Community > Posts By > foxebrownsuga

foxebrownsuga's photo
Sat 02/23/08 12:21 PM
uncultured swines the lot of u!!!

foxebrownsuga's photo
Sat 02/23/08 12:18 PM
Edited by foxebrownsuga on Sat 02/23/08 12:32 PM
so, anyone else here read Gibran, do online gaming, have a fanatical love for cheese, play any kind of musical insturment, is addicted to tattoos and body art, and is aware of the intricacy of the balance that connects us 2 all other living things oh, and loves 2 eat chocolate naked? or is that a shot in the dark?

foxebrownsuga's photo
Fri 02/22/08 02:44 PM
ooooh, i c some ppl who will never get skyped by me!!!!! suX 2
B U!!!

foxebrownsuga's photo
Fri 02/22/08 02:30 PM
yay its friday!!! lets play. anyone have skype?

foxebrownsuga's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:01 PM
Edited by foxebrownsuga on Thu 02/21/08 11:07 PM

It's fine until the date you're on asks, "So, how long has it been?" and you look her in the eye and say, "Um, 12 hours ago.".

hey if i could go 12 hours i wouldnt have this question!!!!

foxebrownsuga's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:58 PM

Basically its nobody's business what you do.....and who cares what others think anyways??? Do they pay your rent???huh laugh

lol, no that would be true love!!!!! lol

foxebrownsuga's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:52 PM
while i believe that sex and love 2gether is the best, i think ppl tend 2 mix them up 2gether 2 often. sex does not = love

foxebrownsuga's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:47 PM
k,just looking 4 opinions here. is it cool 2 have a booty call buddy 2 keep u happy while u wait 2 meet that special someone? or should u keep yr eye on the prize and save it all up as long as it takes? (honesty first...yr buddy would be told that that is his or her only purpose)

foxebrownsuga's photo
Wed 02/20/08 07:25 PM
honey, more of yr tax dollars go 2 war and keeping the rich happy than anything else :)

foxebrownsuga's photo
Mon 02/18/08 09:46 PM
thank u my sweeties!! just needed 2 c yr loving faces :)

foxebrownsuga's photo
Mon 02/18/08 09:37 PM
i'm feelin a lil down. anyone have any lovin 4 me :(

foxebrownsuga's photo
Sun 02/17/08 08:12 PM
LOL w00t!!!!

foxebrownsuga's photo
Sun 02/17/08 08:11 PM

hahaha watson ur a funny kid

i try bro. i mean we obviously cant be to good looking if we are on a dating site. or is it because i live in florida with the most stuck up girls on earth. i dont knowlaugh

i agree.. y are`we here if we are so god damn good looking
maybe we're gorgeous on the outside but ugly on the inside. personally, i think that would make someone undateable.

naw, i can do ppl who r ugly on the inside....they just cant stay the night

foxebrownsuga's photo
Sun 02/17/08 08:08 PM
i dunno bout the guys but 4 some of the gurlie itz about safety

foxebrownsuga's photo
Sun 02/17/08 08:03 PM
<------ yummy!!

foxebrownsuga's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:12 PM

Do you have any other tats to show? Substitute i for a if you like ... noway

nope, i just have the 2....but i do have 5 tattoos : )

foxebrownsuga's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:05 PM
ok, i got a close shot of my tat, so do i delete the other one or is it clear now with the close-up that it is supposed to be a pic of my tat?
lol does this make it tit 4 tat??

foxebrownsuga's photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:33 PM
thanX 4 the input, maybe i will crop it, thats a good idea

blessed be

foxebrownsuga's photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:22 PM
posted a pic of my new tattoo, but i dont wanna show 2 much. what do u think?

foxebrownsuga's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:23 PM
do me, do me?!?!!!