Community > Posts By > moman65672
Whats on your mind?
Thank you. For the record, any male that I have ever been interested in, I have e-mailed. I don't sit and wait for men to come to me. I have not had any dates but I did make one good friend in my area. And I have been busted before for not using smileys or saying LOL. I know people can't read my mind and I should get in the habit of doing that. But for me, it feels like I am laughing at my own jokes. I will try to be more clear in the future though, because, honestly, although it seems like I spend a lot of time fighting, I don't like to fight. I just want to have fun and get along. ![]() Now your making me feel really really bad you have never emailed me. ![]() for awhile there i thought we were married it was just like old times... makes me happy Im divorced now. thanks for the memories. No one likes fighting its the making thats fun just skip the first part jump into the second part.I was thinking for while of suggesting a name change from hikerchick to hyperchick since your feathers were all fluffed up. ![]() Thanks for the Saturday night date most excitment I have had in a long time. ![]() |
Whats on your mind?
Moman - out of respect to you I am going to try this one more time. I WAS making a joke when I said if someone doesn't reply to you they have already weeded you out. I mean, you guys are effectively saying "I don't date people who don't talk to me" Sorry, but I found that kind of funny. I am sorry that you feel I implied something that I never meant to imply. I am no longer certain what question it is that you want me to answer. Whether it is rude not to answer e-mails, I suppose it is. As I stated earlier, I answer all the e-mails that I get. Do I feel I have the right to stand in judgement of people who don't ? Is this what you are trying to get me to say? My honest answer is I don't know. Like I said before, so many factors could come into play in someone's failure to answer an e-mail. I mean, they could be in the hospital or something. Who am I to call them rude? I am not sure, still, what I said that set you off. I don't see any hostility in my posts before you decided to confront me about something I never said nor meant to imply. After that, perhaps I got testy. Wouldn't you? I really don't understand how we got to this point and I am sorry that it did. Now for the fun part of a argruement the making up ![]() ![]() ![]() forget all the questions the only point I was trying to make was if you sent a email we would expect a reply. Once in a while things happen for many reasons but if it happens all the time then the trend is not good. You should know by now us guys dont handle rejection good. we have big egos that need to be fed. If we waited for women to take the first step nothing would happen. So all Im asking is if you (meaning everyone that reads this) gets a email please respond if nothing else than to say Im not interested even your not my type will work ...I guess we in our small minds can think she doesnt like human types. ![]() I find the people that request photos are the worst if I take the time to send a photo at least say you recieved it whats the point of sending photos with not getting any replys. anyone that just judges a person by their photo is shallow anyways so why send them one. ok Im done complaining..drama is over back to the regular routine of reading and not posting ![]() |
Whats on your mind?
and moman - please don't put words in my mouth. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. If you feel that you can pursue a relationship with someone who won't talk to you, go for it. I never put words in your mouth I read what you said and took it for what it implyed. you wanted to point out one thing I wanted to point out something may mean what you say but that doesnt mean you imply something else. we can go on and on with this but you avoid my quesition in my reply . will you ever admit its rude not to reply to a email which is a weed out factor.will you ever answer now do we know you got the email without a reply? I reply to all e-mails I get. But if send someone an email, and he doesn't reply, I have lost the power to cross him off my list. He has already crossed me off. I also don't speculate about whether he is rude, or whatever. He may not be online; his computer may have broken; he may have meant to reply and forgotten; he may have died for all I know. I have no need to get pissed off at people who don't pay attention to me. I have enough people who do pay attention to me. Initially, I didn't think you were such a hostile person. I liked you. All things must end. If your looking for some one to be hostile in the begining you must have been prejudiced from the get go. I look for the postives at first not the negitives.I liked your humor where did that go? only the bad things end the good goes on forever. I make a better friend than a enemy the choice is your ![]() |
Whats on your mind?
