Community > Posts By > geppetto55
Zee's Pub! - part 2
Thanks Zee ~ I do get a kick outa youtube links sans thumbnail. Not unlike that box of chocolates the Gumpster spoke of ay? (lol, unudder show tune G?) thanks for the li'l story ~ seeded what my father spoke of it did. Same as, but not my experience. Dad said it took 6-7 hours to get to the farm back in the earlyish fities, vs 3 now. Raises me glass to your singing pop, and thanks him too. ;) by the way.. I was speaking of grandkids.. this baby factory's been closed for a few years now.. phew phew is..some at work have sa late...way later matter of. I just wondered ~ thanks. Brave in me eye you remain just the same...comes to. ~I once spoke of you being sock having near same text as lazy tongued folk do spelt out as. Now I see m'lady. I thought I made that up. lol, shakes me mane. Sunday to ya, as warm short blast betcha..tis here now..flipping the flag awkward, 'n oven vent jista keeping with the beat. :) |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
you sure have an interestin taste in music g-man.. ![]()'s FLYDAY.. 'n I'm done workin ![]() although the clock says I should be done in 2 hrs ![]() well.. gots ta go my hiney movin to go gets me wee one while singin this ol ditty ![]() for clarity.. when I was a wee lass.. every weekend my dad would drive us to our country home... at that time the main highways weren't yet constructed so what SHOULD have taken only a mere hour ta drive.. took 3 hrs (back roads and small towns UGH.. well at THAT age it was UGH) to pass the time my dad would try 'entertaining' the masses (there was 6 of us in the car.. 4 kids 'n mom 'n dad) one of my dads faves was a song about what annoys an oyster.. thus the post above with the link to the oyster song... there.. ![]() Thanks Zee ~ I do get a kick outa youtube links sans thumbnail. Not unlike that box of chocolates the Gumpster spoke of ay? (lol, unudder show tune G?) thanks for the li'l story ~ seeded what my father spoke of it did. Same as, but not my experience. Dad said it took 6-7 hours to get to the farm back in the earlyish fities, vs 3 now. Raises me glass to your singing pop, and thanks him too. ;) |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
ran ova this~ tis odd.
Zee's Pub! - part 2
dinwe all climb a tree in the wind, sa high as home looked small 'n distant? twas Elm with two large arms swaying as might split each gust. The heave of insurmountable power..dis side dat side, higher higher till next hood 'n folks at eateries can be seen, clings near as stuck wayward kite...ifn I grab here...Bee come down mum shouts..such the wimp I was, spark of made me climb to near branch snap. Gusts of near slapped branches to face..felt the earth I did ona big stick protruding from said earth like it could rip out any ol' time. Perception of wood fiber strength was learned aza carni ride.
~near every time I lept down from last branch..five/six footish toss I near always bit me tongue...wada wimp. tell us of steamboat Zee, Zee. Ima sure I'm not alone on that. Paddle wheel, chugga chugga, frothed riva comes to my mind...loving folk that trade stuff. :) |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
I'll take a crack at yer meal ifn you're in the mood for steer up this alley of quick 'n simple. I do a mean steak/salt 'n peppa sizzle. ~How do you take it? timed just under 'n slaps it on a sizzlin' plate is one of my baby moments of fav. Wida simple green 'n crunchy along side. Asparagus 'n GP slaps quick 'n cream no crying even tho sauce iza fun thang to whet da buds, as mind so said. ~sharp ref ay? ![]() so just one cannelloni squirted full of fine 'matoie red stuff.. taste tested thirteen times. lol ;) nottoforget ~ relax unmentioned, three melon ball scoops of Italian ice to nip..well rough cut with chain saw angus iza purty big chuncka. the ice will relax 'n let finish...ena Coke. lol, something doesn't fit. ![]() I'm gonna be picky here.. cause I CAN ![]() keep yer salt'n pepper.. I'll toss my steak on the bar-bee 'n pull 'er off when its to taste.. yeah.. I'm fussy like that cuz I only eat T-bones 'n fillet mignon.. keep the asparagus cuz I like to keep my meal down 'n not be racin off ta see Johnny on the spot.. ![]() ![]() I prefer cheese cannelloni not meat.. ![]() I had Italian ice in Rome.. ![]() Diet coke if you please.. yeah.. I know.. it's gonna kill me one day.. well.. it's inevitable