Community > Posts By > Rathil_Thads

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 02:38 PM

Hello to everyone! I hope you are having a great time on justsayhi. This game is for those who enjoy role playing games. If you are interested then don’t hesitate to contact me to set up. It is a great way to meet people and use imagination and creativity that perhaps you never knew you had.



Welcome fellow traveler to the busiest town in the Bavidirian Lands. Where folklore- fantasy and more than a few dragon stories thrive in the historic waterfront town of Sinatorium- a charming neighborhood full of ancient shops- exquisite markets- and gullible taverns. And in the middle of it all is the Green Dragon’s Inn- a quaint- two story inn that boasts stately rooms- an intimate pub- and new innovative food experiences. The Green Dragon’s Inn is better than ever- thanks to recent renovations financed personally by Lord Elkinsinan. Enjoy fine dwarven craftsmanship furnishings- crackling fireplaces- new hardwood floors and foreign exotic rugs- plush beds- pedestal tubs and all the glorious details that make the Green Dragon’s Inn such a cozy and inviting place to stay. So come join us and enjoy a pint of Hobgoblin's Brew or a taste of our famous sweet and smooth grapan from the hills of the hobbits. Let me bring a bard and give a riddle or a story that could enhance your interest in becoming the next famous adventurer!

The owner is (Criani Peracien) – a level 15 warrior retired. Her last adventure was entering a dragon’s lair and silently took a bag of jewels and gold. The dragon awoke and attacked. Luckily she owned a magical shield and managed to take the awesome blow almost losing her life. She managed to run into a narrow tunnel and make it to Sinatorium safely with her win. She then with the gold opened the Green Dragon’s Inn to commemorate the event of the Green Dragon she encountered.

Her help is (Boromir Riniken) a son of the town’s armor smith. He is 6 feet tall blonde hair. He is a great cook and friendly to everyone.

Everyone who has a character created should go here everyday and say hello to Boromir or Criani! Thanks!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 12:56 PM

hmmmmm??? well one of three things must be happening - 1) no ones interested in posting anymore due to lack of interest or boredom. 2) i and abra and rathil are the only ones who "really fit the answer's desired from cherub. 3) i'm just bored and not patient enough to wait - hahahahaha

i know patience is a virtue - but i never claimed to be virtuess -

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

LOL!! This question was SOOOOO Yesterday!

The really fad stuff is going on in the "The Ugly Face of Christianity" Thread. Also the homosexuality polls still seem to be thriving.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:16 AM

God is not perfect. Moses caused him to repent after he led the Israelites out of Egypt. As I recall, he was going to slay all the Israelites after they made the golden calf, Moses chastised god saying "how will you look before Egypt and their gods if you lead your people to freedom only to kill them in the desert?" God also has evil in him, so there is no Satan, Satan is just a fallen angel, you might remember him as Lucifer, the Morning Star. In Samuel, it says "and an evil spirit of the Lord moved over Saul." It doesn't say satan, the devil, beelzebub, or any of the direct names of old Lou in there it says an evil spirit from the Lord. So before you think your god is all flowers and roses, read your book again.

A Christian who calls God evil?

Your understanding of that exchange if very much wrong, I suggest you re-read. Moses was pleading for God to spare the Israelites, not chastising God.

If I read it right he wasn't calling God Evil, He was saying God has evil in him. The two concepts are completely different. Although you have to admit that some of the things the old testament God did were pretty mean and vindictive for an all loving, all peaceful God. In order to have a perfect being it has to have balance and part of that is a balance between Good and Evil. That is why if people truly were made in Gods image they have the free will to choose good actions or evil actions.

God cannot do evil, it's completely against God's character. We can debate the OT all day, but I DO NOT believe that God did anything evil in the OT. The ONLY way you can say that is if you ignore a great deal of context of the events.

Although you have to admit that some of the things the old testament God did were pretty mean and vindictive for an all loving, all peaceful God.

No shotgun arguments, okay? Please start a new thread and give one event that you think is "mean and vindictive" and I will respond. So on and so forth until you run out of events.

