Community > Posts By > SeekforBride
One word: Prenup Today, a prenup should be about who takes responsibility for the debts that both parties have before they get married. ![]() That is why I prefer to marry someone who is not in debt. A well experienced in her own money management or financing. It is far complicated because with my case.. oh, forget it. It is matter of how both can handle the dollar signs themselves before, during, and after marriage. |
Black and white
Like I said before. I can marry any race. I have dated all kinds. I know I did besides Caucasians, I have dated Blacks, a mixture of Japanese-British, Native American-Mexican American, I also have dated Bahamian Black American, Latina/Hispanic (A PR, 2 Costa ricans),.. Oh I can go on and on. Funny, I tend to find a woman with darker shade (Tanned, Brown, Asian, Native, or Olive all the way up to black-black) very attractive. Everyone has own preferences!
Black and white
I can't believe this because white are rejecting blacks in terms of friendship or mariage. That has less to do with your skin color and far FAR more to do with where you live. You are right. I can see why! Still, for me, I am willing to marry ANY colors! It is matter of LOCATION. Like in real estate, LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION!! That famous line is also found in dating scene since pen palling began long before the internet. |
Browsing profiles
Good topic! I have had experiences on online dating for a long time. Some not so good. I used to be on here sometime ago but it has generated some silly "controversy" by others because of my goals. So, I left. I noticed people do not write to me and I tried to write and hardly get replies. Only I get are spammers in other sites. What I liked the most was chat rooms about 13 years ago since it resulted good chance for me to meet the ladies in person (met 9 of them in year 1999 alone). But after that, scene seem to shift to profiles and emailing, well, it dived down. Then I went hiatus because I got married to a woman whom I met IN person at a singles dance. Only to be divorced a few years later. About 4 years ago, I came back. That is when the controversy started (no, I will not go in there or there will be same old jokes from people again).
What I can tell you is that one of the topics I argued with was about people not replying when I was replying to their profiles and I asked why. And yeah, it was all cliche that people on many sites now prefer chatting through forums and for some sites, if any, their chat rooms. But then again, it also can be controversal. Hard for me to explain. If you get my saying, good. If not, sorry about that. I still do browse but um,.. hard to know which is spammer or waster (refuse to reply back to me). |
PETS! I dont know what I would do without my 4 legged daughter, "Boogie", and my turtle, "ManOfewwords". Boogie is so tall, that when we sleep,(and she sleeps in my arms) it feel just like having a person there. I never feel lonely having her. When I miss human companionship, I just go out for a nice long run with Boogie, and its all good. ALSO MUSIC! I couldnt live without music! Its a time machine. Put on the music from a certain time in your life, close your eyes and listen, and "voila" you are there. Dance, sing as loud as you can, just enjoy the music however you do it, and you will instantly feel better! I do! Yeah, be like that Tom Cruise character in "Risky Business" when he was listening to music and dancing with just his underwear on and his Ray-Ban Glasses on. "That ol'... time rock n roll!" Yeah, that song struck in my head ever since. I used to can hear better with hearing aids. Oh well! Good thing I got this one! Hahaha. |
Being lonesome can make a person feel more pressured about dating which definitely doesn't help. What are the ways you beat the lonliyness? Mine seems to be hobbies and volunteering but I am sure there are others. Any suggestions? My sugguestions are a few ideas that helped me somewhat. Make a few friends. That is one. Do things with them such as maybe go out for dinner on friday nights at a simple restaurant like Panera Bread or something like that. Sort of create your own Coffehouse fellowship as I call that. Second, you should consider volunteer at some organization. It has two-folds: great for your CV (resume), and you can meet people and never know you will find someone at the organization. Say, try Meals on Wheels, Scouting, Senior Community Centers, Church Ministries, Singles Organization (that one I volunteer as greeter and that is how I met my wrong wife but the idea worked for me). I am bad example but great idea to do things like that. Or get a job that you can work 12 hours a day. I used to work for a car dealership and this guy on his desk next to me (we were internet sales consultants) got divorced and cant stand lonely so he got that job and it really helped him to forget the past or lonelness. Third as I recommend is to spend more time with your family. In this time and age with the way of ecomony, one world government creeping in, communism, etc, enjoy your life now before too late. Fourth, I would say that with your interests, do those things more often. It is almost the same as number two. Use your interests into volunteerism. You like.. say camping, you can join scouting or you can do expensive trips to go camping tour. Or you can go on vacation. Go on a cruise! Get once in lifetime experience before you are hitched. Be out there! Enjoy the day. Get a jacuzzi if you want and enjoy it. Get a snowmobile and ride in winters and if no snow in winters anymore, convert it to street legal machine. My advice is not just for you but everyone else on here. Be free!! You are a freebird and take advantage of those ok? |
