Community > Posts By > Dreamer1982
Something has to give
what 'signs' do you see that it IS so bad? maybe its just where you live, or maybe its just your perception, or maybe its just an attachment to an inhuman idealistic fantasy? what 'this' has america come to in 20 years? We are more gluttonous than ever, we have an overabundance of food , yet still have people starving (that hasnt changed), We are more paranoid than ever, we have a decrease in violent crime, but more people convinced they need a gun for the 'bad guys' we are free to be bigots, we have some of the best medical care , we get free access to public education, we all are able to have a vote, we have an overabundance of access to just about any product you can think of, we have internet, we have cable, we have an overabundance of vehicles, we have multiple airports, women are free to behave like trollips or saings, men are free to be gentleman or dogs, and we are free to LEAVE if we feel so trapped in all of the abundance we already have ,,whatever is so 'bad' to you,, just seems like life to me,,,,and Id go so far as to say perhaps too much freedom,, that has lead to quite a few spoiled entitled brats,,, Sure....we are free to do what/as we are told, within the limits of what we are allowed. SORRY! That's NOT freedom! Short andsimple, yet perfectly stated. |
Something has to give
here is a topic,,,,,more about collective responsibility than fingerpointing at scapegoats... Nations most often fall from within, and this fall is usually due to a decline in the moral and spiritual values in the family. As families go, so goes a nation. This has been the main premise of thinkers from British historian J. D. Unwin to Russian sociologist Pitirim Sorokin who have studied civilizations that have collapsed. In his book Our Dance Has Turned to Death, Carl Wilson identifies the common pattern of family decline in ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Notice how these seven stages parallel what is happening in our nation today. In the first stage, men ceased to lead their families in worship. Spiritual and moral development became secondary. Their view of God became naturalistic, mathematical, and mechanical. In the second stage, men selfishly neglected care of their wives and children to pursue material wealth, political and military power, and cultural development. Material values began to dominate thought, and the man began to exalt his own role as an individual. The third stage involved a change in men's sexual values. Men who were preoccupied with business or war either neglected their wives sexually or became involved with lower-class women or with homosexuality. Ultimately, a double standard of morality developed. The fourth stage affected women. The role of women at home and with children lost value and status. Women were neglected and their roles devalued. Soon they revolted to gain access to material wealth and also freedom for sex outside marriage. Women also began to minimize having sex relations to conceive children, and the emphasis became sex for pleasure. Marriage laws were changed to make divorce easy. In the fifth stage, husbands and wives competed against each other for money, home leadership, and the affection of their children. This resulted in hostility and frustration and possible homosexuality in the children. Many marriages ended in separation and divorce. Many children were unwanted, aborted, abandoned, molested, and undisciplined. The more undisciplined children became, the more social pressure there was not to have children. The breakdown of the home produced anarchy. In the sixth stage, selfish individualism grew and carried over into society, fragmenting it into smaller and smaller group loyalties. The nation was thus weakened by internal conflict. The decrease in the birthrate produced an older population that had less ability to defend itself and less will to do so, making the nation more vulnerable to its enemies. Finally, unbelief in God became more complete, parental authority diminished, and ethical and moral principles disappeared, affecting the economy and government. Thus, by internal weakness and fragmentation the societies came apart. There was no way to save them except by a dictator who arose from within or by barbarians who invaded from without. Although this is an ancient pattern of decline found in Greece and Rome, it is relevant today. Families are the foundation of a nation. When the family crumbles, the nation falls because nations are built upon family units. They are the true driving social force. A nation will not be strong unless the family is strong. That was true in the ancient world and it is true today. Social commentator Michael Novak, writing on the importance of the family, said: One unforgettable law has been learned through all the disasters and injustices of the last thousand years: If things go well with the family, life is worth living; when the family falters, life falls apart. from : good read and many good notions therein, thank you. Whether or not someone likes Mr. Obama, respect is due the nation's President. I am apalled by some of the derogatory comments I see. Do you think you'd have seen that poster with the condom in reference to JFK, Lyndon Johnson or Geo Bush? no. The pervasive lack of respect for the office of the President is not a wise choice for this country Fortunately we are all entitled to our own opinions as individuals. In my opinion, Oboma-nation, is no better or worse, presidentially speaking, than countless other useless people who made it to that office, however, he IS very arrogant and "stuck up." I am sorry, but I agree to disagree. He deserves respect no more then you and I. No matter a persons financial, or employment posistions in society, we are all human, ( sex offenders not included)we all were born from a woman, we all need to eat and drink, we all use the bathroom, we can all get sick, and when life is done, it is done. for us all. A president deserves the same respect anyone else does. |
Something has to give
Glad to have prevented this: . "Corporations are people, my friend ... of course they are. Everything corporations earn ultimately goes to the people. Where do you think it goes? Whose pockets? Whose pockets? People's pockets. Human beings, my friend." "I like being able to fire people who provide services to me." As president, I will create 12 million new jobs." —Mitt Romney, during the second presidential debate "Government does not create jobs. Government does not create jobs." —Mitt Romney, 45 minutes later (Oct. 16, 2012) thank goodness we dodged that bullet,,,,(we ,meaning those who arent privileged and detached from the struggles of anyone else) true... the government doesn't create a great number of the promises it makes...just sounds good at election time, but they all make false promises similar each election...and near nothing actually changing....but its all a big joke. We all work for meaningless paper with no actual value... this country is so far in debt there is no way to pay it off, yet the money press keeps printing.... |
Something has to give
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() They already mated Obama (mother) with a horse (father) and she gave birth to a jackass! |
Something has to give
more, the nations condition started four years ago,,,,,, seems quite silly a suggestion to me,,,but to each their own,,,, I was cracking a joke, I know he is just as useless as majority of the others, lol. |
Something has to give
Edited by
Sat 05/11/13 08:02 AM
Are there any topics in existence, that have not yet made it into the date site forums? Seems like the same subject matter as it was 4 years ago when I used the site, but mostly different people.
