Flirting Advice
I can if there's not much attraction- . Crazy maybe... but I'm at least trying to deal w/ it.
Flirting Advice
about the liquor. True but not really what we are going for by this stage. I did the college scene once.
Flirting Advice
I kind of do have a problem. They have to approach me. And start the interaction. I just don't think I'm putting out the right signals. We all read so much from body language. Ok though- I'll try to work on stumbling out a hi.
Flirting Advice
Here is my problem. I know I've always been fairly attractive, but I clam up really bad around men. Especially if I would have any interest. I do not know how to 1. Let them know I'm interested 2. Let them know I'm approachable. I hope this doesn't come off as stupid... but I could really use some advice on how to let a man know I'm interested. Tonight at Starbucks- I noticed a man. He walked past. I stared (his back was to me). He came by me and looked me in the eye and smiled. I smiled back. Then he walked to the cream/ sugar area... and loitered a little but we had no real interaction. I walked away when I could have gone closer. Why (besides I'm a big scardy cat). I'm going to need to meet someone somewhere & it's just not happening. How do I get past this hurdle? Or are men really always supposed to pursue & maybe they just aren't interested enough. I'm stumped... and I'm not a kid... you would think I would have some answers...=)
Thanks for your help. |
Matchmaking Game - part 3
KCFLOWER I have not one person from Kansas......But I promise as soon as I do....I will tell him to e-mail ya. Missouri is okay too. |
Matchmaking Game - part 3
Can I have another one?
I never heard from muddy sneakers & I want someone close to where I live. Tall ( over 5'10 please.) |
I have no idea. I'm going to work on changing it.
A Man Is Most Sexy When...
dunno what to say here .cause there is a lot that can make a man sexy... i think its the little things in life that matter so if a man foes those,yep that does it True. There is something about a man w/ a kid on his shoulders or one who gets protective (not crazy possessive protective), but like puts himself between you and danger protective which are very sexy. Chivalry should never die. I love how they are more vulnerable w/ women. Too many things that make them sexy. |
Why was I stood up?
They are right about the profile. If you have love self esteem- like you say- try some new things. Don't worry too much about dating for a while. Just get out there and be someone you do like!! (It's great).
could anyone?
Welcome!!! & Hi.
Why was I stood up?
You are cute. And you are trying (which shows & it good). His loss. Good thing you didn't waste more time on him... huh?
air force or college
Talk to others who have been in the military. Everything has good and bad aspects. Do you know anyone in the airforce? You work in your own interest so educate yourself.
Hopeless Romantics Club
I want to spend time together having fun. I'm not too big on classic rommance I guess. Lets have a picnic on a dock. And fish. As long as I don't have to kill the worm. Do little things for me. Bring me something to sit on. Take my hand & help me up.
Be sweet. Be funny. Look at me like you are mesmorized. |
Mmm just saying hello?
Hi & Welcome.
Who pays for dinner?
If she asks she should be expecting to pay...
But if the man insists- it's okay to accept. I'm not saying it should be expected that the man always pays... but everything doesn't have to be an insult or disrespectful. Dating is so confusing - isn't it? |
Who pays for dinner?
One more thing. Women who get annoyed about men being gentelmen are just giving you back to those of us who love it.
Who pays for dinner?
I don't think so. It was nice of you. Maybe she just felt uncomfortable w/ it... not annoyed. Maybe she just doesn't want you to feel used. It's hard to say... everyone walks around w/ their own experiences.
Is it really ok for women to ask? I sooo do not want to come off as desperate which is why I've never done it... |
Matchmaking Game - part 2
Can I play too?
KC Flower (new)
Thank you.
I've actually been reading some of the posts. Just seems you can get sucked in & spend a lot of time doing that... I'm not really the type to communicate via computer & really want to meet some people! Interaction can be so fun. Thanks for the welcomes. |
Bad kisser
Kissing is really important to the ladies (at least in my opinion). I would second the suggestive technique idea. What if you say can we try???...(what you do like).