Community > Posts By > Brenna24

Brenna24's photo
Tue 02/26/08 09:59 AM

Why in the h*ll does my moms dog eat his own SH*T!!??huh

there is no reason that animals eat their own poo lol all animals do it but if ya don't want him doin it pick it up

Brenna24's photo
Tue 02/26/08 09:47 AM

Thank-you for the advice! He is fixed and trained in German attack command, his age is 4. He can be a loose cannon at times.. I will try it and hope it works...Im willing to try anything right about now..

yea get him fixed he will mellow out some if your not useing him to breed then its best to have him sniped

Brenna24's photo
Tue 02/26/08 09:41 AM

at what age do you start potty training pups? is cow milk bad for puppies?

you can start potty training puppies when ever if they are real young puppy pad train them or just get in a habit of taking them out every hour...i would not recommend giving puppies cow milk it can give them worms, if ya want to give them milk go to the pet store and buy puppy formula

Brenna24's photo
Tue 02/26/08 09:39 AM

The only issue I have with my Doberman, Gunner is the he will gas you out of the house and he humps pillows, and the cat....
I think he may need therapy asap...

well if he's not fixed i would get him fixed if its that big of a deal..if he is real young as he gets older he will do it alot less get a squirt bottle and every time you catch him doing it give him a squirt and in a low firm voice tell him no

Brenna24's photo
Tue 02/26/08 09:36 AM

Uhm...why can't dogs eat chocolate.
I wanna share my cocoa puffs

well its like poison! but i'm sure if you dropped one peice on the floor it would be ok lol just don't go giving him a hole snickers barlaugh

Brenna24's photo
Tue 02/26/08 09:33 AM
Hey guys haven't been on in awhile thought i would ask if any of you guys had questions bout your four legged friends...I have a few weeks left and then i will be placed in a vets office! i'm soooo exciteddrinker drinker

Brenna24's photo
Tue 02/26/08 09:10 AM

Hey guys is there anything else i should change on my profile?

Add music!

lol i didn't know you could add music! how do i do that?

Brenna24's photo
Tue 02/26/08 09:08 AM
Hey guys is there anything else i should change on my profile?

Brenna24's photo
Sun 02/24/08 07:12 AM
All depends on how long their past was its hard to tell your new love bout your past if it involves his/her ex if i had to tell someone bout my past it would be my ex and me....other wise i would really have nothing to say bout the last 4 years of my life

Brenna24's photo
Sun 02/24/08 07:03 AM
You know its a damn shame i can't bring my self to munch some carpet cause i swear if my luck keeps getting bad with men! i wish i could go les....but i like sausage to much haha

Brenna24's photo
Tue 02/19/08 10:31 AM
me to cause this sh@# sucks!! flowerforyou thanks guys!

Brenna24's photo
Tue 02/19/08 10:23 AM

Well i went to the docs!. they gaged me and poked me four different times cause they could not find a vein and its strep!! dang it

usually a swipe in the throat does it for determining strep. That's pretty hardcore. noway

well they wanted to make sure my blood looked good cause i have issues with low blood pressure and make sure i didn't have any other infections

Brenna24's photo
Tue 02/19/08 10:20 AM

Well i went to the docs!. they gaged me and poked me four different times cause they could not find a vein and its strep!! dang it

sounds kinda kinkylaugh laugh laugh laugh

you want kinky come over and look down my throat! lol

Brenna24's photo
Tue 02/19/08 10:17 AM
Well i went to the docs!. they gaged me and poked me four different times cause they could not find a vein and its strep!! dang it

Brenna24's photo
Mon 02/18/08 09:41 AM

yo, i hope it's all good soon

thank youflowerforyou

Brenna24's photo
Mon 02/18/08 09:41 AM

Probably giving you a strep test. You won't gag.:smile:

it is a strep test i have had them soooooo many times before its stupid and i always gag and cry

well darlin, don't think about it so much. Hope you get to feeling better.flowerforyou flowerforyou


Brenna24's photo
Mon 02/18/08 09:36 AM

Probably giving you a strep test. You won't gag.:smile:

it is a strep test i have had them soooooo many times before its stupid and i always gag and cry

Brenna24's photo
Mon 02/18/08 09:33 AM
i'm ot whinning! there is a diff between whinning and bein scared of gaged

Brenna24's photo
Mon 02/18/08 09:29 AM
lol its like a swab thing i have had it done soooo many times but every time they do it i cry lol

Brenna24's photo
Mon 02/18/08 09:27 AM

I hope you feel better soon! :]

thank you! i just hate bein gaged it scares the crap out of me

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