You don't like to yo clothes? Me either, yo clothes are so passe.
Yeah. You gotta love those spam IMs via yahoo. If it weren't so dern annoying, it actually might be a wee bit funny. ![]() Yea I know, but I still like to mess with em. Man, I really need a constructive hobby. |
Text or Call?
I tend to babble on the phone, and don't rather like talking on it much. Texts are more efficient way to get what you need said and get a response, while doing other things.
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Fri 07/17/09 09:07 PM
truth_faith1: Hello how are u doing and how was ur day as well
BUZZ!!! truth_faith1: Im Georgina from Mingle2 and can i know ur name as well..Im single with no kids truth_faith1: Why are u invisible anyway? truth_faith1: I will be very happy if u could giv me few minutes of ur time to talk to.. BUZZ!!! Gumbyvs: Mingle2? truth_faith1: Yea. truth_faith1: How are u doing anyway? Gumbyvs: Alright, maybe truth_faith1: Ohh Okay.. truth_faith1: Im Georgina and can i know ur name? Gumbyvs: Ever been to a turkish prison? truth_faith1: Ohh Okay and are u single? Gumbyvs: F'ing retarded spam bots truth_faith1: Cant get u? Gumbyvs: Nobody does, whats your sn on mingle2? truth_faith1: Lovier.. truth_faith1: Anyway if u dont mind am from Ghana and is that any big problem to u? Gumbyvs: Yea, Ghana women aren't that good in bed truth_faith1: Anyway have u been talking to some? Gumbyvs: Too many, they all want plane fare to get to the US, its rather annoying truth_faith1: Quiet funny Dear. truth_faith1: And are u still talking to them?? Gumbyvs: Well, I paid for 3 of them to come over, but they were all horrible in bed, so I had to send them back. truth_faith1: Ohh Okay.. truth_faith1: So what do u do?And do u have Kids? Gumbyvs: Maybe a couple of bastard children, but they're all in Ghana now. Its rather refreshing. truth_faith1: Lol Gumbyvs: Well, unless you can pay your own way over to the US and are good in bed, I think this conversation is over. |
Good God there are so many bitter and angry people on here. Dating is the getting to know stage, then you move on to a relationship. You just don't go from, "Hey, nice to meet ya!", right to "Let's be in a loving relationship", in 2 weeks. Just because someone wronged you or whatever, doesn't mean this guy is satan spawn. He was upfront and honest about the situation. If he wasn't and did it behind her back and the OP posted a question about that scenario, you'd all probably be right. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? This is depressing the hell outta me, because I'm an utterly bitter pessimist and I can't find anything to make this guy out to be the bad guy. But hey, if yall wanna be hermits and crazy cat ladies/guys living in your mom's basement, that's great, but there are people still trying not to be those.
The new guy here!
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I seemed to be damned no matter if I do or don't! LOL You are indeed, but the only alternative you have is becoming a hermit or a crazy cat lady. Go with what you feel and if your brain keeps bitchen, stab it with an ice pick. |
Blow It Up!!!
I think blowing up a giant vat of chocolate pudding would be kinda' awesome... ![]() How about 50 tons of gummi bears somewhere in the middle of the US? |
Blow It Up!!!
Hmmmm, I can see someone a$$hole in Home Land Security reading through this thread and jotting down notes on all of you.
yeah hes being honest which is awsome but still id be careful but i wouldnt wait around til he decided what he wanted to do about his feelings! And I thought I was a pessimist. Dating is the process of finding what your feelings are and that takes time. Love is like a turd in a toilet. You can dwell on what you can't control, try and make something be what you want, or just realize its a turd, flush it, and see where it goes. |
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Fri 07/17/09 03:18 PM
And a lot are jumping to the dump him now reaction, but seeing he was honest about his situation, why should there be a problem? I mean hell, finding someone that isn't full of sh|t is hard to find as is, but someone that tells you how it is, is something you should cherish.
I just find it funny when dating is considered a completely committed relationship. If you've only been dating for a couple weeks and there's chemistry, you build on that. If it works out great, if not, then is wasn't to be. But dwelling on the negative isn't going to do anything for you, plus, I don't want any competition in the land of negativity.
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Well I happened to say to a redheaded ex once, that survivor was completely fake and silly, then she proceeded to threaten me with a steak knife. And she wasn't kidding in any way, shape or form. So yea, I apologized for my comment, left abruptly, moved from where I was living, and never talked to her again.
So yea, threaten em with a steak knife works! |
One trick pony.
Monica Lewinsky, she got a sexual act named for her!
Oxymoronical stements...
Always be on the lookout for conspicuousness. Always remember you're unique... just like everyone else! An oral contract isn't worth the paper its written on. Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake. As far as I'm concerned, treachery will sometimes bring loyalty into question. Avoid alliteration. Always. Avoid clichés like the plague (they are old hat). Be more or less specific. Comparisons are as bad as clichés. Contractions aren’t necessary. Cooperation can only be reached if we work together. Death to all fanatics! Don't be redundant by repeating yourself. Don’t use more words than necessary – it’s highly superfluous. Entropy just isn't what it used to be. Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed. Evil isn't all bad. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement. Foreign words and phrases are not apropos. Free advice is worth what you paid for it. Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms. Grammar has gots to be one of the most importantest things ever? He doesn't have much of a reputation or so I've heard. I always wanted to be a procrastinator! I am becoming increasingly worried that there isn't enough anxiety in my life. I disagree with unanimity. I have a twin brother. He's identical, but I'm not. I have my doubts about disbelief. I have this nagging fear that everyone is out to make me paranoid. I keep telling myself that I am a pathological liar, but I am not sure if I believe it. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's intolerance. If we do not succeed, we run the risk of failure. I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous! I'm still not sure if I understand ambiguity. Life is full of uncertainties... or I could be wrong about that? My identity lies in not knowing who I am. On one hand, I'm indecisive; but on the other, I'm not. One should never generalize. One-word sentences? Eliminate. Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary. Perspective is in the eye of the beholder. Prejudiced people are all alike. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with. Profanity sucks. Reality is a big, nasty, vicious dragon, but I don't believe in dragons. Rehab is for quitters! The shortest distance between two points is how far apart they are. Some people say that I'm superficial, but that's just on the surface. The world's full of apathy, but I don't care. There are only three kinds of people: people who can count and people who can't. There's no such thing as nonexistance. What is the probability that something will happen according to the odds? |
One trick pony.
Obama, well, he hasn't become a 1 term president just yet, but still the only thing he's famous for, besides all the rumors.
What Are Words For?
i really hate it when you send someone a nice,well-written e-mail and they respond with one word,a siily little Internet symbol (I don't even know what they are called) or a link. Whatever happened to the art of the written word? I thought all this technology was supposed to make communication easier. I can't wait for the day when it all crashes and we have to go back to writing on cave walls. Only then,will we get our humanity back. be seeing you ![]() ![]() You coulda left the lol out! Woulda been more mirror-like. |
What Are Words For?
It either means no to whatever you said or they don't know what to say.
![]() And moondark, aren't you supposed to be trying to sleep? |