I have to see him only on Sunday's and i'm going to try to avoid him. My brother already did the big brother thing so he won't be talking to me lol It's just going to be hard to see him and not cry :(
I know I need to forgive him, it'll just take some time. I would give him another chance if he even wanted me, but he doesn't, so that's out the window. I feel anger and sadness all at the same time....I wish I didn't have to see him...then I could heal and forgive him easier.
please do, what hurts the most is I'm madly in love with someone who could care less for me. Every kiss was a lie
I just spent a year with a man who I love dearly. The second six months we both took a block of really hard nursing science pre reqs. Class ended last week and he dumped me horribly, saying he only used me for grades. I worked so hard and got all A's...I was stupid and let him copy ALL of my homework and gave him test answers. Now I'm crushed and feel stupid at the same time. Am I the only person who has ever felt this way? :(
anyone from utah?
Have family there and it's beautiful, might move there one day. Good place to raise a family...if that ever happens either lol
I love it! lol
I told him no kissing no dating blah blah but he's throwing like this little boy tamtrum lol It's really making me hope he doesn't work out his problems....terrible huh? lol
That's what I told him to do, but he's not to thrilled lol Some of it is "us". Things that happened months ago, dumb arguments...he's blaming me for EVERYTHING that goes wrong in his life now for some reason...and I'm really tired of it. I'm busy with my life and don't enjoy being unhappy ya know?
True, not all men are confusing....just my guy who is a mess. He wants to be just friends while he works some things out in his life....totally fine with me....but yet he wants to go out everynight and still kiss me! Friends don't do that. I wonder the same thing you do Lady.
I'm wondering why men are so confusing? Why I'm to nice? ugh lol Someone give me a rock to crawl under :)
So I was wondering...
Unfortunately there are alot of liars in this world
anything as long as he's honest
sorta new
hi all, i used to be a member but haven't been on for about a year...so i guess i'm new again :)
hows every
i hate that picture you have up! it's so creepy
hows every
can't sleep and frustrated by it!
kinda liking mary kay as of late
you are cute!! it's just hazy silly
stoopid white people
I'll keep my beautiful baby blues, thank you very much!