I can only hear out of one ear. But I have selective hearing. ![]() Ha, sometimes we Deaf people DO want to be Deaf, literally without our hearing aids by turning it off. It is unfair to Hearing people. Really. I admit I do that too. |
My son is deaf, we used Auslan when he was small, now he reads lips and talk pretty well. Good luck on mingle That is great! Great assets to use in this Hearing World. I do read lips and talk very well. Thanks to my mom and my pre-school Deaf. I first spoke at age 2.5 years. Pretty late for someone like me because of no hearing aids till 2.5 years. Congrats on your finding someone from here and your marriage! Sure, we can be friends. Feel free to ask me any questions in here (or if you want more private, let me know). Your husband is one lucky guy to marry a very attractive woman! You are beautiful! Got a sister? Hahhaa! Wink! Thanks! I used to be on Mingle some time ago but no one showed interest and had bad experiences in here (fighting and disagreements in forums). This time, hopefully with new group of singles in here, it might help better. |
My "girlfriend" is 81, and my uncle is 87. They are both very deaf. Uncle wears his earpiece, and you can converse with him. The girlfriend is either too proud, or too vein, or too cruel, to wear hers, and you need to scream at her when talking. This tires me out, also the fact I have to tell her everything five times. The worst is that she likes my sense of humour, but she no longer laughs at my jokes, coz she can't hear them. I put quote marks around the word "girlfriend" becaue she is the last and only one standing in this world who still bears it all for me. Sex is out, we both have our respective disgusting problems. I have hydrocele, she has a womb that comes out of hiding in its tunnel once in a while, I guess in order to get a quick glimpse of the real world. On top of that, if we want to have fun, then we have to do it behind the back of her true and real boyfriend, and he's jealous. So she is not really my girlfriend, but of all women in my life right now, she's lightyears ahead of the competition when it comes to intimacy and getting phyisical. Just saying, and I don't know why I am saying. Oh boy. Um... I do not know what to say. Have you considered looking for another one and not go with this "girlfriend" of yours. |
I am Deaf. Can talk very well and read lips though and I use ASL, PSE, SEE, and Central American Sign Language (Costa Rican). What about you? any of you Deaf, HOH, CODA, Late Deafness, etc? I have normal hearing, but have trouble understanding some expressions when I hear them uttered by highly-pitched voices (females only) such as "no" and "don't". Seriously speaking, I have very good hearing, but have a lot of trouble understanding unclear human speech. Also, because my ears are the opposite to "sticking out", as they lie flat onto my skull, (this is no joke) I have trouble understanding my conversation partners. This is so, because my ear does not collect the voice of my conversation vis-a-vis right in front of me, the air waves that leave his mouth go past my ears, they don't get captured. (Most earlobes on mammals act simlarly to radar cups on radar antennas: you've seen dogs turn their ears, even when their eyes are closed and lying down, or cats, whatever; they tune their "radar" to the proper direction to be facing the source.) Then if there is ambient noise, it has a better chance of being heard by me, since it comes from all directions. So I have a real hard time conversing in noisy rooms, in echoing hallways, in rivers, underwater, and when I am hanging upside down, by my toes, bound and gagged, and my ears plugged with hot wax. Talking about ear wax... but hey, even I need to shut up sometimes. And this seems to be a nice, cozy, cool and shady spot to do so. I know what you mean with when people speaking words that sounded alike. Like but and butt. That is why I prefer they talk slower and face to face when talking. I dislike when people covers their mouths and or turn away from me. I do not like group conversation at all. I avoid those. I am more of one on one basis kind of guy. Wow, this is new to me about your ears. I kind of figured out a long time ago why it is shaped that way. It is to capture the viberations of sounds and it bounced toward the eardrum. Without it, it will distort. I can understand that. |
i cant totally say that i am but i do wear hearing aids do to a health issue that causes my hearing loss i have a birthdefect that i didnt know i had untill 7yrs ago which is called lawerence beild moon syndrome and it effects each person in a different way it does cause issue with the kidneys as well with hearing loss not with all but with many when my son was little he also wore hearing aids for his ear loobs were small so we took sign languge courses for a while only know a few signs.. You should take ASL fully for three years because of your hearing loss. It will get harder for you to communicate with other Hearing people and with your son. Sure, lipreading is fine but how much percentage do you get? I am not against oralism but a back up plan. |
are you a prostitute?
