Community > Posts By > funkyfranky
One thing I'll never understand about these monsters is,
How can a God that made the earth with all its beauty with trees and flowers and oceans and whales and dolphins and fish and all the animals like Elephants and lions and the skies with clouds and sunshine and all the beauty of nature, how can this same God want so much anger and pain caused by his followers on this wonder that he created It just doesn't make sense. Which leads me to believe that these monsters are stupid. |
maybe need to talk to all those who believe it proper to kill Unbelievers! Maybe not such a good idea Conrad. Not if he wants to keep his head on his shoulders. |
Vodka for me please, double Grey Goose and coke, plenty of ice and a slice, stir once and once only.
Welcome to the madhouse. |
Welcome from little old England
Criticizing the President
I think it's important to remember that and the end of the day and regardless of your political view, he is a human being, who other human beings love and need. I have no doubt that there are some who don't like him because of his colour but there are also some black people who like to remind us of the mistakes our grandfathers made. Both have to stop because it leads to divide and we meet each other with cynicism and distrust and only when both sides stop will we ALL learn to live in harmony and the word colour, in this context, will become a thing of the past. I agree with the colour being a primary reason some hate him or love him. I also wish people could talk about 'colour' without it being taken as an immediate personal affront. History cant be changed but it has REAL impact on the present that shouldnt be ignored just to avoid unpleasant converations either. when we speak more in terms of the system and the demographics instead of individual bigotry,,, we get further to finding solutions that can continue the progress thats been made if we avoid that,, we are in danger of regressing back to those past INSTITUTIONAL wrongs or allowing them to grow again,,, I don't agree. I believe in forgive and forget. What's done is done. We learn from our past mistakes and move on. Over 6 million Jews killed by the Nazis and they remember the lost with dignity. Perhaps some people have a chip on their shoulder the size of the Empire State so they don't want to forget. how do we learn from mistakes by 'forgetting' them? why do we bother to study history if it has no relevance or importance to the present? Jews got the united nation to GIVE THEM THEIR OWN COUNTRY,, and they continue to have much of the wealth in this country,,, this is not GErmany, this is AMerica,, so what is relevant here has nothing to do with jews who weren't persecuted on any grand scale here,,, unlike many other groups I wont compare tragedies,, but its not the same thing at all... As anyone would see from my first comment on this topic, my message was simply one of hope. Your reply was one of continued ignorance. Yes Jews were not persecuted in America but they were persecuted. I also said we should learn from our mistakes and move on which I think most people have. Your president is the leader of the most powerful nation on earth so ignorance was obviously not a problem for him. To quote another great black man. I knew as I walked to the gates that would lead to my freedom, if I didn't leave the past behind I would always be in prison. Nelson Mandela Without being personal, you Msharmony, are still in prison. |
Criticizing the President
I think it's important to remember that and the end of the day and regardless of your political view, he is a human being, who other human beings love and need. I have no doubt that there are some who don't like him because of his colour but there are also some black people who like to remind us of the mistakes our grandfathers made. Both have to stop because it leads to divide and we meet each other with cynicism and distrust and only when both sides stop will we ALL learn to live in harmony and the word colour, in this context, will become a thing of the past. I agree with the colour being a primary reason some hate him or love him. I also wish people could talk about 'colour' without it being taken as an immediate personal affront. History cant be changed but it has REAL impact on the present that shouldnt be ignored just to avoid unpleasant converations either. when we speak more in terms of the system and the demographics instead of individual bigotry,,, we get further to finding solutions that can continue the progress thats been made if we avoid that,, we are in danger of regressing back to those past INSTITUTIONAL wrongs or allowing them to grow again,,, I don't agree. I believe in forgive and forget. What's done is done. We learn from our past mistakes and move on. Over 6 million Jews killed by the Nazis and they remember the lost with dignity. Perhaps some people have a chip on their shoulder the size of the Empire State so they don't want to forget. |
Ladies of Kent
Amateur photographer looking for willing ladies for a photo shoot. If interested email me When did you escape. |
the last thing you threw
I throw the odd wobbler from time to time. Usually once a month for a few days.
![]() |
how can we met new people
Try Chloroform on a cloth.
Criticizing the President
I think it's important to remember that and the end of the day and regardless of your political view, he is a human being, who other human beings love and need.
I have no doubt that there are some who don't like him because of his colour but there are also some black people who like to remind us of the mistakes our grandfathers made. Both have to stop because it leads to divide and we meet each other with cynicism and distrust and only when both sides stop will we ALL learn to live in harmony and the word colour, in this context, will become a thing of the past. |
((((franky)))) ![]() ![]() Hi Torgo ![]() You still using Chloroform to get yourself dates lol |
Thank you for accepting my apology in my PM to you. I do go overboard sometimes and I am sorry. Good luck ![]() |
Boris Nemtsov killing
I'm surprised, not one mention of his murder here... Ya'll must be Putin lovers, or you're scared? LOL ![]() ![]() You have a point John. I think there's so much hate and killing in the news lately that it's hard to keep track of. I see some people are trying to make excuses for that Physcopath Jihadi John. Basically saying that he was harassed so much by MI5 that it turned him into the savage that he is today. Slightly off topic but hey ho |
Boris Nemtsov killing
somewhat reminds of Stalin and Kirov! Or Henri II,and Thomas Becket! Will no one rid me of this troublesome Priest! Yes, Princes in the tower, two for the price of one |
am I worth dating or not?
What is it, let's all gang up on someone day, shameful
Hi Fly I thought your opening post was ever so sweet, you will make some nice girl very happy ![]() |
Taking a drive past Loch Lomond and heading to Inverary in Argyll today. Brilliant scenery around there! Loch Lomond is simply stunning, I was a kid when I went there and I think it was that moment when I started to appreciate nature. I've still never been stunned quite like that by nature since. I'm thinking about my beloved Everton and the tough game we have today. |
And the fireman rushes in
From the pouring rain Very strange Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes They make me proud to be a Scouser, even with my funny accent |
Ask a rabbit, they're usually caught in the headlights
All right, does anyone want to kiss me? I can't decide who to pick. ![]() ![]() only if I can kiss the face off you, oops, now all the guys will go crazy at me |
Jihadi John Identified !!!
A much better picture, close-up! Very possible. Given all the encounters he had with various authorities, it makes you wonder if 'that' didn't put him over the top. Oh, so let's forgive him now shall we. You come on here and try to make excuses for him. |