SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 09:47 PM

Going for a thinner man gives her a 50/50 chance of having an average-sized kid. Duh. Lol.

She should date the Invisible Man, that's her only hope for the kids to have their body mass index in the normal range.

For all anyone knows, she already might be.

That's mean but funny :laughing:

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 09:35 PM
Local...or Loco?


SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 09:14 PM
Going for a thinner man gives her a 50/50 chance of having an average-sized kid. Duh. Lol.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 07:39 PM

From my experience. And this is just me. Don't be a nice guy. If you really like a woman. Be a**hole. Becasue as my eyes have seen, no woman wants a nice guy no more. If they do, they wanna take it slow. And you being around them, not having them. Is gonna hurt. Only if they are young, this will happen. Immaturity is a pain in the a**. Mainly when your in love with that immature woman...

Try being yourself? Don't try, just be yourself. And if that fails don't get her no flowers. Don't do anything nice. Just move on, listen to love hurts by nazareth. Or love stinks by J. Geils. It helps... Goodluck...

That's the 'tude to have.
Be yourself. If she doesn't like it, oh well...

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 07:37 PM

What he's saying wux is in war the brave fight and often die while the cowardly runaway and live.

I guess I must be a coward then, as I've stopped 'fighting' a while ago :tongue:

com'n, girl take out that ole' dusty pooossie, scrape the rust off of it and wield it like an Azerbaijani schymitar.

(Sorry. Very sorry. Could not resist it.)

Mah Pooossie aint that dusty.
Maybe I'll take it out one of these days and give it a lil whirl.
Whoo hoo!

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 03:02 PM
I'm not surprised he pulled that stunt. There's a lot of that going around.
He was probably shocked that you were serious about meeting so he bailed.
No worries. He's not worth your time. Move on and don't take heart to that kind of idiotic behavior.
He's just one of many morons.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 02:55 PM

I would want to know that I matter.A phone call/text just to see how your day was going.Not to cheat,lie,take avantage of you.I know thats what I want...Just to find a woman that loved me the way that I would them.:smile:

So nice to dream, isn't it.
Who knows, ur dream gal may be out there ..

Can you guarantee that for the rest of us?

There are no guarantees in life, buddy.
Keep digging.

And I thought you might be the one.

The one, what? laugh

The devilish side of you, looks attractive.

Gee thanks.
I'm evil.

An understatement.

mad pitchfork rant devil

U scurred? scared

You're scarier than my whole horror DVD collection.

I suggest u sleep with one eye open then pitchfork

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 02:54 PM
Edited by SimplicityAtItsBest on Fri 11/02/12 02:54 PM

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 02:41 PM

I would want to know that I matter.A phone call/text just to see how your day was going.Not to cheat,lie,take avantage of you.I know thats what I want...Just to find a woman that loved me the way that I would them.:smile:

So nice to dream, isn't it.
Who knows, ur dream gal may be out there ..

Can you guarantee that for the rest of us?

There are no guarantees in life, buddy.
Keep digging.

And I thought you might be the one.

The one, what? laugh

The devilish side of you, looks attractive.

Gee thanks.
I'm evil.

That makes most women attractive and then you just have to select the good one.

You're saying u like 'good', 'evil' women? huh

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 02:40 PM

I would want to know that I matter.A phone call/text just to see how your day was going.Not to cheat,lie,take avantage of you.I know thats what I want...Just to find a woman that loved me the way that I would them.:smile:

So nice to dream, isn't it.
Who knows, ur dream gal may be out there ..

Can you guarantee that for the rest of us?

There are no guarantees in life, buddy.
Keep digging.

And I thought you might be the one.

The one, what? laugh

The devilish side of you, looks attractive.

Gee thanks.
I'm evil.

An understatement.

mad pitchfork rant devil

U scurred? scared

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 02:35 PM

What do guys want?????

6 words. Poon Tang or head on demand.smokin

Honesty is so refreshing.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 02:33 PM

I want some horror DVDs.

What about some Puppy Chow?

You buying?

Yep. Now quit asking for horror dvds! laugh

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 02:32 PM

I would want to know that I matter.A phone call/text just to see how your day was going.Not to cheat,lie,take avantage of you.I know thats what I want...Just to find a woman that loved me the way that I would them.:smile:

So nice to dream, isn't it.
Who knows, ur dream gal may be out there ..

Can you guarantee that for the rest of us?

There are no guarantees in life, buddy.
Keep digging.

And I thought you might be the one.

The one, what? laugh

The devilish side of you, looks attractive.

Gee thanks.
I'm evil.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 02:04 PM

I would want to know that I matter.A phone call/text just to see how your day was going.Not to cheat,lie,take avantage of you.I know thats what I want...Just to find a woman that loved me the way that I would them.:smile:

So nice to dream, isn't it.
Who knows, ur dream gal may be out there ..

Can you guarantee that for the rest of us?

There are no guarantees in life, buddy.
Keep digging.

And I thought you might be the one.

The one, what? laugh

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 02:00 PM
Edited by SimplicityAtItsBest on Fri 11/02/12 02:02 PM

I would want to know that I matter.A phone call/text just to see how your day was going.Not to cheat,lie,take avantage of you.I know thats what I want...Just to find a woman that loved me the way that I would them.:smile:

So nice to dream, isn't it.
Who knows, ur dream gal may be out there ..

Can you guarantee that for the rest of us?

There are no guarantees in life, buddy.
Keep digging.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 01:57 PM

So which one are you - the one on the left or the right? happy

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 01:54 PM

I want some horror DVDs.

What about some Puppy Chow?

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 01:53 PM

I would want to know that I matter.A phone call/text just to see how your day was going.Not to cheat,lie,take avantage of you.I know thats what I want...Just to find a woman that loved me the way that I would them.:smile:

So nice to dream, isn't it.
Who knows, ur dream gal may be out there ..

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 01:31 PM
This whole thread is....


SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 01:18 PM
This may be a stupid question...but have u tried confronting him with this issue? (i.e., asking him why he's pulling away from you)...If so, then u did ur part..and it's probably time to move on. You're a sexy lady. Why waste time with a guy that's not going to appreciate you and all you have to give him. It's his loss.

Oh, and he may also be cheating...busy humping every other woman in town, while you're sitting here wondering about what to do with his sorry***. If he's getting booty left and right, your threat to move away will do nothing for him.