Community > Posts By > sandradee1961
Last night on the local news, the man that runs a charitable shelter was even complaining about the panhandlers. It is a big problem here and we have many programs and shelters for those in need. A couple of weeks ago, my daughter and I were sitting at a red light and there was a panhandler at the corner. My daughter said, "Mom, look!" as the guy was rushing to hide behind a bush to talk on his cell phone. Maybe, he was running behind the bush to get better reception. More bars. Oh! I should have thought of that! |
Last night on the local news, the man that runs a charitable shelter was even complaining about the panhandlers.
It is a big problem here and we have many programs and shelters for those in need. A couple of weeks ago, my daughter and I were sitting at a red light and there was a panhandler at the corner. My daughter said, "Mom, look!" as the guy was rushing to hide behind a bush to talk on his cell phone. |
Edited by
Tue 11/18/08 10:18 AM
I have to agree with Sing, and like her I am guessing, but it is highly likely that it is the presentation, not the actual subject. (in response to Rainbow)
cats for sale
Glad you're ok. How's the cat?
![]() Sounds like me. ![]() |
Being overweight
If God wanted me to be skinny, I would have lost the weight after my babies were born!! There is nothing wrong with being overweight, as long as your health is ok. did god stop giving out gym memberships???? DAMMIT! i hate when i miss these things. Having children changes things. Growing older changes things. Sometimes physical problems that you get when you get older changes things. Welcome to the woman's world!! angalena jolie had twins and looks like she was never knocked up... go figure So say the pictures. Just how much is creative clothing choices and airbrushing? You think clothing and airbrushing is going to hide anything if she's obese? I have twins. I know from experience how much creative clothing choices can accomplish. |
Being overweight
If God wanted me to be skinny, I would have lost the weight after my babies were born!! There is nothing wrong with being overweight, as long as your health is ok. did god stop giving out gym memberships???? DAMMIT! i hate when i miss these things. Having children changes things. Growing older changes things. Sometimes physical problems that you get when you get older changes things. Welcome to the woman's world!! angalena jolie had twins and looks like she was never knocked up... go figure So say the pictures. Just how much is creative clothing choices and airbrushing? |
Edited by
Tue 10/21/08 07:09 PM
I have to agree with what Ruth said.
Besides that though, if she is truly the right one for you, wouldn't true friends be happy for you? |
no one cares
Is this a......
'Nobody loves me. Everybody hates me. Guess I'll go eat worms.' ......kind of thread? |
46, lived in eastern Washington most of my life
True Confessions
True Confessions
46 and 3 grandkids already
True Confessions
I have identical twin sons. They were born 13 months after my daughter. By the time she turned 4, she already had another brother.My 5th child, another daughter was born 4 years later. Wow!! Bless your heart! You should be sending blessings to Izzie -- hers still live at home. Mine are all grown and gone. 5.. WOW!! thats heroic ![]() I'm not heroic, just very fertile. |
True Confessions
Still likes going for dryer rides at the laundrymat. That is so 60's! I remember seeing people do that. |
True Confessions
I dyed my hair black one time -- or I tried to anyway. It had a distinctly purple undertone.
True Confessions
I have identical twin sons. They were born 13 months after my daughter. By the time she turned 4, she already had another brother.My 5th child, another daughter was born 4 years later. Wow!! Bless your heart! You should be sending blessings to Izzie -- hers still live at home. Mine are all grown and gone. |
True Confessions
I have identical twin sons. They were born 13 months after my daughter. By the time she turned 4, she already had another brother.My 5th child, another daughter was born 4 years later.
Presidential Debate 3
Republican politicians are not the only ones responsible for the problems in this country. There are currently democrats serving in political positions and have been democratic presidents as well as republican ones throughout history as well.
And let's not forget the apathy of the general public. What percent of people normally vote? So sit around and complain about EVERYONE ELSE all you like, but we are doing this to ourselves. |
mood rings We had a couple of those at work last year. Not one person in the office could resist trying them out! Brings back memories. I found some not long ago and bought them for my girls. I couldn't resist and even got one for myself. |
staying out until after dark with all the neighbor kids playing kick the can