I'll die ANYways.. might as well go happy ![]() I never salt actually Ms. Holycowyouarepicky. ![]() ![]() 'oly moly I guessed wrong of asparagrass. I thought it Gods gift. I eat it raw roadside picking for stash as well..well nuff of grass thick as thumb. ![]() ~meat/cheese ina side pasta? jista tomato thang going on with yucky arsed garlic flair. Acid to not plug the palate, but thick, squirted up the ol' void. I could care less ifn the outside sucks yer lips like an octopus. It seeks when forked., me mum called me starch boy as a lad. ![]() Italian ice is only to be nipped at here 'n there. Say ten to fity grams. ~ Maple..hmm, may as well be clove muscle to me. Thinks an arnge duck turned me away from, away from, as a lad..or maybe me bro getting me to blow maple syrup pancakes out me nose via sinus moons ago. Humans are strange ~ it's not likely you may meet a squirrel that doesn't like acorns, giraffe that doesn't tongue around thorns fer tidbits. Perhaps I've something I say once ina backwards. Dislikes are for babies. "smiles" slow around here? ..wondering ifnI ~ I feel a song a coming. but bafore..grabs a few of them gargantuan leafs from the plant up front..sorry. But some of them guys on on the Velcro wall been there too long 'n doin' the camel-T thang. lol |
tomato seed
Zee's Pub! - part 2
~erm, once again that was weird.
How about a tractor/wagon ride wida bag of Fritos stuffed with chilli 'n cheese made gooey...ena Coke? "chuckles" Line 'em up 'round back. Brb, I've still a laundry draped wagon. |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh well.. we're HUMP day again.. man.. time just ZIPS by don't it? anywho.. work is DONE.. errands-CHECK.. time to enjoy a home cooked meal.. so.. who's gonna cook it for me?? ![]() ![]() PSYCH.. it's alREADY made.. just gotta feed the animals, heat my dinner and CHILL.. laters peeps.. 'ave a good one ![]() I'll take a crack at yer meal ifn you're in the mood for steer up this alley of quick 'n simple. I do a mean steak/salt 'n peppa sizzle. ~How do you take it? timed just under 'n slaps it on a sizzlin' plate is one of my baby moments of fav. Wida simple green 'n crunchy along side. Asparagus 'n GP slaps quick 'n cream no crying even tho sauce iza fun thang to whet da buds, as mind so said. ~sharp ref ay? ![]() so just one cannelloni squirted full of fine 'matoie red stuff.. taste tested thirteen times. lol ;) nottoforget ~ relax unmentioned, three melon ball scoops of Italian ice to nip..well rough cut with chain saw angus iza purty big chuncka. the ice will relax 'n let finish...ena Coke. lol, something doesn't fit. ![]() |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
cool g-man.. ![]() alrighty then.. been a long azzed day.. glad it's finally O-Vah.. YAY.. best finish cleanin up me kitchen mess then I think I'll go settle in front of the fire with a cup 'o tea and mellow out.. hmmm.. what shall it be.. read? or crossword? hmmm.. anywho.. heading out.. have a good one peeps.. ![]() ~~ever walk them trails of honeybee sans/little of moonlight barefoot Zee? ...crest of as guide, balls of slow mistakes ~ heel toe is too quiet ~ erm, tis not Wisconsin, ya might get et. Spook a Barred Owl one can play connect dem dots of ones skin. yowza..bit toeknowledge 'n dodgy canopy light corrects. ~ as once said, sun ebs still, then breaky table ~ as obvious where stolen breaky table came to me.. ...calls the spring turkey with straw once swizzle ~ yes I can, tiz very cool. ~~tucker K? you talk funny (-: ..hopes Zee dint get anudder invasion~ excuse my peaceful ay. Bee needed some. eni wasn't picking on FinP in any shape er..yeah, form. ~ I talk funny. |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
Having a quiet Easter Sunday following a rather hectic Easter Friday with the grand nephew over for a day of spoiling him with lotsa fun, chocolates, and noisy toys before sending him back home with said new noisy toys ![]() ![]() Sooooo...between that and supervising 40 odd teenagers at a 16th b'day partay for my youngest...i'm kind of enjoying just kickin back for the rest of the Easter holiday with melted down chocolate as a dipping sauce for strawberries...perhaps a glass or 2 of chardy. ![]() thanks for the li'l story K. Ena happy Monday after Easter woke up dying of thirst from eating too much ham to ya. (-: Glazed no less... Ha, good'n ~ glazed, spiraled, one footy on the floor tryin' ta sleep on left only without numbing..naaa. One would think ifn made I thirty years NoT hitting a button that goes by the name of Snooze ida least get a bar of scrambled eggs brains for me hat. ;) ~lol, I miss the brownies. Yeah..silly ta da kerb. Cheers to your youngest K! ~ sixteen never been kissed, (dunno, I heard about stuff like that) 'n now ligs ready for muscle greeting ay? ~~Get to find her a noice auto ta pamper of your choosing...large trunk for the Trunk Monkey ta keep her as safe? (-: ~~What of the cwazy kid on the drums nowaday anyhoo? ~Noisy toys? The priceless face would be yours putting such to cart. Ava time of with the medicine professor K.