Community > Posts By > shmuzii316

shmuzii316's photo
Fri 02/22/08 12:37 PM

I was thinking about doing that but people have expressed concern regarding Rosie in a bra.

laugh laugh laugh laugh

shmuzii316's photo
Fri 02/22/08 12:34 PM

Nice. Is that a swimsuit top or your dundies?


hehe no thats not a swim suit top

shmuzii316's photo
Fri 02/22/08 12:34 PM

shouldn't this be in "rate my profile"?

bah theyll move it

who cares


shmuzii316's photo
Fri 02/22/08 12:28 PM


bigsmile devil

tell me what you think heh?


shmuzii316's photo
Fri 02/22/08 12:01 PM

I enjoy a good debate, but lately I've seen a lack of humility in the political forums. I understand we wont always see eye to eye and have a difference in opinions. I love that fact! We all have our own separate ideas. Ideas are what make this country function and grow. Ideas should never be insulted, belittled, are hold higher status over another.

Lets take a moment to put a name & a face behind each idea. Behind each poster's thread there is a person sitting at their computer...perhaps in fuzzy slippers drinking coffee...They could be your neighbor, your mother, your son, your friend...flowerforyou :heart:

Lets keep the personal attacks out of the forums & enjoy the different opinions we have as individuals!drinker

im in fuzzy slippers!

drinking tea actually..

i should get my ass up though..its noon

bigsmile blushing

lol but yes i agree with you 100%

shmuzii316's photo
Fri 02/22/08 11:52 AM

Your Mr . Right is out there...unfortunately hes f@#$ing someone else right now! drinker

laugh aw

bad start of the day?


shmuzii316's photo
Fri 02/22/08 11:28 AM

I am ABSOLUTELY ready!!! We have no choice but to be ready.
I hope you will see the beauty I will see someday.bigsmile

oh dear lord..

im with darkowl1

ill be assisting the cleanup!!!

shmuzii316's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:20 PM

*sigh* If you REALLLLLY want it...


Well it really depends on how fast you get over here and how much clothes are involved.

laugh laugh laugh

haha..minimal clothing devil
Well you were supposed to give me the specifications! laugh laugh

shmuzii316's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:18 PM

shmuzii i would love to give you a massage bigsmile


shmuzii316's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:16 PM

we need two people to give massages.

lol damn right

I'm game I'll help

oh la la

ur a cutie


shmuzii316's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:16 PM

*sigh* If you REALLLLLY want it...


Well it really depends on how fast you get over here and how much clothes are involved.

laugh laugh laugh

shmuzii316's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:12 PM

we need two people to give massages.

lol damn right

shmuzii316's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:12 PM

*sigh* If you REALLLLLY want it...


shmuzii316's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:10 PM

any volunteers?


shmuzii316's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:00 PM
Edited by shmuzii316 on Thu 02/21/08 10:00 PM
craig-crazy craig

susie bigsmile

shmuzii316's photo
Thu 02/21/08 09:59 PM
i really wanna say the sweets section..

but i like fruits

shmuzii316's photo
Thu 02/21/08 09:54 PM

what do yall think of a 19 year old girl and a 41 year old guy having a relationship?

you do what you wanna do.

if you like him..go for it. parents are 18 years apart

as long as you guys can hold a convo and you have somethings in common

i mean..look at ashton and demi

(lol im a dork)

but i say its biggie

shmuzii316's photo
Thu 02/21/08 09:49 PM

:wink: devil bigsmile Night all. yawn yawn yawn drinker flowerforyou :heart: glasses

laugh laugh laugh laugh

shmuzii316's photo
Thu 02/21/08 09:45 PM

A lady died and is being prepared to go under by Jake.
Jake is dressing and cleaning her when he sees a problem and tells his boss.
He says,
"Boss this lady's got a shrimp in her vagina."
"What? let me see".
He looks and says,
"You dumbass that's her clit."
Jake replies,
"Oh, it tasted like shrimp."

bigsmile glasses

sad sad sad sad sick sick sick laugh laugh

shmuzii316's photo
Thu 02/21/08 09:36 PM

What I wanna know is why does the male peacock have prettier plumes than the female???? wtf is going on there???noway grumble laugh


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