Where to buy art supplies cheap. Try a good will or other thrift shop. I've never seen art supplies in a thrift shop. Ever. I am a Thrift Store Shopper and I even used to work in one. Usually almost none are available in the thrift store. I only found ONCE some oil art paints when I was working there. Other times, none. Usually they are thrown out. The stores prefer glass, dishes, applicances such as coffemakers, toasters but no microwaves allowed, no TV allowed and no computers allowed (in old days, it was ok to donate and sell them but not anymore due to the deposal fees posted by the State of NY (perhaps nation wide too). Clothes, decors, DVDs/VHS, books, steros/Radios, flashlights, bags, shoes.. baskets, hair dryers,.. that is about it. Oh yes, of course, furnitures and fabrics but no mattresses due to health laws. That is all. Artists usually throw them out because paints get hard and dry in tubes. For brushes, it gets fallen apart.. for canvas.. never seen one! Perhaps they are all used up except for already painted pictures that can be sold. Sorry to burst your bubble, no art supplies in thrift stores. Maybe flea markets? I doubt it either. |
I forgot... how it relate to Texile Industry.. Say, again for automobiles, cars need seats for the drivers and passengers and cargo to sit in. They are pretty much common there. In Automobile Industry, they do have Interior Designers working with Automobile Designers to choose fabrics, materials, and colors in automobiles. Very good example was in 1950's, Harley Earl who was the VP of Design at GM Design Department, hired Female Interior Designers and they choose brightly colored (Whites, Fire Reds, and Yellows Hues) and pastal colors (Yellow, Greens, Baby Blues) because they are more toward Feminine. Product Designers usually looked up at Automobile Industry for trends and they all followed suit with the colors. Automobiles got darker after Earl retired and Bill Mitchell fired the Female Designers and replaced with Designers who were Male and had macho colors (Brown, Greens, Tans, etc). Today, automobiles colors are more neutral gender (Blacks and Grays)
What is industrial design all about am how it connects with textile technology Industrial Design is more of what is made from the industry. Say, automobiles, products, applicances, etc. The term "Industrial Design" is very broad and you can say more specifically what field. Say "Automobile Design". This one focuses on automobiles and related motorized vehicles such as trucks, vans, SUVs, even motorcycles. Product Design is you design things like computer (the shell part as I call that or hardware, not the software or boards in the computers--they are part of Electrical Design or Computer Engineering). Another example of Product Design is say, your flashlight. That is very simple part. The Mechanical Engineer who test the flashlight designed the componets in the flashlight such as wires, light bulb, the beam part, how it shines, things like that. Designers do work with two other departments: Drafters and Engineers although now Drafters these days are merging into Engineers by trim out Drafters or CAD Drafters they use these days. Designers like myself use more of creativity part as Drafters draw out dimensions from renderings Designers illustrate. You want to know more what Industrial Design is all about, check websites like core77 and cardesignnews and they can show you their work. Not to forget to mention coroflot. That is another Industrial Design website. |
I hope you are not going there after a girlfriend you met on the internet. It is a huge trap. I know guys who have done it and it ends up badly. There are perfectly good Phillipino women in the US already. No need to import anybody. Well, they choose the wrong ones. There are more successful stories than the bad ones. You are tending to label them as bad. My best friend is married to a Flipina and they are successful in their marriage and they have a son. They have been married since 2005. Seven years now. I am convicted that Filipinas are nice and makes great wives for many men. Perhaps those guys you know went to a bar in the Phillippines and married them. Bars are not the place to find your mate. Or the sex tourist spots (brothels, adult theaters, etc). Most are good ones when they are very faithful to God and attend churches. That is what I know about. I would marry a Filipina if I want to. Or when I want to. But I would also be an ex-pat to live there. I love tropical islands and tropical regions. I know there are also many women just wanted to get here. I had one pen pal (before the internet days) about 20 years ago and after a few months, she admitted she only wanted to come here so she can be with her family here in the States. So, yes, you will always will find a bad apple in a barrel full of apples everywhere! So, please do not label them all bad. Your statement sounded like everyone of them are bad. I met alot of them online in past 12 years and they are all wonderful women there but I did not marry one because of the cost is sky high compared to marrying a woman in your hometown. I am more of a type of guy prefer to marry someone whom I met in person than through online after my real bad experience with someone. Yes! She is an American living in CT, that is next state to my state and she stalked me for a year and half. I had to call the police! But did I stop looking for someone online? Just never know! So, leave as it is. I am sure that man rather to meet a nice Pinay in person rather than on the net. Smart move! I would do the same as he would! |
I am Deaf. Can talk very well and read lips though and I use ASL, PSE, SEE, and Central American Sign Language (Costa Rican).
