Community > Posts By > VonSabrewulf
seems legit >_<
Great Quotes of 2012
great quotes, some people fail to see the subtle gradations of economics. People just don't realize that the economy is us thats why it can never be perfect
aside from writing a little more about yourself, you have a pretty good profile.
Starcraft 2
i've been meaning to learn that game for the longest time. It just daunting to learn since at high level play its so dam hard >_<
guys vs girls - part 54
What is a gentleman?
lol thats the point entirely. Women say they want something while deep down they want something else. To be a true Gentlemen you have to give women what they need not what they ask ;)
good luck with that, theres very few women from the NE region. I've mainly met women from NY/NJ but havent met anyone from MA on this site
for me its defenatly personality that counts the most. Of course i like a girl with a pretty face but if she's a giant bich with no sense of humor then i wont even consider giving her the time of day. Beauty fades but someone who you can genuinely get along with and make you feel amazing can last a lifetime
lol the whole OP was so out of context. People are allowed to believe/not believe anything they want. God gave us free will, but it doest mean you have to be retarded and take stuff out of the Bibble out of context and suit it to your own purposes. Oh wait Lucifer does that >_<
there not really wrong per say. Its just that we've taken steps to prevent that from happening. The world started going green during the time people were worrying about global warming. Id say thank you to all the experts that made us paranoid enough to care more for our earth and prevent catastrophes from happening.
the point is that, this would have never been done to a white president. Whether or not people want to admit, this country is still a little racist sometimes
Anybody in the NE area?
So i was wondering, do any interesting single ladies visit these boards. There's a lot of profiles that say last seen over a month ago. I'm starting to wonder how many people from New England actually visit this site. If there is check out my profile and if you like what you see send me a message. I don't bite, well not that hard ;)
stupid, stupid move. To deny history and not learn from it is asking to repeat it. Racism and Prejudice is not going to go away if we choose to ignore it. Better to learn from our mistakes and history and be better people for it.
nobody is worthless, cheer up. I hate seeing people get down on themselves.
Me im still single cause i cant find a woman who loves me for who i am. I get plenty of action but i havent found the rigth girl to settle down with. Women sleep with the bad boys but marry the nice guys. Im not a nice guy >_< |
still perverts
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New England
i live in springfield. nice to meet you ;)
lol people who post in all caps make me laugh. I always imagenge them screaming at me >_< . Congrats thougth and hope your having fun