Maybe it is time for pretend topics? Not to make this political, but how about mating Obama, with a male horse...or an elephant? Just to see what happens... exactly as it seems he is doing with the country. |
Ride with me or collide with me.
I like it...cause who needs "fair weather friends?" |
What's your favorite animal?
Even though I do not currently have a Pit...
I have this pretty girl... ![]() |
I sit down and gaze around at all that is a blessing, though, often, second guessing, I feel things are good, and will turn out as they should. Something gives each of us a hard time, love knows, most things don't change on a dime. Seeking the goal of good things, daily eventually, your efforts, won't be failing. No one said life is always easy, nice, sweet, or breezy. Reduce stress, try to relax. Give yourself time to think about the facts. With your mind set on truth, it won't take long to find proof, that 'the truth will set you free,' opening your eyes to clearly see, truth is the key in becoming who we need to be. Ourselves, we can't outsmart. We can never lie to our own heart. No exceptions, we know what we've done. to ourselves, like a river, the truth must run. Your word is your bond. It means everything, and beyond. We must stay strong to steer away from wrong. It's ok to be friendly, but be gaurded, not every smile is kind hearted. The world, isn't always nice. Quite the opposite, it can be cold as ice. The past is lost in yesterday, forever, it has gone away. Memories are simply thoughts, images, of a true story, caught. To them, you are not bound, nor, in any way, tied down. We are free to change our thoughts, to arrange them in order of matter, allowing the petty things to be scattered. |
Edited by
Mon 05/06/13 08:53 PM
if i did it correctly, you should see my 4 year
![]() |
a shot in the dark.
Thank you all, for the positive inspiration!
I suppose I had to question the format, simply due to a self induced lack of education in school, lol. Up to 6th grade, I had great grades, but school became boring, and 6th was essentially, the last year I went to school with the purpose of learning in mind. I used to be the "trouble maker" parents told their kids to stay away from, lol, 7th & 8th grade I earned a total of 7 suspensions, from school, (not to mention in school suspension) and finally they expelled me, 9th grade I earned a ton of trouble, ending up in Juvie lock up for most of the 9th year. Tired of school, at 16 I took and passed the GED, and school was all history. Whatever "education" I may have now, is self learned, lol, so I just go with the flow... |
a shot in the dark.
lol, so it must be an improper format? I hope it would be fitting for me, since I like to be outside the box, anyway.. After all, Newton, Einstein, Franklin, etc, didn't become amazing parts of history, by staying in the |
a shot in the dark.
I have never had "poetry class" of anykind as I recall.
I have no clue, what "proper formatting" is related to poetry. I just write, and what happens...happens, on paper...With that said,it is what it is. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Life Truth." I sit down and gaze around at all that is a blessing, though, often, second guessing, I feel things are good, and will turn out as they should. Something gives each of us a hard time, love knows, most things don't change on a dime. Seeking the goal of good things, daily eventually, your efforts, won't be failing. No one said life is always easy, nice, sweet, or breezy. Reduce stress, try to relax. Give yourself time to think about the facts. With your mind set on truth, it won't take long to find proof, that 'the truth will set you free,' opening your eyes to clearly see, truth is the key in becoming who we need to be. Ourselves, we can't outsmart. We can never lie to our own heart. No exceptions, we know what we've done. to ourselves, like a river, the truth must run. Your word is your bond. It means everything, and beyond. We must stay strong to steer away from wrong. It's ok to be friendly, but be gaurded, not every smile is kind hearted. The world, isn't always nice. Quite the opposite, it can be cold as ice. The past is lost in yesterday, forever, it has gone away. Memories are simply thoughts, images, of a true story, caught. To them, you are not bound, nor, in any way, tied down. We are free to change our thoughts, to arrange them in order of matter, allowing the petty things to be scattered. |
This site is dead, now.