(so jealous) Ya know ifn you are an actor at heart-ish K. You can fake a limp 'n bring any staff you care to carry right along side in da plane ya know. ;) I best drop one in the juke~ ..a little ditty from me ta youtee. (-: |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
erm~ That was my dry humor, stay on topic attempt...leave the door open a crack nuff for ridicule, ora ewe!! Thought ya might have caught my sideways look 'n words of yer sis FineP's profile photo. (is she really your sister?) I was trying to keep on the topic present in a fun-esk Brianism way. Of blouse open sa much, 'n wondered if that might be a problem for her somehow. WHAMMO! lol, I pictured a ducks bill with nostrils as holes as buttons. I can't help it. Odd thoughts just enter eni run with. ~I've never worked with sinue, 'cept that of a tree. And never sawed off a ducks bill for buttons. ![]() My Easter was kinda boring being three peeps ena amoeba..yeah..raises my single cell ova hand for the latter part. ![]() ~Sometimes I jist wanna shuffle the carp outa 'olidaze, but me mum is getting on in years. A bit too cold for promenade all to the flagstone it was, hmnnn.. Budi wore my silly big red hat all day. Mum near split a gut when she saw me. (she had heard of it previous) ~ I got a compliment from strange women..smiles from lotsa more dis dat, odd cautious looks (very dark shades too) from a few more at the coupla stores I stopped at bafore the domestic landing. ~ It's odd being there in that hood my bro 'n mum bought a house in. Twas my short lived stomping ground in '87 wida smart cookie gal who taught me of "redshift", worth of old things, my school teachers were sthupid, 'n holla nekkid from the roof for the nosy neighbours to hear as fun. ~~yesterday a man asked me "what's going on?" I said "me. I just go on 'n on and won't shut up." ![]() ~ I did notice da pub dint have any of them silly "made in" where ever puzzles a hanging 'round one hasta fucgure out to get apart. x-word or reading? "grin" try a few for ya never know 1day..anyone. ![]() |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
Ima purty good with a length of sinue 'n duck bill ends. Them buttons never fail. ![]() ![]() |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
Having a quiet Easter Sunday following a rather hectic Easter Friday with the grand nephew over for a day of spoiling him with lotsa fun, chocolates, and noisy toys before sending him back home with said new noisy toys ![]() ![]() Sooooo...between that and supervising 40 odd teenagers at a 16th b'day partay for my youngest...i'm kind of enjoying just kickin back for the rest of the Easter holiday with melted down chocolate as a dipping sauce for strawberries...perhaps a glass or 2 of chardy. ![]() thanks for the li'l story K. Ena happy Monday after Easter woke up dying of thirst from eating too much ham to ya. (-: |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
Edited by
Sun 03/31/13 09:34 AM
I found this earlier and thought... how hysterical, I gotta share.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Lol, Yoiks! Have you ever seen the Sam Kinnison skit as Jesus? Kinda like this it is. |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
Happy Easter back atcha Zee. Zee you are not from where you live now? A question I never got off before ya wigged..wondering if you had childhood memories of huge/grand ships going down the St. Lawrence seaway? @age of 15 I was treated to a buzz around Long Island, California area 'n spied a few huge cargo ships that etched my mind to this day. Water far and wide looked as ocean..curve of earthish and I don't think we made it to the looking at a map of area. tips me hat~ |
No worries Winlei~ ya caught me with tear on the back of hand.
