Community > Posts By > KATTITUDE

Mon 10/16/06 07:14 PM
HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP??? Morena, you crack me up! I'm still waiting for
a good example of a healthy relationship!!!

Mon 10/16/06 07:11 PM
Jaime, you came here to find a MAN??? Gee, I came here just to make
friends...and I have ~ like YOU, my friend!

Mon 10/16/06 07:03 PM
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Mon 10/16/06 03:41 PM
I'll work with someone if they let me...but I can't work miracles.

Mon 10/16/06 03:40 PM
"Head down, butt up and shut up..."

Mon 10/16/06 03:39 PM
hot tub = Margaritas

Mon 10/16/06 03:21 PM
There is a limit for me, actually. That "limit" is in HIS mind, not

To illustrate, I was friends with a guy I worked with for a short time.
Really cute, sweet and funny, and recently seperated. We got along from
the minute we met, and worked together like we were twins.

I was finding myself quite attracted to him, and eventually he got
around to "kinda" asking me out. But his insecurity blew it for me. He
started like this..."I know I'm fat, and you can have any guy you want,
and I'm really fat, but if you wanted to go out to get something to eat
or something...if you don't mind me being fat.."

I would have gone out with him...except for that hang up he had with his
weight. He was giving me "an out" before he even asked!

I'm sorry, but "sympathy dates" are my personal limit.

Mon 10/16/06 03:11 PM
cinnamon = cinnamon roll cappuchino!

Mon 10/16/06 03:09 PM
In heart and mind...

(((((JAMIE))))) (((((RANEE)))))

Mon 10/16/06 03:07 PM
In my opinion, body art via tattooing is just form of self-expression.
If the artist is very talented and the tats well placed, I'm all for it.

In full sleeving and body armour, I personally prefer themes, such as
oriental artwork, graphics, tribals, etc. It's kinda funky to have a
Forties-style pin-up girl on your bicep and an oriental skull at her
feet. The styles clash...

Mon 10/16/06 03:01 PM

Mon 10/16/06 03:01 PM
nightmares = unresolved issues

Mon 10/16/06 07:12 AM
hers = and hers ALONE!
(oh, SHUT UP! I pay my OWN bills, thank you!)

Mon 10/16/06 07:09 AM
Boy, do I have a Friday the 13th story. Hold in mind that I live with 7
dogs, all Champion show dogs, although 5 are retired and no longer

Friday morning, I was down in the kennel room (completely attached,
enclosed carport conversion) directly off the kitchen when I heard the
'Hounds of Hell' ... the blood-curdling, heart-wrenching sound of a
13-yr old male Afghan outraged that his failing spine (arthritis) won't
let him breed Saharah, who is getting ready to come into heat. I raced
up the 3 steps and into the kitchen in time to witness MY PERSONAL SHIT
WHAMMY unfold before my eyes...

The main floor area of the L-shaped kitchen is about 6' x 12'. Phantom,
Simbah and Saharah were all a tangle of flying hair, both boys vying for
'prime position'. I don't know why, but Simbah (Saharah's brother, 3
years old littermates) decided to take the high road...leaping onto the
counter where two walls meet. He scrabled for footing, crashing into a
glass Visionware Dutch oven with lid that held steeping tea for a gallon
of iced tea.

The lid went flying, crashing onto the range's ceramic cooktop. Not
only did the lid dissolve into shards ~ the impact of the lid fractured
the ceramic cooktop. Odder than that, the area above an adjacent
heating element broke in a circle and the circle of ceramic dropped down
into the element area.

All the dogs ran for their lives...howling in terror the entire way into
the Florida room where they did the 'Keystone Cops' routine trying to
get out the dog door at the same time. Poor Deva (a 13 year old Shih
Tzu) ran for cover under an antique oak table ... and it'll be a while
before she dares venture into the kitchen again!

The glass is cleaned up, the cooktop DUCT TAPED to prevent any further
sharding until the top can be replaced, and I see no blood or other
evidence of glass injury to any of the dogs.

Cost of the replacement ceramic cooktop .............. $315.00 plus
My stunned silence

Mon 10/16/06 07:03 AM
We all make jokes and live less than Christian lives (well, some of us
do, anyway...), but I happen to know that PRAYER works. For Ranee's
sake, pray that God's will be done here.

Mon 10/16/06 06:58 AM
Not only have I dated heavy men, I lived with one for 5 years. What
initially drew me to him was his salt and pepper hair. The "salt" part
shone like liquid silver! He looked relatively normal from behind, but
up front, he was 9 months pregnant and that belly was HARD. You could
bounce a quarter off it.

Yes, I loved him, and still do. Even though the relationship didn't
work, he's been my best friend/big brother since we met in '98.

Sun 10/15/06 05:38 PM

When I replied to your private e-mail to me just now (after being out of
town this weekend), I had no idea what you and your family had been
presented with.

From the depth of my soul and spirit, I am sending up prayer for all of
you ~ especially Ranee and her baby.

No one every really knows what someone has in their minds and hearts
when they try or are successful in committing suicide. I pray not only
that she survives, but that the issues that drove her to such a
desperate, potentially permanent solution are identified and worked on.

If I were closer, I'd hold you while you cry. Know that my hug
surrounds you...

In faith,

Fri 10/13/06 07:48 PM
It's not a "laying out"'s a "brush the Afghan, bathe the
Afghan, condition the Afghan, brush the Afghan, blowdry the Afghan,
brush the Afghan, drive to the show site and unload all the
around the ring with the Afghan, grab the Great Dane and run around the
ring with him, run around with the Boxer, then finally run around with
the Irish Wolfhound, then pack up all the grooming products and gear,
load the Afghan, drive to his owner's home and make nice until Sunday
when we do it all again (but without the bathing!)" kind of weekend.

Work, work, work. But I love it and I get paid!

Fri 10/13/06 07:40 PM
We need to get off this topic, Gals...all the guys will know we're home
on a Friday night ~ ROFLMAO!!! (I have an excuse; I'm leaving at 6 a.m.
tomorrow for the beach for a dog show!)

Julia Roberts = "Sleeping With The Enemy"

Fri 10/13/06 06:47 PM
enjoy it = The Net!