Community > Posts By > froglittlesis

froglittlesis's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:25 AM
It would be nice to find someone if from here or somewhere else it doesn't matter. Tired of being alone.:cry:

froglittlesis's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:24 AM
That is how I ended up in Kentucky!!! :tongue:

froglittlesis's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:22 AM
get rid of James!!!! Go for Will!!!

froglittlesis's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:14 AM

silo on the farm you know the round ones that hold grain in them.

Holy Cow........laugh bigsmile

More fun than you know especially when its empty!!!!

Looking at the Silo protruding up in the air kinda gets the juices flowing..:tongue: :tongue: :wink:

That's what he said tooo!!!!blushing

froglittlesis's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:07 AM
Have a blessed day!!!flowerforyou

froglittlesis's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:02 AM

silo on the farm you know the round ones that hold grain in them.

Holy Cow........laugh bigsmile

More fun than you know especially when its empty!!!!

froglittlesis's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:00 AM

Here's a thought

Why would a God that created us waste all those veins. If you look at our bodies the veins go all over the place kinda crazy. If God had made us he would have used the ol Straight line idea. I assume he would know the shortest distance to these things.

He does know the shortest distance he wanted you to have something to try to figure out!!!laugh

froglittlesis's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:58 AM
Welcome back I am new here and it's good to know you.happy

froglittlesis's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:54 AM
silo on the farm you know the round ones that hold grain in them.

froglittlesis's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:51 AM

ir goes for women as well

froglittlesis's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:49 AM
loved because fear comes not from God.happy

froglittlesis's photo
Sun 03/30/08 08:22 PM
I'm joining!!!!!smokin drinker

froglittlesis's photo
Sun 03/30/08 08:21 PM

everyone heals at different times and everyone moves on at different times. i don't believe there is any set time to wait

It has been alost a year from my seperation from my husband and it's scarry out there so good luck. Just listen to your heart.

froglittlesis's photo
Sun 03/30/08 08:16 PM
always ask their name but just so you know I just met a new friend and we had a wonderful lunch the other day so go for it!!!!

froglittlesis's photo
Sun 03/30/08 08:14 PM

Based on my one and only pic on here, 1 to 10... 10 being best. Probly never meet none of ya so I figure what the heck. Maybe i'm looking to boost my self esteem indifferent, or if i should take another pic LOL.

I'm not going to rate your pic.. however, I think people should have multiple photo's posted. So, you should take more pictures and post them all (up to 18 of them). :smile:

I agree!!!!

froglittlesis's photo
Sun 03/30/08 08:07 PM
welcome. happy

froglittlesis's photo
Sun 03/30/08 08:00 PM
Guilty? Not Guilty? What was the evidence in question?laugh

froglittlesis's photo
Sun 03/30/08 07:50 PM
Edited by froglittlesis on Sun 03/30/08 07:51 PM
Welcome to the family. Hope you find who or what your looking forhappy The 80's rocked!!!!!!!

froglittlesis's photo
Sun 03/30/08 07:47 PM
Welcome to the family!!!!flowerforyou happy

froglittlesis's photo
Sun 03/30/08 07:46 PM

I think it's big of you to apologize and even bigger to admit that you are not ready to date. Take it slow, it gets easier.....

More people need to stand up and admit to people when they r wrong.