4 years ago, when I used this site, there were people to chat w at any time on here? |
Edited by
Sat 03/23/13 05:57 AM
To upload photos to forum, I usually do it from my cell phone because I always have that with me, but computer or cellphone- either go to or download the photobucket app for phone. Have to make an account if you do not have one.. But you can upload whatever picture you want on there, then copy the URL link that it should provide you on that web page/app and paste it in the forum. The URL link usually starts with "image" or "img" Example: the URL link for the picture that I used is: [IMG) http: //i [/IMG) So you would just copy and paste that entire link straight into the forum then it converts it magically to the picture! Hope this helps!! thank you |
4th amendment.
Here is something of interest. |
4th amendment.
| The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. The government does not want to uphold the law even though they have sworn to. One party passes rules to give themselves more power and when another party is in charge and uses those new powers, they fuss. Both sides are guilty. Our police are more like a military army and raid places even if there is no proof of the people being violent. More laws are being passed, making more people criminals. Not everyone that has broken the law an evil person that needs to be in jail for a long time. Some are people in need of help and will be repeat offenders until they receive help to make them a better person. you are on the right track...however, due to the government, being "of the people, by the people and for the people," I feel it is all of society to blame for current events...we run the government, but that has been long forgotten by most everyone. with each generation their is clear evidence, of gradual "conditioning" of the minds of children to believe everything they hear in school and on the news. Society as a whole, is being sucked into mindless whirlwind of gadgets and gizmos and sports to occupy and divert attention from the fact that we are being used as pawns by our government. Thanks to so many people putting on the blinders of obliviousness, those of us who want to stand up are currently overpowered by the drones who have been programmed to prevent us civilians from seeing and knowing to much. LOL funny. its all bass ackwards agreed. we are all responsible for the mess we are in because it is our responsilbility to participate in our democracy but most of us don't . Instead we sit back and complain about those who do. Clearly an apathetic public is easy prey for those willing to spout one thing during an election, and then do whatever they please in office. The irony of Mr. Obama is that his policies will probably most hurt the people who put him in office, widening the gap between the haves and have nots...why? because people voted by race or race guilt without listening to what he was actually proposing. (and yes I donned my helmet and safety gear before making that Our politicians aren't listening any better. I read the web boards daily on all kinds of issues. The "People" want our troops home (as much as is feasible), limited involvement in the middle east, energy independence, clean air and water, preservation of natural & scenic areas, and a say in policies that affect the environment (no more non disclosure rules for chemical wastes for example), they want choice not obamacare, they want immigration laws that currently exist to be enforced even if it means a police action with Mexico. And they want jobs with a liveable minimum wage. I see varying degrees of these opinions on the boards everyday...whether or not they agree with my own opinion, our politicians are NOT doing any of these things. Often just the opposite. So how does that make sense? Its all an endless cycle of greedy |
dreamer music is filled with good poetry, so if I was in it just for the words I'd get Frost on tape or some such thing with music where there are lyrics (those are words) it is beautiful when the lyrics and the music are both good and sync well's like meeting a new guy where there's a total charge. Deftones, Aldean, Beatles come to mind I do however like a lot of music where there are no words Winston on piano and Satriani on guitar come readily to mind I also love some music where the words are pretty silly or not particular esoteric - Def Leppard and Korn come to mind, but me lloves 'em cus the music is good - a well turned riff on a talented lead guitar is always nice, or a fiddle. to me music is poetry be it in lyric or line (just the music) either or any way it's all good. nice question Dreamer. ![]() lol, thank god you told me what lyrics You listed several good ones. I like tons of music, pretty much no rap. I like to hear all instruments of music, but my favorite is a good voice, and I personally want to learn piano...on my bucket good luck with your bucket. perhaps someone else can tell you what manners are namaste ![]() It was a joke,,,hence the lol. I suppose it could come off rude on here, but as you can read in my profile, I mean well, but often sarcastic to a fault. I promise, I didnt mean for it to be rude. ![]() ![]() good luck with the bucket, i thought funny. lol yes I realize that or at least figured as much...but let me explain anyway. I am also on a site where there are not many whose first language is english. so I have got in the habit of clarifying words sometimes. So the parentheses around lyrics wasn't meant necessarily for you. :) I was just messing with you a little .... forgive me? yeah, well, just for that, you are a meanie head poopy face.... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
4th amendment.
its still posting in quote box form....aaaarrrrggggghhhhhh Yuuuup, "site" happens, lol |