Community > Posts By > dirtyblonde007

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:52 PM

Wow Fanta such negativity! Can ya please be nice!flowerforyou

That's not negativity.noway
That's honesty!! You wont get that from a recruiter!!

please my recruiting station is deadly honest..... when i first stopped in the head sgt told me i needed to lose the gut or i wouldn't make it.... they don't all lie...

noway noway noway noway noway
He'd be the first!!

he hasn't been my first honest recruiter.... i started in texas and he was honest too. maybe you just had too many bad experiences

No your just naive!
The fact that you think there is a possibility that you will be training anywhere near a Marine is proof of that!
Everyone thinks their recruiter is being honest tell they get there! Then they wake up! That's naivety too!!

i know there is a great chance of them lying but so far they havent. i am not as naive as you think... you dont know me so stop judging me.

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:50 PM

[quote/]please my recruiting station is deadly honest..... when i first stopped in the head sgt told me i needed to lose the gut or i wouldn't make it.... they don't all lie...

wow, as if a comment like that isn't enough indication that you will be serving a bunch of loveless, carless bastards.

its not that they don't care and its hard to portray emotion through writing like this..... he said it in a nice way but the fact was i did need to lose weight.

This country doesn't need women changing themselves running off to kill and to be killed. This country needs it's women here, loving themselves just the way they are. My opinion hardly matters though.

is it really changing themselves or just doing something they love and want to do? the power of choice is an amazing thing.

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:48 PM

Wow Fanta such negativity! Can ya please be nice!flowerforyou

That's not negativity.noway
That's honesty!! You wont get that from a recruiter!!

Your being very NEGATIVE toward her and HER decision to join the army is what I was reffering to! Please be polite to my friendflowerforyou

thank you faith!flowerforyou

flowerforyou My pleasure

and you just stated the reason for the topic.... now i have another front to worry about.. well not really worry cuz it will be my ass over in iraq while they sip their beer..... its part of the job

Hey I fully support twin goes this week to talk to his recruiter..I have a friend who was full active duty..came home after she had her baby..has been doing weekends at base..and was just given notice that in 6-8 she will be goin to Iraq for a few months. When she gets back..she is going to re enlist cause her time will be up. And she is re enlisting full active duty.

There are approx 140,000 of the 155,000 troops in Iraq who never see the war! They sit warm and cozy inside a secure compound! Trust me! An MP may or may not have that luxury!!

I wish you luck and safety, but first you have to finish training! Many cant and dont!

with determination anyone can make it....

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:45 PM

[quote/]please my recruiting station is deadly honest..... when i first stopped in the head sgt told me i needed to lose the gut or i wouldn't make it.... they don't all lie...

wow, as if a comment like that isn't enough indication that you will be serving a bunch of loveless, carless bastards.

its not that they don't care and its hard to portray emotion through writing like this..... he said it in a nice way but the fact was i did need to lose weight.

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:42 PM

Wow Fanta such negativity! Can ya please be nice!flowerforyou

That's not negativity.noway
That's honesty!! You wont get that from a recruiter!!

please my recruiting station is deadly honest..... when i first stopped in the head sgt told me i needed to lose the gut or i wouldn't make it.... they don't all lie...

noway noway noway noway noway
He'd be the first!!

he hasn't been my first honest recruiter.... i started in texas and he was honest too. maybe you just had too many bad experiences

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:42 PM

Hey I fully support twin goes this week to talk to his recruiter..I have a friend who was full active duty..came home after she had her baby..has been doing weekends at base..and was just given notice that in 6-8 she will be goin to Iraq for a few months. When she gets back..she is going to re enlist cause her time will be up. And she is re enlisting full active duty.

yay for them!drinker
tell your twin good luck for me! we may end up going to basic at the same time...LOL
looks like september for me... at least that is the last word so far. my weight loss is dropping for it to be then.

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:36 PM

Wow Fanta such negativity! Can ya please be nice!flowerforyou

That's not negativity.noway
That's honesty!! You wont get that from a recruiter!!

Your being very NEGATIVE toward her and HER decision to join the army is what I was reffering to! Please be polite to my friendflowerforyou

thank you faith!flowerforyou

flowerforyou My pleasure

and you just stated the reason for the topic.... now i have another front to worry about.. well not really worry cuz it will be my ass over in iraq while they sip their beer..... its part of the job

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:34 PM

Wow Fanta such negativity! Can ya please be nice!flowerforyou

That's not negativity.noway
That's honesty!! You wont get that from a recruiter!!

Your being very NEGATIVE toward her and HER decision to join the army is what I was reffering to! Please be polite to my friendflowerforyou

thank you faith!flowerforyou

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:33 PM

Wow Fanta such negativity! Can ya please be nice!flowerforyou

That's not negativity.noway
That's honesty!! You wont get that from a recruiter!!

please my recruiting station is deadly honest..... when i first stopped in the head sgt told me i needed to lose the gut or i wouldn't make it.... they don't all lie...

