Community > Posts By > karieltheone
How Nosy are You?
You've just had sex with a new lover for the first time. It's now the morning after and he/she has gone out to buy breakfast for you both. While they're gone, do you look through his/her personal belongings? Closets, draws, etc? Nah...I agree with JuatANormalPerson, that is just creepy. If you just meet her/him and you are already going through her stuff that relationship is going nowhere. Also, for anyone out there that says "yes, i would go through her stuff" you should check with an specialist ASAP :P |
Honey moon
The south of France it is always nice, the north of Italy,Bavaria is nice in summer, Greece it is always an option. If you are more of the party type Ibiza is always a good options.
Cities that never get old: Paris, London, Prague, Moscow, Monaco (if you are into gambling). If you are into the Asian thing, Japan and South Korea are nice places to visit. And if you are into heavy drugs and parties Thailand is not a bad destination. If you are in a short budget it all kinda depends on where you live. If you are on the States a cruise to the Bahamas for 2 can be really cheap, depending on the time of the year that you take it. I hope it helps (i assumed you were looking for ideas :P) |
Honey moon
Depends on how much money do you have, how many days can you get off work. Also, do you have a passport and if you would like to a place a VISA is required, can you get it and how long would the paper work take?
Edited by
Tue 02/05/13 06:12 PM
What are those SmartMeters? New wireless technology that can monitor details about your use of electricity. Who knows what else. They also want to charge a monthly reading fee of about $25.00 and yet they claim the meters will save you money. I think the meters will save the company money... not the customer. The point is, you can't refuse them.. and yet you have to pay for them. I guess you could refuse them if you went without electricity. What if you install solar panels in your roof and provide your own power? Sorry I am completely uninformed about the subject....but it sounds completely shady. There are ways to build homes today that are earth friendly and entirely off the grid with solar panels, wind power, water gathering towers etc. Why are there not more housing constructions companies building homes like this? No idea... but you do not have to build a house like that from scratch. Any typical house can be converter. Installing solar panels can be done in almost roof, and you can also make your own water perforation, install an automatic water extractor and filter, that way you get a house that does not have to pay for services or deal with companies that come with them...the initial inversion sucks though, but i know that i can be done. Houses like that are pretty common from here i come from. |
What are those SmartMeters? New wireless technology that can monitor details about your use of electricity. Who knows what else. They also want to charge a monthly reading fee of about $25.00 and yet they claim the meters will save you money. I think the meters will save the company money... not the customer. The point is, you can't refuse them.. and yet you have to pay for them. I guess you could refuse them if you went without electricity. What if you install solar panels in your roof and provide your own power? Sorry I am completely uninformed about the subject....but it sounds completely shady. |
What are those SmartMeters?
These are my 2 cents on the subject.
IN GENERAL: As forum rule: I would say don't rant about a rant. It does not help anyone and the only thing it does it take space in the forums. As general life rule: If you do not like what someone else have to say about certain topic, do not ear it, do not read it. Unless you live in North Korea or China or a place like that, chances are nobody is forcing you to listen to it. So when you decide that you don't like what it has been said or you have a 100% opposite view on the matter, just move on... don't engage into an evangelistic position regarding your own points of view, rarely something productive comes out of that. FOR THE "HON" THING IN PARTICULAR: When traveling and specially when interacting over the Internet, try to stick to the most "neutral" / standard version of what ever language you are using to communicate... makes communication misunderstandings less frequent. I only use words like "hon", long after the initial exchanges have been made and when there is certain level of trust already. When starting to interact with someone new you never know where the person was raised, or under what conditions, what his/her moral values are, what type of manner does the person considers appropriated, etc. Stuff like manners, morals, etiquette , honor, respect are fairly subjective; specially when dealing with people from all over the world, contrary to "popular" belief. |
Profiles with only one photo
