Looking for Perfection?
...just looking for Mr. Right-for-Me. Not necessarily for perfection... |
would it be rude
you mite get hate mail |
would it be rude
to delete people on my friends list that never talked to you ? Nope..I do that all the time..If you wanna be on somebodys should be to get to know them..NOT to bring attn to yourself by the other members that visit their page. |
would it be rude
to delete people on my friends list that never talked to you ?
Hello Miami
Hola to you !
do you
No, but if you look at mine I will probably want to see yours. hello goregeous :) |
do you
No, but if you look at mine I will probably want to see yours. |
To Get To Heaven
I believe you need to confess, believe and repent (want to go God's way) and that repentance is needed on a daily basis. I believe that baptism by immersion completes your salvation as you join with the Lord in his death, burrial and resurrection. After this, you are dead to sin. If you sin, confess, God forgives you and your fellowship is restored. Try it. It works. I can tell you from personal experience. Jesus said I am THE way. I don't think there's any other way to the father but through Jesus. Loving God and having love in your heart for others is where it's at. I hope God will show you this very soon. We can plant the seeds of this in people's heart, but it's God that does the ultimate persuasion, I think. Geo. |
To Get To Heaven
I'm just tellingyou whats in the bible.. read it sometimes.
To Get To Heaven
nor work nor deeds shall get you in the Kingdom of heaven. If you confess with you mouth that Jesus is alive and sits on the right hand of God and believe in you heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved Romans 10:9