Community > Posts By > dodger1953

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 09:54 AM

HHHHMMMM, People that stare at me in public, you'd think they'd never seen a 7 foot tall green woman before?!noway laugh
i did once and thats what made me qiut drugslaugh laugh laugh laugh

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 09:53 AM

Hey dirty dogglasses bigsmile
we just got out of the shower so i beg your pardon!

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 09:40 AM
she went camping and got ate by a bear!

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 09:37 AM

A man who knows how to please a woman........devil glasses laugh laugh laugh laugh
please wendy please! on hind legs i am beggin ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:34 AM

Did that.. Got engaged Febuary 14th..Fast forward to April 8th, he dumps me the night before last..And the way he tells me is by taking me off his Myspace friends list, that's where we met...Have not heard nada from him....
what a pile of dog crap! that guy prob could not spell the word love!!!!

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:31 AM

rosey take me for walk!
You're so cute, I think I might. laugh
ahhhh! i was thinking maybe mornin noon and night! i won't run off.

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:26 AM

my life is FULL of love:heart:

"Connection" is to be in love,,,

I want to be connected:wink: happy
bang! get the leash and let's get connected. i want the wole neighborhood to see you and me walking!!!!

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:22 AM
rosey i am waiting b the door!

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:21 AM

sure would..

i see children as an attraction, dad's know what it's like to have their little arms wrap tightly around your neck, when they whisper in your ear that they love you..

or how they rock you and sing to you at the same time, the song they learned in school...even if it's only twinkle twinkle little star

it literally rips at your heart, and makes you smile at the same time

dad's know that, mom's know that...but those who haven't had children don't know it

i don't agree that those who don't have children don't know. I don't have children and I will never be able to have my own, but I work with kids, teens, and let me tell you when one of them hugs me and tells me about their day it makes my heart sing.
world needs more of you girl!

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:17 AM
send me those goodies girl!

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:16 AM

sure would..

i see children as an attraction, dad's know what it's like to have their little arms wrap tightly around your neck, when they whisper in your ear that they love you..

or how they rock you and sing to you at the same time, the song they learned in school...even if it's only twinkle twinkle little star

it literally rips at your heart, and makes you smile at the same time

dad's know that, mom's know that...but those who haven't had children don't know it
well put ell. i know my pups give me advice for dating and they are 25,21,8 yrs. old.!

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:12 AM
rosey take me for walk!

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:08 AM
let me roll over

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 06:56 AM
get more cream!

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 06:41 AM

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 06:32 AM
sounds like the description of JSH

dodger1953's photo
Thu 04/10/08 06:23 AM
forgive and forget have only one thing in common. they both start with the letter"F"

dodger1953's photo
Wed 04/09/08 11:50 PM

dodger1953's photo
Wed 04/09/08 11:49 PM

Curious minds need to know...happy
long enough to be on sale!

dodger1953's photo
Wed 04/09/08 11:46 PM
then i sunk my teeth in