What about you? any of you Deaf, HOH, CODA, Late Deafness, etc? |
Um.. I am older but not liking some of the comments the first poster put up with. It does sound like gold digging because of the dutch treat, the bills. I know I know, there are lazy men out there.. that caused the ladies to label all of us wrong! Please do not take that as an advice from the first poster.
I am stil tough person as I was when I was 20. I am still Conservative, still a Christian, still set my ways, still would like to have children, still this or that. That is me! You have to understand today many people are lay off from their jobs in US as well as anywhere else. The attitude today women now want to be gold diggers because of the advantage of being a female over being a male and not want to work! I know so because I know a 27 years old woman still living at home with her mother because of her being a gold digger, lazy, etc. I do not like her. Same with many others are like that. I have male friends in their 20's all the way to their 40's do not like under 30 anymore because of the attitudes of young women today. Fair enough! I still want to find that nice woman in her 20's and 30's because I believe there is one! Tough but I am gonna get one I know for sure! Those are my pure opinion. |
Hi! I'm new here, so Hello Everybody ![]() The heading says it all. Would like to get to know people for friendship and that special someone for a lot more. The most important thing besides having Jesus in your heart, is having a sence of humour ![]() Hatikva Hi! Your post sounds very sincere and nice. However, I read in your profile. I am not tall! I am merely 5' 3". Would you ignore the height requirement? |
Homosexuality in the church
Wow, the story about the 7 years old boy who was gang raped by men, well, that was the goal of Satan to destroy someone young like that to make him become gay. All crimes are like that. Let me give you an other example. Say an adult male touches a young girl underage say age 5.. the girl will grow up hating men OR will be crazy about men. I knew of a Christian woman.. how sad she was.. she was raped by 3 different men while she was in college and force her to do one way sexually. That method she told me privately cringle me. She likes that method ever since she was raped three times.
That got me a bigger picture when she told me how things worked. The story goes back to Sodom and Gomorrah that those men wanted to know the angels for themselves.. if you know what that means.. to try to convert those into homosexuals. I knew of a houseparent at a Deaf school touched boys for 25 years and no one believed boys until that houseparent who is really gay married a woman who was the school supertendent. She found out when he did it again with another boy while they were married and fired him but let him walk. Last I heard he is a lifeguard!? Ok, enough of those true stories.. you all get the point that it is the agenda or goals of GLBT to destroy people at their weakness point of their lives such as childhood, when people are confused, and even Christians! I had a super in my old apartment who was gay and he did on purpose stepped on my hand when we, the tenants were invited to his apartment for welcome party since he was new. I was quickly warned by another Christian neighbor of mine about him and I was on alert. I was on the floor because there were no more chairs. He stepped on me and then he touched my hand and rubbed like a woman would do to a man. I quickly removed and be alert. I gave him that face of "Do not touch me!" Later, another time, I told him this question, "Do you know where you are going after you die say.. in three years?" He said, "Yeah, I know where I am going because I know God reject my sexual preference, my homosexuality and that is why I am an atheist." I asked him, "Why athiest if you believe there is God?" He said that athiests do believe there is God but is against God. Then I told him, "Then because you said you are going to hell in 3 years, so it shall happen if you do not accept Jesus Christ as your LORD and Saviour and repent of your sins against God." He said, "Ok, that is where I am going in 3 years." Three short years later, my mom got a call from my super's brother since he was trying to find his dead brother's will and testment. He was killed in an automobile accident on way back to my hometown after he left for Atlanta, GA to be with his LD boyfriend. I realized God was really speaking through me and he went down to hell! I use my testmony I just spoke here as my witnessing tool to all kinds of GLBT. Many Christians feared me. Because I spoke the Truth. I hardly get talked with Christians because I am very brave to witness the toughest of all. |
Annoyed by christians.
