Community > Posts By > L3fTy

L3fTy's photo
Wed 02/13/08 08:01 PM
Its more about purpose than believing..

L3fTy's photo
Wed 02/13/08 07:57 PM

L3fTy's photo
Wed 02/13/08 07:38 PM
Ok, before I get started, let it be known I am not bashing any major religion or belief system... I was raised in a christian home for the biggest part of my life. My dad a pastor of a church for years and years. We went to church almost all the time. I learned, so much, soaked up so much, it was amazing. I was so strong in my beliefs, I wouldn't even listen to what anyone else had to say, I was a rock, I couldnt be moved. As I got older and started to learn about life, and live it for that matter, I started seeing small, but, significant, flaws in this belief system. I tried to hold on to my beliefs as hard as I could, I mean this was pretty much bred into me, but the more I lived in the "real world" the more I saw things were not always as I was taught. Now as an adult, I am about 99.9% sure, I was led the wrong way. Once I started to study older civilizations, and the stories they had to tell, and how christianity borrowed from that.. Other much much older civilizations, speak and teach some of the same stories, great floods, versions of adam and eve, God in heaven that had a savior child with human women. I mean even with all that out the door, where is God for that matter? What happened to seas being parted, pillars of fire leading people, burning bushes, giving people advice.. Did God just decide to stop, are we not worthy enough now, or if he is there does he even care? I am not saying all this to get into a big debate, I am looking for answers. I mean I can see my bro right now shaking his head at me and calling me a God hater LOL.. Love u bro.. Anyway, what ever happened to "It shall be done" but babies die, or are born deformed, or when a kids puppy is dying and he gets on his knees and asks God to heal his pup, or for that matter when its a parent.. Years ago, there was a tornado in alabama, didnt do alot of damage but it had time to run over 2 chuirches full of people and wipe em out.. Seems loving to me. Now I do believe in a higher power of some sort, cause we had to start here somehow, but the God of the bible, I just dont see it.. Is it theres no one here on earth worthy enough for Gods attention, or does he care. And what of heaven and hell? Is this a preps v/s the hoods? Its like a clique, you have to be this way or you cant hang out with the cool kids? Seems like to me the most interesting people arent those in that clique.. To quote Friedrich Nietzsche "In heaven, all the interesting people are missing".. So whats the deal here? Satan has a fallout with God, God gets mad, casts him to earth, and for his punishment he is givin rule over the earth, so we might make it to heaven or we might not? I know adam and eve sinned in the garden, but why did God decide to put this on his creation he made in his own image? So great a love, he sent satan to earth to tempt them into death and hell? Doesnt make sense to me.. I love my daughter, she is a part of me, so would I send her to a crack house to stay where she could be tempted just to see if she loves me enough not to fall? Anyway, like I said before I am not bashing, only looking for answers. Feel free to beat me up on here. Thanks for reading..

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 11:27 PM
I love lamp....:tongue:

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 11:22 PM
Yo me puse quiero las personas estúpidas cualquiera

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 11:17 PM
Willkommen nett, Sie hier zu haben. :smile:

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 10:44 PM

its been snowing here for like 3 days... it's arsehole deep to a tall indian out there

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 10:38 PM

Steven Wright....

he's got a really dry sense of humour and i like it alot

Hehe thats exactly what I like about him...

u really got to pay attention to his jokes or u won't get them he really is hilarious

You are soooo right..

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 10:37 PM

i skipped college and took my son to see larry the cable guy for my 40th birthday...we hadda blast

Larry The Cable Guy was just in my town, this weekend.. He was pretty funny..

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 10:36 PM

Steven Wright....

he's got a really dry sense of humour and i like it alot

Hehe thats exactly what I like about him...

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 10:34 PM
Steven Wright....

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 10:33 PM
Sure send it my way, I'd like to get snowed in for a few days hehe..

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 10:23 PM
This armless kid goes to the local church
He tells the pastor he would like to be the church bell ringer.
The pastor noticing the boy has no arms trys to persuade the
kid to find something else he could do. Adamant about rining the bell, the boy persists. The pastor finally gives in and agrees.
Sunday morning as the crowd was gathering, the pastor leads the boy upstairs to the bell. Without warning the boy leans back and hits the bell with his head, not a sound from the bell..The pastor tells the kid maybe it wasnt a good idea, but the boy persists that he can do it, so the pastor gives him another chance. The boy backs up about 10 feet, and runs head first into the bell, not a sound out of the bell.. The pastor says thats it we have to find you another job. After much begging the boy tells the pastor, one more chance, if he cant make it ring he will find another job in the church. The pastor agrees. so the boy backs up 15 feet, takes off running, tripped and fell from the bell tower to the ground.. The pastor runs down stairs to find the bout out cold with a crowd gathered. Someone asked, who is this boy? The pastor looks at them and says, I dont know but his face rings a bell! :tongue:

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 10:11 PM
Great!!! and how might you be?

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 10:08 PM
Anytime :smile:

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 10:07 PM

why did that make me laugh??


L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 10:02 PM
3 guys walking down the street, 2 of them walk into a bar, the other one ducks...:tongue:

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:48 PM

If you claim to be a Christian, then be a Christian. I'm so sick of guys who say all this scripture and follow it with rude remarks and every quality that is not of God. Be or don't, but STOP FAKING IT!!!!!

Don't really believe in God, but I agree with you..

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:22 PM
Helter skelter and sgt. pepper

L3fTy's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:11 PM