Community > Posts By > kerbear73

kerbear73's photo
Sun 06/07/09 04:42 PM

...who is the first person you turn to?

jack daniels

Jack always makes me feel better also

kerbear73's photo
Sun 06/07/09 04:34 PM
I am sending a dirty Text message right nowpitchfork

kerbear73's photo
Sun 06/07/09 04:30 PM

I know that sex is a gift from god to married couples and that we shouldn't have sex before marriage. But he also gave us free will to make our own decisions for our life. and by dying on the cross to wash away our sins. It is nice to know that by accepting him into our life/heart that we will have eternal life no matter what.

He had to make people wanna get married some how :banana:

kerbear73's photo
Sun 06/07/09 04:27 PM

tomatoe sauce bad for a cat? whenever I have pasta, my cat will try to lick the sauce off the plate, I don't let him, but was wondering if it would harm him or not.

I had a cat explode from too much pasta sauce. tears

kerbear73's photo
Sun 06/07/09 04:19 PM
Just don't enjoy it, then it will not be sin :laughing:

kerbear73's photo
Tue 04/14/09 10:10 PM
I got your hairbrush right here. pitchfork

kerbear73's photo
Tue 04/14/09 10:08 PM
That happened to me once, then I started to date her sister.

kerbear73's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:01 PM
Vermont Lawmakers Look To Legalize Teen 'Sexting'
Under Current Law, Teens Who Text Message Explicit Photos Could Be Prosecuted As Sex OffendersMONTPELIER, Vt. (CBS) ―
Click to enlarge
Text messaging graphic pictures of yourself could soon be legal for teens in Vermont.

Lawmakers there are considering a bill that would make it legal for teenagers 18 and under to exchange explicit photos and videos of themselves – an act that's come to be known by teens as "sexting."

Under the current law, teenagers could be prosecuted as sex offenders if they get caught sending graphic sexual images of themselves, even if it was consensual.

A state House committee will hear more testimony on it later this week.

Do You Think Sexting Should Be Legal For Teens? Leave Your Comments Here!

In a recent study, 18 percent of female students nationwide say they've tried sexting.

New York City student Stefanie Garcia is only in high school, and says sexting happens all the time.

"Girls in underwear, guys completely naked, muscle pictures, stuff like that," Garcia told CBS 2.

Actress Vanessa Hudgens is still trying to live down the scandal of her nude pictures ending up on-line, when they were meant for her boyfriend.

"It'll get there in like 30 seconds. The world can know about anything," high school senior Juli Ssacontreras said.

Ssacontreras says sexting is like paparazzi for teenagers and it's not just nude pictures that are being sent.

"People using drugs, of people being drunk, maybe doing some other illegal activities," she said.

Karen Salmansohn is an expert on talking with teenagers about smart choices. She writes books to empower girls, and says parents need to talk to their kids about the dangers of sexting -- using their language.

"Don't talk to them in language saying this is right this is wrong. That's not going to get to a kid," Salmansohn said.

"You have to talk them, you know what you think is cool isn't so cool. You have to use the language of cool because that's why they're doing it."

Tell them that once that embarrassing pictures goes out, there's no way to get it off the Internet, and could affect their college and future job opportunities when recruiters search the Web. They're also up for grabs for sexual predators. By law, sexually explicit pictures of anyone under 18 are considered child pornography.

The head of, says minors can be charged with child pornography, so parents need to call police if an explicit picture of your child is on the Internet. If you don't get action, contact your attorney general's office.

kerbear73's photo
Tue 04/14/09 06:57 PM
Man Grows 5 Centimeter Tree Branch In His Lung
By Meredith Woerner, 5:00 PM on Mon Apr 13 2009, 20,532 views (Edit post, Set to draft, Slurp) Copy this whole post to another site

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Remember when grandpa told you not to swallow those watermelon seeds? Well, he wasn't screwing around. Some poor sap from Russia just had a fir tree removed from his lung.

Komsomolskaya Pravda daily reports that the 28-year-old patient, Artyom Sidorkin, came to a hospital in the city of Izhevsk in Central Russia last week, complaining that he was experiencing chest pain and coughing up blood.

After submitting to an X-ray the doctors saw a lump in the patient's lung. After a biopsying the lump the doctors pulled out a 5 centimeter fir tree branch out of his lung, complete with needles.

"They told me my coughing blood was not caused by any disease," Sidorkin says. "It was the needles poking the capillaries. It really hurt a lot. But I never felt like I had an alien object inside of me."

The doctors suspect that Sidorkin inhaled a bud, which later grew into the tiny tree. Thus proving that the monsters from Treeple and Treevenge do exist and they are learning how to attack from the inside.

And there is a Nice Picture of it on the link :)

kerbear73's photo
Wed 04/08/09 12:17 AM
drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers drool drool drool flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers

kerbear73's photo
Tue 04/07/09 01:06 AM


What is everyone up to tonight?
happy Is Liz gonna marry you?:tongue:
rofl It could happen:wink:

WHEN WHEN? :banana:

kerbear73's photo
Sat 04/04/09 11:05 PM
We can't have him back? That is the best news I heard all day.

kerbear73's photo
Sat 04/04/09 10:58 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

kerbear73's photo
Sat 04/04/09 10:54 PM
It is about time they suffer like the rest of us. laugh

kerbear73's photo
Sat 04/04/09 10:47 PM
I forgot what this post was about, I was busy perving MissTina

kerbear73's photo
Sat 04/04/09 10:29 PM
Nothing is on TVtears

kerbear73's photo
Sat 04/04/09 10:09 PM

If you get married you will want to take your own liferofl

haha. No one can mention marriage here without you going on about how horrible it is.

Marriage is not horrible, I would love to be married

kerbear73's photo
Sat 04/04/09 09:51 PM
Edited by kerbear73 on Sat 04/04/09 09:51 PM
Remove the picture and it will be perfectrofl jk

kerbear73's photo
Sat 04/04/09 09:48 PM
I get special Treatment all the Time.... :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

kerbear73's photo
Sat 04/04/09 09:42 PM

If you get married you will want to take your own liferofl

Yeeeeah Maybe, Depends on who I marry..

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