Fair enought Spider, I will do that later. I would have given better examples here but I am at work currently and only have time for shorter responses. Didn't mean to shotgun that one. drinker drinker

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:02 AM

God is not perfect. Moses caused him to repent after he led the Israelites out of Egypt. As I recall, he was going to slay all the Israelites after they made the golden calf, Moses chastised god saying "how will you look before Egypt and their gods if you lead your people to freedom only to kill them in the desert?" God also has evil in him, so there is no Satan, Satan is just a fallen angel, you might remember him as Lucifer, the Morning Star. In Samuel, it says "and an evil spirit of the Lord moved over Saul." It doesn't say satan, the devil, beelzebub, or any of the direct names of old Lou in there it says an evil spirit from the Lord. So before you think your god is all flowers and roses, read your book again.

A Christian who calls God evil?

Your understanding of that exchange if very much wrong, I suggest you re-read. Moses was pleading for God to spare the Israelites, not chastising God.

If I read it right he wasn't calling God Evil, He was saying God has evil in him. The two concepts are completely different. Although you have to admit that some of the things the old testament God did were pretty mean and vindictive for an all loving, all peaceful God. In order to have a perfect being it has to have balance and part of that is a balance between Good and Evil. That is why if people truly were made in Gods image they have the free will to choose good actions or evil actions.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 10:22 AM

I am once again amazed at the callousness on both sides of this arguement, but at least the atheist and pagans are nice about it. You know why christians are seemingly persecuted everywhere? Because they have no tolerance for other religions, just like the muslims are perceived as being.

Never mind that Jesus himself warned every christian that they would be persecuted everywhere. That is almost always ignored.

Enemies of christians were listed here. We are christians, we are supposed to know no enemies. God is supposed to take care of our enemies, we are to set our table for them (that means invite them to your home).

God is not perfect. Moses caused him to repent after he led the Israelites out of Egypt. As I recall, he was going to slay all the Israelites after they made the golden calf, Moses chastised god saying "how will you look before Egypt and their gods if you lead your people to freedom only to kill them in the desert?" God also has evil in him, so there is no Satan, Satan is just a fallen angel, you might remember him as Lucifer, the Morning Star. In Samuel, it says "and an evil spirit of the Lord moved over Saul." It doesn't say satan, the devil, beelzebub, or any of the direct names of old Lou in there it says an evil spirit from the Lord. So before you think your god is all flowers and roses, read your book again.

Jesus also spoke in parables, always. He did not intend for everyone to "follow him," as an icon. That violates commandment #1, place no gods before me. What he meant, or was misinterpreted about, was follow my example, live as I do (did), and you will be just before god's throne when judgement comes.

Acceptance, tolerance, understanding, compassion, patience, humility, these are the traits of a christian. And are even preached against in churches. I heard a minister derail liberalism and talk about how we need to fight against liberals. The definition of liberal contains 3 of the afor mentioned traits. I've been to churches that have "gift shops." If that's not money trading in the temple I don't know what is. So before we christians get on our high and mighty horse and condemn our pagan, wiccan, and pantheiest brothers and sisters (oh, by the way, just because they don't believe doesn't mean they aren't your brothers and sisters in god's eyes), we might want to shore up our own houses first.

What the original premise of this arguement was is that we as a constituency to our own beliefs, have let the powerful of the church influence away from god's teachings. It was correct. Robertson, Falwell, even the Rev. Al Sharpton have all been leading their flocks astray. Those that believe in the end times might remember that we were warned of charletons masqarading as teachers of the faith, and might consider the person they are getting their preaching from.

I live in Kansas, I got that nut case in Topeka (Phelps) that pickets funerals of servicemen and women whose caskets are returned from Iraq. Very christian in the way he says "god killed them because he hates America" for allowing homosexuals to have a voice in society. These are the voices of christianity that get heard. The media deride the fakes, and we as christians don't stand up against their venomous speeches, making us just as guilty as non-believing sections of society that do, and then have the gall to complain that we are being persecuted.

I like you!! drinker drinker

Thank you for that post, I am glad that you, TLW, and Rapunzel have come to this post and are giving Christianity a sound voice. I am a lot less frustrated after reading that. What was said earlier in regards to the enemies of Christianity really frosted me. Not because of who was named but because of the misconceptions placed upon those people. They are some of the nicest and caring people I know and to say that they are misguided by the spirit of Satan... explode explode

Anyway. Thank you for the slice of reason from the Christianity side. To you, Rapunzel, and TLW!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 08:47 AM

:smile: Can someone answer this question?:smile:

:smile: Who is the enemies of the Chrisians, (specifically the Evangelical Christians)and why ???:smile:

The athiests, agnostics, pagans, wiccans, panthiests, and on and on.