Some photos are fake. True...but you really can't be skeptical about it. I mean it is the Internet...everything can be fake here. Even if the person has 100 pictures they all can be stolen from an other person... background stories can be easily made, hell if you think about it, until you meet the person face to face you cant even know for sure the sex of that individual...voice can be modified through programs in real time, you can even hack programs to displace fake video...See? PARANOIA hahahaha, always assume that what the other person is saying / showing is true other wise you will drive yourself crazy plus...all relationships, no matter how superficial they may be, require certain level of trust. ...Wow, so I was wondering... What program do you suggest I use if I want to 'modify' my voice? Always wondered what it'd be like to sound like a man. ![]() Or the killer from Scream. "What's your favorite scary movie?" I don't really have a favorite scary movie. Hmmm..maybe Hellraiser. Either way, how do I sound like a legitimate male without having any surgery or taking male hormones? Whats up with that voice changer program? ![]() There are millions of those programs. There are free ones and paid be honest most of the free ones are garbage. So you should go for the paid ones, they are usually cheap but even if you don't want to pay for them you can always pirate them from some private network or download a free trial and then find a serial code online /YARR. There are quite a few that will result very complicate if you are not a sound engineer or don't have a profound knowledge of how to edit sound. From the most "ignorant" friendly i would suggest MorphVOXPro (there is a version called MorphJunior or something like...i think that one is either cheaper or free...go for the paid one its 100 times better); it is made by a company called Screemingbee, they also sell voice packages with pre define settings to make you sound like anything you like. There are also programs that you can use to record or simply upload video from other location and force it into other programs. Easily put, lets say you are a woman pretending to be a man, you can upload a video of a random man typing into a laptop and use said program to force it through Skype, for example, so the person talking to you at the other end will see a pre-recorded vid instead of your actual cam. Please do not ask me about any reference for the video programs, i will not help a person to scam an other. Also, please do not ask me how to hack other programs (including the sound ones) or where to get fake / used serial numbers...I am of the idea that either you figure out on your own or you just pay! xD I hope it helps @SimplicityAtItsBest ... have fun changing your voice! |
Worst date ever
LoL man, i feel really sorry for you. Things like these are horrible when they happens but I'm pretty sure that with time it will become a really funny anecdote.
Now i have to wonder, why did you agree to meet her in the first place... from point A it did not look good at all. I would have aborted the operation lol/. |
Pfff of course they are all fake, its common knowledge: there are no females in the internet... they are all 65 year old males that love to touch them self while they make you think they are a 25 year old blond with a perfect body that only wants to party.
Also, if the "girl" is under 18, its a FBI agent...DUH! |
what animal would you be
A hedgehog!
Need help...
I dont know if it was a serious question or you are just trolling, but here is a list. If it is truly a honest question...then im not sure that it will help :/
1.Majors Pub (978) 458-9482 34 Jackson St, Lowell, MA 2.Kilkenny Pub (978) 441-9040 660 Rogers St, Lowell, MA 3.Chili's Grill & Bar (978) 937-1565 26 Reiss Ave, Lowell, MA 4.Charlies (978) 937-3737 14 Cabot St, Lowell, MA 5.Friends Restaurant & Pub (978) 453-8285 350 Market St, Lowell, MA 6.Trainview Pub (978) 453-6400 1018 Gorham St, Lowell, MA 7.Ninety Nine Restaurant (978) 458-9199 850 Chelmsford St, Lowell, MA 8.Courthouse Pub (978) 970-2373 276 Central St, Lowell, MA 9.Molly Kay's Pub (978) 441-1830 489 Middlesex St, Lowell, MA 10.C Spot Bar & Grill (978) 441-1115 171 Lakeview Ave, Lowell, MA |
Looking for friends
Just looking for people with similar interest in order to hang out either online or physically. Even if you do not share my interest, as long as your are a civilized and respectful person, I am always eager to meet different types of people.
So, if you have interested into having a friendly chat (about pretty much anything) and maybe someone to hang around at night(yeah, I'm a night person) on a semi regular basis; don't hesitate to contact me. Cya around! |
Profiles with only one photo
Edited by
Mon 02/04/13 12:07 AM
Some photos are fake. True...but you really can't be skeptical about it. I mean it is the Internet...everything can be fake here. Even if the person has 100 pictures they all can be stolen from an other person... background stories can be easily made, hell if you think about it, until you meet the person face to face you cant even know for sure the sex of that individual...voice can be modified through programs in real time, you can even hack programs to displace fake video...See? PARANOIA hahahaha, always assume that what the other person is saying / showing is true other wise you will drive yourself crazy plus...all relationships, no matter how superficial they may be, require certain level of trust. |
I'll probably get downrated
Guys @3Rutez and @Atmosphere420, 1 sentence: "Sleeping pills in the milk". Works like magic LOL
J/K Do not call cops on me! |