Community > Posts By > SCURLOCK

SCURLOCK's photo
Thu 04/17/08 07:57 AM
:smile: thanks for what you said but been there done that i was married to this person for 25 long heartbroken,cheating,drugs,years so i know just for a while and it will be til i find mr. right (lol) he has a year there

SCURLOCK's photo
Thu 04/17/08 07:49 AM
noway only he my kids dad and that just the way i am always seeing the flip side of things trying to do what God would want me to do. My feeling left for him years ago for reaaal. But thanks for you words

SCURLOCK's photo
Thu 04/17/08 07:05 AM
hello there i have a ex-husband in prision i know the word ex for a reason thats a long story but he has no one to send him money but me and the kids not the folks he hung around one lady got kill in auto-mobile accident the other one just took off dont know how many more so should i do the chritian person and help him while he is in there? I never wished him no ill at all our marriage was over 15years ago. He got one year in so i havent married again and im not presently in a relationship so dont have anything to hide from the other guy just needing some feed back thanks

SCURLOCK's photo
Thu 04/17/08 06:26 AM
good morning from texas

SCURLOCK's photo
Wed 04/16/08 01:04 PM
keep me in smile with that in my heart i remember my dad always bigsmile that was his quote to me everyday we ended a conversation

SCURLOCK's photo
Wed 04/16/08 12:56 PM

This is to Pete my ex brother in law brother who passed away yesterday at 38.


The Offspring- Gone Away

Maybe in another life
I could meet you there
Pulled away before your time
I cant deal, its so unfair

And it feels
And it feels like
Heavens so far away
And it feels
Yeah it feels like
The world has grown cold
Now that youve gone away

Leaving flowers on your grave
Show that I still care
But black roses and hail Marys
Cant bring back whats taken from me

I reach to the sky
And call out your name
And if I could trade
I would

And it feels And it feels like
Heavens so far away
And it stings
Yeah it stings now
The world is so cold
Now that youve gone away

SCURLOCK's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:58 AM
been down this road before my husband of 25years man that hurt well enough of that...:smile: i lost my friend of 18years by a gunshot to the back of her head and she fell into my arms and then he took the gun smiled and pull the trigger and killed himself she was 3months pregant i thought i was scream forever i did cpr on her i knew she was gone but all i want her to say was hey big sis im okay that was 3 weeks ago and then my dad passed away the next day after she did talking about mind over matter i couldnt sleep or eat just cried and said why God he could have easily shot me too. I did alot of praying praying and deep-breathing no drugs no drinking im just saying what i didnt do so today im still here sometime a loud noise throws my thoughts but im still here bigsmile

SCURLOCK's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:46 AM
i dated younger guy before and it was wonderful the only his mom told me that i would hurt him and that a older woman couldnt get pregant by a younger guy boy was she ever wrong my son is four and she doesnt acknowledge him as her grandson at all but its okay he has his other people she is missing out on this yes me and the father are still friends

SCURLOCK's photo
Tue 04/15/08 11:15 AM
some people different reason they will think each and everyone of us has a shepard and we have alot of wants we need to restore somethings or people in our lives and quit listening to everyone when bad situation comes upon on us we dont have to bow down to it for he is always with us surely if we try and do what the Father says itll turn out for the good in the end when this place down here is over. if you look at the picture of him guarding his flock there are innocent lambs there and there in a figure is a wolf that seeks to destroy the lambs so he have to be veru watchful nothing to distract him from his flock

SCURLOCK's photo
Tue 04/15/08 07:47 AM
i sorry to hear this but im grateful God can turn all of this around The bible say we speak thing not as tho they wereright now we calling it we come before his throne assemble together touching and agreeing this will all pass and they will be transformed into perfect health a testamony for all to hear and see Work on their behalf Father and seen peace to this loveone mind

SCURLOCK's photo
Tue 04/15/08 06:59 AM
:smile: thank you alot of things i know i our lives that we cant explain or out of our control just have to be that person i stare at in the mirrow every morning and say we can do this i lean on you and you lean on me. It might sound crazy but it has help me. I pray everyday and nite I know that God know all and when this happened to me i thought he forgot me my best friends gone my daddy taught me how to hunt and shoot my friend was the only child and was happy she was pregant i she fell into my arms the look on her face when i opened the door and she fell i will never forget and her husband with tears in his eyes put the gun in his mouth and smiled and i tried cpr on her i knew she was gone i had to try i had her blood all over me. i thinking come on sandra breath please say something like hey big sis im okay he had taken her off his insurance two months prior to this and she had no job and no one to bury her. I took my house payment and ask the funreal director please just dont throw her in the ground cremate her please i will take on the expenses and he did i lost my house in the prosses of this because they couldnt wait one week but its all okay i loved her like my sister and i have no regrets on this people call me stupid just let the county do it but she was my friend i miss her so much i want to call her onthe phone right now and share my pain but it cant i wished her child would have lived it just tears at my heart sometimes brokenheart then my dad dies all of a sudden without warning my heart i thought was going to explode i cried seem like no end no one but my kids to talk to and its okay i got to heal from this some day i know it coming sooon i have to hold on and Believe in MY Father

SCURLOCK's photo
Tue 04/15/08 06:33 AM
seem like i could write a book on this i lost my friend of 18yrs 2weeks ago her husband shot her in front of me and then kill himself she was 3 month pregant i had blood all over me he could have easily took my life too as i sit there and screamed and screamed noone could hear me it was a country and it was like a bad dream then my daddy passed away the next day thought i was going to looose my mind but God know best

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