I have to agree with Yashafox, The single most important criteria is that she’s willing to communicate. If she won’t even reply to an email I think that pretty much weeds her out right there. uh - I think she weeded you out if she doesn't reply to your e-mails. so your saying its ok to be rude and not send a Im not interested reply? If they cant do that then they werent worth emailing in the first place who cares if they reject you or not but at least be nice about it if your half human ![]() I never said anything of the kind. The question was how do you determine who to weed out. If someone is not willing to speak to you, I think they have already taken that choice from you. You can't pursue a relationship with someone who won't return your e-mails. you never said it but its implyed. if your not interested just igoreing someone isnt being nice. how much effort would it take to say no Im not interested? how does the person know if you ever got their email? its just plain rude and they must think they are pretty hot stuff to pick who they choice to reply to. kindness doent cost a dime. why would anyone even want to pursue talkig to someone if they were being in control more important that being polite? somehow you went and switched topics on me without telling me. I thought we were talking about weed out factors. Apparently we are talking about e-mail manners. I can't keep up. the topic never changed you made a statement I called you on it you cant defend what you said so now i change the topic. you maybe confused Im not. the weed out factor was about not responding to emails nothing changed maybe in your mind they did not mine. why do you feel the need to be rude to me? have I done something to piss you off? What is it that I am supposed to be defending? The fact that if someone does not return your e-mails, they have already weeded you out? How is that statement inflammatory, and what about it irritates you so much? Is it not true? Im not being rude by pointing out what you said that implyed something. I guess Im suppose to read what you say and just sit here and not say anything. just becasue you now said im rude that suppose to make me rude lol get real.I could have said along time ago you just like to agrue. someone not giving in to you are agreeing with you isnt being rude. no you havent pissed me off now your implying Im a bad mean person. it just goes on and on .you still refuse to answer my questions it your way of trying to control . If I answers your questions it makes it look like I want to pick a fight and im the bad guy. your smart but not that smart. Your move. |
Whats on your mind?
and moman - please don't put words in my mouth. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. If you feel that you can pursue a relationship with someone who won't talk to you, go for it. I never put words in your mouth I read what you said and took it for what it implyed. you wanted to point out one thing I wanted to point out something may mean what you say but that doesnt mean you imply something else. we can go on and on with this but you avoid my quesition in my reply . will you ever admit its rude not to reply to a email which is a weed out factor.will you ever answer now do we know you got the email without a reply? |
Whats on your mind?
I have to agree with Yashafox, The single most important criteria is that she’s willing to communicate. If she won’t even reply to an email I think that pretty much weeds her out right there. uh - I think she weeded you out if she doesn't reply to your e-mails. so your saying its ok to be rude and not send a Im not interested reply? If they cant do that then they werent worth emailing in the first place who cares if they reject you or not but at least be nice about it if your half human ![]() I never said anything of the kind. The question was how do you determine who to weed out. If someone is not willing to speak to you, I think they have already taken that choice from you. You can't pursue a relationship with someone who won't return your e-mails. you never said it but its implyed. if your not interested just igoreing someone isnt being nice. how much effort would it take to say no Im not interested? how does the person know if you ever got their email? its just plain rude and they must think they are pretty hot stuff to pick who they choice to reply to. kindness doent cost a dime. why would anyone even want to pursue talkig to someone if they were being in control more important that being polite? somehow you went and switched topics on me without telling me. I thought we were talking about weed out factors. Apparently we are talking about e-mail manners. I can't keep up. the topic never changed you made a statement I called you on it you cant defend what you said so now i change the topic. you maybe confused Im not. the weed out factor was about not responding to emails nothing changed maybe in your mind they did not mine. |
Whats on your mind?
