well, WE really had a great time! I can't wait to see what Sunday brings!! Would it creep you out Shutterbug, if I dressed up here as if I were going too?? ![]() Ok,Ok.. no, no, I understand... I'm glad you had fun though ( seriously) ![]() Let's ALL go hike around the lake on Sunday...heck, the temp is suppose to around 70...I say let's also pack a picnic lunch! I have a giant bottle of wine I'll bring...what will everyone else bring? ![]() Well, if you have the wine...nothing else is " needed" ![]() |
Please tell me I'm not the only one. Im on my phone and when I go to click on the thread I click on the last users nsmr and end up viewing there profile. I've done it over and over to the same person. Im not a stalker promise. Anyone else do that? Hmmm, I've double posted... I've joined a thread without knowing the content, but clicking on the same person over and over... by accident ![]() Clicking over and over, purposely by accident ![]() |
Sadly, some Humans do not want honest feedback whenever they ask a question or present an argument. ![]() Honest feed back is one thing (( Dave)) to tell someone, that maybe they shouldn't have said that... is overstepping |
ok,ok, ok... So a duck walks into a bar
![]() No, A guy walks into a bar with a duck ![]() Forget it... Can I just get a Whiskey Sour and keep em' coming ![]() |
You are a fantastic woman! Don't apologize for being who you are. Ugh... That makes it worse!! Who the hell is she to judge you! ![]() |
This kid has a dinner date this evening...#2 with the gentleman. ![]() ![]() Let me live vicariously through you, Shutterbug!!! ![]() ![]() How was the date?? The meal was nice. The restaurant was packed as the main part was hosting some kind of party, so we took a booth in the lounge/bar area. It was very difficult to have a conversation as the people and music were so loud. After dinner we came back to my place where we talked and had a couple drinks. Think I'll give him a call later and see if he'd want to go hike around a lake on Sunday. ![]() I'm living vicariously through you as well, WE really had a great time! I can't wait to see what Sunday brings!! Would it creep you out Shutterbug, if I dressed up here as if I were going too?? ![]() Ok,Ok.. no, no, I understand... I'm glad you had fun though ( seriously) ![]() |
![]() OMFREAKIN'G!!!! THAT'S DISTURBING!!! ![]() Got any more? |