Good topic to discuss. Often I felt the same as the first poster who started this thread. I know how that is. Even with alternative Christian groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. They come and knocking on the door. I even have "No Tresspassing" on my door.
I do not like some Christian groups that are very controlling or using brainwashing techniques either. Although the Holy Bible did say that it is better in pairs to teach young ones. Many of you have forgotten the 12th commandment. Yes there are TWELVE Commandments. Ten in Old Testment and Jesus added two more: Love God as you love thyselves and love your neighbor. That one. The other is very last word Jesus spoke was His Commandement for us to.."Go thee therefore and teach all nations in the Name of the Father, of the Word, and of the Holy Ghost and I am abide with thee forever. Amen." What did that verse say in KJV? It said TEACH. Sorry to burst your bubbles, we have our duties to teach all nations including Christians for Spiritual growth but the verse also really talking about PREACHING. See the English language have similarities to words that ryme? There is a reason God gave us that language to help us. Like sad and glad like that commerical you hear all the time about this plastic bag? Ok, back to this, we are to teach the unsaved by witnessing them to Christ. It is the invitation for the unsaved to know who is Jesus Christ and what God did for us (John 3:16). Ok, now, the all nations is not countries Jesus was talking about. He was really talking about all kinds of people. A country is a nation yes because of in the past families grew so large that it became a country and they lost connection there but only through political. Nations in the Bible really talking about Caucasians, Blacks, Deaf, Blind, Disabled, Tall, Short, Large, Thin, the Intelligects, and of course, the Challenged... but also nations is another word for other beliefs such as in Jesus' times the Jewish/Hebrews, paganists (Roman, Greek,..etc.. that one in Bible is called Gentiles), Eastern, etc.. then after Christ, there were other religions man found are animalists, naturists (Native Americans), Mohammedans (Muslims), etc. And of course, Christians. We are a nation about 1 Billion. I am not talking about Catholics, I am talking about all spectums of different kind of Christian faiths including yours. A nation also means political area such as Conservatives, Communists, Socialists, Occuptiers, Unionists, Libertarians, Greens, Christian Democrats (found in other countries), and many more. Nations are also by preferences such as Homosexuals or they prefer GLBT, Abortionists, Evironmentists, Secret Society Members, Unionists, etc. Sorry for long one. I have preached in church before a few times and a missionary as well as a writer. So, yes, we must teach and help each other to grow spiritually. I understand about judgement very clearly! For years, I hated the Deaf because of their teasing me when I was younger. I am Deaf since 2004. Although I was born again on March 28, 1988. I still became Deaf. I have watched others have judged and they got judged the same. Sad. I actually understood after my experience what that verse Matthew 7:1 really means. You are judging yourself, not others. You want to blame others but actually you are judging yourself negatively and you become that after you judge it yourself. Lately God is blessing me because I realized there are 12 Commandments, not 10 and follow the twelve. Many forgot the final 2. I can understand how she felt with the judgement from others. I am way sensitive and I have seen people judge me even Christians and my um.. let just say my attitude gets best of it. I know what I am to do and please let me be me to grow. If you try to control, you are more likely lose that person. Just water plants, get it? But do not try to move that plant or force that plant or it will witter and die. Remember that woman the men wanted Jesus to judge and Jesus wrote? Same thing. That is how I feel often. I tend to read people mind. I have that gift because of my hearing loss. So, um, thats me. Thank you for understanding. |