They hate Jesus Christ and the Lord God Almighty.

They prefer the spirit of satan.

this is just a proof of what is known as CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISM.
for people like this individual the whole christianity suffers.
If the whole christianity were like this, I promise to each one of you that I would not be a christian at all.

Thank you TLWdrinker drinker

I am glad to a christian actually say this. I always have had a lot of respect for you in these forums.

Have a good day!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 08:10 AM

:smile: Can someone answer this question?:smile:

:smile: Who is the enemies of the Chrisians, (specifically the Evangelical Christians)and why ???:smile:

Oh that's an easy one... the politically correct...the unbelievers, the new agers, down right devil worshippers & pagans & the rebellious in heart ...basically? Those who don't want to follow God's will.

Having eyes they never see...having ears they never hear. That's what God's word says. Intellectualizing God's word doesn't make one a Christian. The ones who complain about how they 'studied" God's word weren't really seeking Him. You can't be double minded about God.

noway noway

So basically you have to be a mindless drone or you are an enemy of christianity? Not allowed to be politically correct? Not allowed to be rebellious at heart? Not allowed to have Intellectual thoughts and feelings about the word of God that you are supposed to be worshipping without questions?

You talk about people that have eyes but can't see, and ears that can't hear. I would tell you to go take a look in the mirror at that statement but I don't think you'd see anything that can help you there. You are so engrossed in the shroud that is pulled over your eyes that I am surprised you can even see where you are going.

I have met Pagans, Wiccans, Atheists, Agnostics, Druids, Shamans, Bhuddists, and even Satanists that would not spout out the drabble you are trying to sell us. How wrong is it that even Satanists don't have as much hate and contempt for the other people around them that you and Lindyy seem too. That even Satanists are more accepting and caring for other people than some Christians who follow the "Word of God"

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 07:50 AM

I don't know if anyone else has suggested this as far as up in government before, so don't think I am quoting an article or anything here. I just have an opinion on something and want to know what your ideas are.

I believe that all children when they are born should be required to have their dna tested, and databased. This is for several reasons too.

1. It would help increase the likelihood of finding something wrong (like parkinsons disease, or leukemia, etc) sooner, thus having a better chance of resolving the problem.

2. It will take some time, but after so long, when children are born and have their dna registered, if the father ran away during the pregnancy, the dna can be matched against the database (just like fingerprinting in crimes) and the father can be identified, and thus made to pay child support. In the case of pregnancies by rape, this could also be an effective tool, as not only would they have the name of the father, but obviously they would have the rapist as well.

3. If for some reason you are in an accident, and unconcious, the hospital can run a dna check on you, and find out who you are and let your family know.

There are several more good reasons for this to be done, but I am going to wait and see how much people come in and start bashing my head against the wall fro even considering the idea of a national registry, which would be a restriction against their personal freedoms and such. Even though you are required to have a blood test done at birth now in order to get your blood type.

I just ask one simple consideration folks. If you can not come in and remain calm and rational, please do not post. There is no need for ranting or crying out servitude, etc.

You know, I don't really mind the idea of the DNA testing at birth for rare diseases and things of the sort. Although the problem with that is you can be a carrier of a disease and never have it surface. So I don't know how much good it would do and it would cost lots of money to the hospital which is why they don't do that now. And it is not something that I think the parents or insurance should be required to pay for as it's not a necessary procedure in most cases.

Although where I don't like the idea is where you go into the DNA then being put on file outside of the hospital. Patient records are confidential and can't be used without the patients permission anyway. We can't allow hospitals to start doing DNA tests and then handing the results over to police databases on the grounds that we will have it if the person ever decides to break a law in the future.

I see where you are going with it and can see some benefits but the cons definately outweight the pros. I feel that a system like that would be too easy to abuse and too cost effective to the hospitals (Since obviously they should be picking up the charges on any procedure the patient doesn't want.)