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:32 PM

Like Driven. I was one of the rare ones who actually enjoyed my job, but then a grunts life is like no others in the service! Its a totally different world than say a MP!
Its like there are actually two Armies!
There are grunts and then there are rear echelons!

can we not be so bitter please...
and it wasn't supposed to be about me.

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:27 PM

Tell me that in a year!
You have no idea until you suit up!!

ya ok.... in a year from now my opinions won't change... i will always support the troops and love my job.

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:23 PM

I support all those boy's from the poor families who join for what ever reasons entice them.
Usually it is financial reasons or just plain old youthful naivety! I know I was a Sgt, 11B , besides walking in their shoes I also trained many of them!
The naivety doesn't take long to wear off, and the financial reasons soon deteriorate with the reality that dying isn't worth any amount of money!!

yes most join when young.... right after hs... but you know what? i am 20 and divorced and there are others like me. so am i naive because of my age?

Different reasons for different folks!
I can only hope it wasnt for the money!!
Its a far cry from Infantry to an MP!
But, yes you have no idea until you get off the bus what youve done!!!laugh laugh

i know exactly what i am doing (3rd generation army)and no its not for the money... its where my heart is......

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:15 PM

I support all those boy's from the poor families who join for what ever reasons entice them.
Usually it is financial reasons or just plain old youthful naivety! I know I was a Sgt, 11B , besides walking in their shoes I also trained many of them!
The naivety doesn't take long to wear off, and the financial reasons soon deteriorate with the reality that dying isn't worth any amount of money!!

yes most join when young.... right after hs... but you know what? i am 20 and divorced and there are others like me. so am i naive because of my age?

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:14 PM

For the troops!drinks drinks drinks

FYI my bonus was only $4,000 (Before taxes)tears

And i specialized in Airborne Infantry which was supposed to be a decent bonus. Ohh well...guess i will blame it on patriotism instead of money...:wink:

More Drinks!!!drinks drinks drinks

wow... i am going mp and will be getting more than that....
well have some on medrinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:06 PM


$20,000 enlistment bonuses are more enticing than Patriotism!

Fanta what a disparaging remark toward brave men and women that serve our country the best they can. To belittle them as being in it only for a 20,000 dollar bonus is the lowest I have ever seen you go. What a disgrace...hanging with the socialists really has changed you man:cry:

And your living in a fantasy world!

The srvices havent met their recruiting goals since the war in Iraq started!
They have done everything to get more "Patriots" to sign. From raising the bonuses to lowering the standards of recruits, to stop-loss, and they still fall short every month! You really need to leave the fantasy world you live in red wine!

ok guys break it up! lets be civil and not attack one another.
the point of this thread was to support the troops... not bash the military. thanks guys!

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 04:51 PM

Supporting our young men and women has nothing to do with non support for the illegal war started by a baffoon of a leader to better his and his buddies life and make them richer.frustrated

$20,000 enlistment bonuses are more enticing than Patriotism!

not everyone qualifies for a bonus and the amount depends on branch and other factors. most people do join because of a sense of pride of country....

Who doesnt qualify?
There are different amounts for different jobs, but when they complete training all get something1 $20,000 is for Grunts. Some get more, some less, but all get something.
National Guards bonuses are determined by their state, but they arent really soldiers are they? Not when I served they werent!
We called them weekend warriors or No Go's!!

i know plenty who don't especially the jobs that there are too many people for.

we still call them weekend warriors but i see them as real soldiers... i have a friend from hs who is in army guard and is heading to iraq...

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 04:43 PM

not everyone believes in will be fighting for freedom of speech so get used to it.I support the troops but war is nothing to support,i dont care where it is.

war is never going to stop... that is just a fact. doesn't matter with who or what... war is one reason we have troops... to defend what our country stands for and protect the people.

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 04:39 PM

Supporting our young men and women has nothing to do with non support for the illegal war started by a baffoon of a leader to better his and his buddies life and make them richer.frustrated

$20,000 enlistment bonuses are more enticing than Patriotism!

not everyone qualifies for a bonus and the amount depends on branch and other factors. most people do join because of a sense of pride of country....

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 04:38 PM

Are you kidding? Screw that person, they have no idea what they're talking about.

What brought this on?

Is there some on here not supporting the troops? explode

just saying how i feel because someone just degraded me for wanting to join... not online but in person.

i know... it just urks me that people can be so ignorantmad explode

dirtyblonde007's photo
Tue 07/01/08 04:29 PM

What brought this on?

Is there some on here not supporting the troops? explode

just saying how i feel because someone just degraded me for wanting to join... not online but in person.

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