Silly notion I made up float a message of primary colours fits my bill not yours. Flips a sorry I left you hanging as back to you. I know better. Thank you for the mail of apology Win. I thought of that today but I didn't bother on my phone..dis gal might need a lemmie off the hook thang. ~sorry I dint... ~shares a small potato wit ya, wishing you best. |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
Edited by
Thu 03/28/13 11:28 PM
yeah dem ferrets kenbee twicky. Maybe they are not extinct after all...what..1937 for Canada?..seems odd does it not?
Prolly one out there now disguised aza caterpillar honking on a fine hooka, un-noticed, just fitting in. ..or even getting jobs as say flamboyant furniture mover. :) ![]() Very cool Zee~ 'n hopes it works out like in back of mind. ;) sans photographers enall that rut. ~ET mention was thinking ifn was, biologists/animuelagists of clout flashing they're stuff might come 'n gather wit probes in tow...big floodlight in da whiskers. "WERE YA BEEN? :) I know the difference between start and begin. Start of something beginning the time of Piglet sez.. When does field become meadow? "why today Pooh" ;) Blue Heron Zee? Along with turtles they are my litmus test of stalkin' prowess. ~lol, eh, ima no sa good. needs more mud on me puss/reeds on me head it seems. ~~no matter of pic. twas jista wood fairy ferret looking like pushing a li'l chest of drawers. |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
Edited by
Thu 03/28/13 10:30 AM
Zee the photo you've up looks like a Fisher. (dunno what's up with your query results)
My search for Black Footy Ferret comes up as this...crossing fingers. wups..have to find another not protected~ ![]() |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
. let him go out in the back 40, close to the tree line, where he'd be safe AND on his way.. I guess the car just stunned him.. PHEW though.. what a Morning ![]() never a dull moment it seems ![]() Great story Zee. thank you...'n "cane", long walks? Now I feel a tugging on my heartstrings. ..or cane is your word for walking/hiking stick/staff? anudder thing. ferret~ twas black footed species? I poked around search some because I had seen on the news the other day of some efforts made to try and save the black footed li'l weasels. :) ~indigenous ferret to Canada (Q) query came up black footed species, only one to come up/show in the intros without clicking. (fyi paste~ Black-footed Ferret (Mustela nigripes) went extinct in Canada in 1937) erm~ not looking to trap ya bud~ I saw on the news the other day of folks in California trying to save the black footed ferret from you MAY have done more than you think with your kind actions..besides exercising your domestic pals. :) ~~I won a "guess the furs" at a circa 1600's re-enactment hoe down out this-a way. "Fisher" was one nobody got the whole day..well twernt a contest really..but yeah, he said I was the only who got them all right out of say seven/eight skins. Cute, small? Could be a fisher..if you know it to be a black footy ferret does one stay silent? ...yeah..thinks I know what yera thinking like an ET story if so. But ya never know. Powers that be may dedicate the lands you past mentioned off limits to development forever. ~hopes I ain't talking at the bar too very much. lol, indexing anudda quarter ta spin wit me thumb.. |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
The pic is in honour of Easter...oh wait!..Easter is good with everyone here right??? ![]() First Sunday after the first full moon, after spring equinox tis Easter. Speaking of dark choco bunnies..thanks for the reminder K. 'oly cow the dark bunnies at The Little Chocolate Shop near me are pricey. But head 'n shoulders above anything mass produced that I've found. ![]() |