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 10:33 PM
*Tihalan stands up and moves towards the door, He turns back toward Draven before he leaves*

Jus remember, I know ye are tryin' to be all kind an noble an save the kindly vampires life. But I dun care how much dey say dey only feed on animals. As dey get older animals can't sustain dem no more and they need stronger blood to keep der strength. By da looks of yer arm dat has already started. It wun be long before animal blood gives her no sustenance at all. An then if you wanna keep da people around here safe yer gunna have ta put her down anyway. I seen it all too many times.

I like ye minotaur, Dun let yerself get pulled in an killed because of yer compassion fer this creature.

*He looks towards the vampire*

An may da God's decide to have mercy on yer soul.

*He pushes his way out the Inn door and disappears into the night*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 10:18 PM

yeah and this one is a lil fireball. he wanted to go toe to head with me


*Jumps up and down a few times*

Always lookin fer a tussel! I shoulda been a Battlerager, but Nerull had more plans fer me!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 10:15 PM

looks across the room at the dwarf

grins a bit and laughs

gets up walks to the bar i may need some meade tonight i see


*Grabs another mug off the counter and pours the dwarf a glass*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 10:11 PM

walks in looks around

good eve draven


Bout time we got anutter Dwarf in here! Was startin ta think I was da only one left.

An such nice etti... Atti. Ettimacate... BAH!! Whatever it's called. Mannerisms of sort with yer Good Eve an all!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 10:04 PM

*walks back in* nice trick dwarf, but how come when we were on the boat I did not feel sick?

Because I be havin enough room to stay clear of ye. Ye gotta be really close ta me for da sickness to set in. I been keepin' clear of ye ever since I saw ye drain da blood from dat meat on da boat.
makes sense... stay away from me then. *she flashes a small smile at the dwarf*


I go where I please girlie, Just make sure ye don't like to frequent da same areas I do and we wun't have need for unpleasantries.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 09:58 PM

oh so ya can talk civil to each other, what a surprise


I get nicer da more mead dat is in me!!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 09:55 PM

*walks back in* nice trick dwarf, but how come when we were on the boat I did not feel sick?

Because I be havin enough room to stay clear of ye. Ye gotta be really close ta me for da sickness to set in. I been keepin' clear of ye ever since I saw ye drain da blood from dat meat on da boat.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 09:46 PM

you know I cant do anything with that stupid symbol he has.. hes hiding behind it because he knows I will hurt him if he didnt

Ye dun understand anyting about Nerull do ye? I guess dat wouldn't be surprisin. He don't stop to ask fer explanations from de undead.

*He takes off the symbol and throws it on the table in front of her. She jumps back thinking she will feel sick but she feels nothing from the symbol*

Dat symbol don't give me me power. It comes derectly from me God, an he dun like you. I dun need da symbol.

*He walks over to the table to pick his symbol up. As he approaches the table she feels sick again and feels better as soon as he walks away.*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 09:27 PM

an old minotaur that trained me made me remeber, never underestimate the one your against, and since you have no clue of how i was trained, then you dont know what im capable of. then he looks at the vampire, remeber girl your not stronger than i, and if you want my strength again, then you shall remeber to keep your mouth shut.

Ye must not o lerned yer lessen well. Ye been underestimatin people all night. I can squash ye this, I can throw ye that, I be stronger den you, blah blah blah!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 09:20 PM

nad you small sir have no experiance with the will and strength of minotaurs. especially this one. and my name is Draven.

*Looks at the minotaur and walks up to him sizing him up a bit.*

No, I dun tink you are bigger than a hill giant. Ye wanna talk about will an strength ye go talk to one of dem. Dey are fun to fight an I have killed many o dem beasts. Yea, Ye dun worry me

*He turns and moves back to his table with his drink laughing a bit*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 09:14 PM

and what would happen if i stepped on you dwarf? i would think i had stepped on a stone, it would be easy to do since your so small. draven chuckels at this


I've had rocks meaner than you fall on me head.

*Takes his mace and hits himself in the head twice hard. He shakes his head a bit and laughs as he downs another mug of brew*

Ye apparantly have little experience wit the Fortitude of dwarves

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/10/08 09:05 PM

think if i got hurt over you, you think i would let you slide if you caused the trouble? i think not.

I be thinkin' if ye got hurt ov'r me it'd be all da easier to knock ye down..

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