I have to agree with Yashafox, The single most important criteria is that she’s willing to communicate. If she won’t even reply to an email I think that pretty much weeds her out right there. uh - I think she weeded you out if she doesn't reply to your e-mails. so your saying its ok to be rude and not send a Im not interested reply? If they cant do that then they werent worth emailing in the first place who cares if they reject you or not but at least be nice about it if your half human ![]() I never said anything of the kind. The question was how do you determine who to weed out. If someone is not willing to speak to you, I think they have already taken that choice from you. You can't pursue a relationship with someone who won't return your e-mails. you never said it but its implyed. if your not interested just igoreing someone isnt being nice. how much effort would it take to say no Im not interested? how does the person know if you ever got their email? its just plain rude and they must think they are pretty hot stuff to pick who they choice to reply to. kindness doent cost a dime. why would anyone even want to pursue talkig to someone if they were being in control more important that being polite? |
Whats on your mind?
I have to agree with Yashafox, The single most important criteria is that she’s willing to communicate. If she won’t even reply to an email I think that pretty much weeds her out right there. uh - I think she weeded you out if she doesn't reply to your e-mails. so your saying its ok to be rude and not send a Im not interested reply? If they cant do that then they werent worth emailing in the first place who cares if they reject you or not but at least be nice about it if your half human ![]() |
Whats on your mind?
Not many replys here guess alot people dont have anything on their mind.
![]() This is what is important to me...... good health |
Places to meet
Edited by
Fri 03/21/08 09:55 AM
Eidetic memory. No, not really. Just that certain things stick in my mind for some reason - I have actually caught some members in lies on here because I remember posts from weeks earlier. Don't ask me what I went into the kitchen for, though. I had to look up Eidetic nt a word someone with a pblic education would use. Seems it has to do with visial things. Im good at remembering faces names im not so good with.I saw on the news a guy that could remeber ever day in his life. that would be down right scary for a woman to life with him . edited because I put my comments in the wrong place and had to correct it . ![]() |
Places to meet
it was one of those posted ..said some intelligent my attention..a few threads later you said something about "I don't mind when they call me by my girlfriend's last name" or something like that. So I assumed you currently were seeing someone. well if there was some intelligent things said then it couldnt have been me. ![]() I remember that about the last names that happened back when we were living togeather... alot happened durning that year most of it I want to forget about. after reading so many post how do you keep them in your memory? I forget what I posted after hitting the post button much less everything I read. ![]() |
Places to meet
Nope! Notice I was paying attention when you said you had a girlfriend. isnt had mean in the past and have mean in the present? Hummmmmm makes me think your picking on poor little old me. ![]() ![]() |
Places to meet
you said in a previous post that you had a girlfriend, I thought. Yes thats right I HAD a G/F . We lived togeather for a while it didnt work out so she moved out. We still see each other once in awhile. Is there a limit to how many female friends you can have if your not in a serious relationship?? |
Places to meet
good for you. i go early in the morning so i get all the ppl going to work. come in alone so can never tell whose really single. they all claim to be ![]() I find the best time is around 1200 in the afternoon. any earlier or later you cant get on the machines they are all taken. Seems lunch time is a slow time.Since they added tvs to every workout machine we have alot more people guess some cant workout without their favorite TV program. I like to listen to my MP3 player it makes the time go by faster. |
Whats on your mind?
We all have major weed out factors in mind when condisdering someone dating material..... what are your?
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Best and Worst of Over 50
What are the best things and worst things about dating someone over 50? Please share your stories and observations. Is it really any different dating someone over 50 than it was when you were younger? What about relationships? Are they more difficult or more easy? the best ... you dont have to worry about getting your date pregnant most are past menopause. ![]() the best.... really is we know what we are looking for and what we want out of life but that a double edge sword if it doent include us. the worst is at this time in our life that we can start to enjoy retirement and more freedom health issues start to pop up. if we all knew we were going to live this long we would have taken better care of ourselfs...I sure would have. |
Places to meet
Anyone ever try the gym? Yes I go at least 3 times a week. you meet alot of people there most come as couples or they are too far all i have gotten was in better shape no dates so it hasnt been a waste of time. |
Hey everybody!
is Lackawanna a real place? sounds kind of funny
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Whats in your Wallet
capital one of course ![]() looks like we think alike ![]() |
Whats in your Wallet
Capital one credit card of course.
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