Community > Posts By > Charles1962150

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Tue 07/30/19 02:14 PM
New ad highlights Mueller testimony as impeachment push grows

"A new TV ad from a group supporting the impeachment of President Trump shows excerpts of some of the most damaging testimony by former special counsel Robert Mueller at a House hearing last week.

Politico reported Tuesday morning that the group, Need to Impeach, which is funded by billionaire Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer, was “spending in the mid-six figures to air the ad on CNN and MSNBC before and after the second presidential debate.” The debates are airing on CNN Tuesday and Wednesday evening".

The ad here.

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Tue 07/30/19 02:10 PM
Trump is so out of touch. It ain't even funny.

Trump claims black people love his comments about Baltimore

"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is claiming a groundswell of African American support in response to his comments denigrating Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings and the congressman's majority-black Baltimore district, despite polling showing consistently negative numbers.

Speaking to reporters as he left the White House on Tuesday, Trump claimed the building had been flooded with thousands of letters, emails and phone calls after his criticism of Baltimore thanking him for "getting involved" and exposing corruption.

"They really appreciate what I'm doing, and they've let me know it," said the Republican president. The White House did not immediately provide any evidence backing up Trump's claims".

Half of US voters think Trump is racist: poll

"Washington (AFP) - Slightly more than half of US voters believe President Donald Trump is racist, according to a poll published on Tuesday.

Fifty-one percent of those surveyed in the Quinnipiac University poll said Trump is racist while 45 percent said he is not".

Trump fact-checker: Did the US president really spend 'lots of time' with 9/11 responders?

"Donald Trump has signed the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund in the White House Rose Garden to fund the care of emergency workers who became ill after the terrorist attacks.

He also revived an old claim that he spent time at ground zero alongside firefighters and police officers.

Mr Trump has a long history of making questionable and provocative statements about what he saw on the day of the attacks and how he reacted, including some critical of Muslims.

At the signing ceremony, surrounded by emergency medical workers who had lost colleagues and friends in the attacks, the US president sought again to place himself near the centre of the recovery effort".

Most likely it will be a lie.

Trump to Air Attack Ad During Democratic Debate: Campaign Update

"(Bloomberg) -- Donald Trump won’t be on stage for the two nights of the Democratic presidential debate in Detroit, but he’s not missing the opportunity to take shots at the candidates.

The president’s re-election campaign will air a 30-second attack ad on Tuesday and Wednesday that opens with 10 Democrats, including Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris, raising their hands when asked if their health care plans would cover undocumented immigrants. The question was asked during the first debate in Miami on June 27".

California To Donald Trump: No Tax Returns, No Spot On Primary Ballot

"Donald Trump just took another hit from the left — this time from the coast. Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a law that would make presidential candidates ineligible California’s primary ballot unless they releases their tax returns.

Passed along party lines two weeks ago, Senate Bill 27 (read it here) mandates that all White House hopefuls must submit five years of income tax filings by late November to get on the March ballot. Trump — who promised repeatedly during his campaign that he would release his tax returns — is not named specifically in the legislation, which does not extend to the general election and doesn’t apply to write-in candidates".

Trump Must Disclose Tax Returns to Get on California Primary Ballot

"California governor Gavin Newsom has signed a law into immediate effect that would require President Trump to disclose his tax returns in order to appear on the California Republican primary ballot.

The law, which was approved by the legislature along party lines earlier this month, requires all presidential and gubernatorial candidates to disclose the past five years’ worth of tax returns in order to appear on a primary ballot".

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs Trump Tax Return Bill

"California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed a controversial bill Tuesday that would all but force President Donald Trump to give in to longstanding demands that he release his tax returns.

“As one of the largest economies in the world and home to one in nine Americans eligible to vote, California has a special responsibility to require this information of presidential and gubernatorial candidates,” Newsom said in a statement".

This just tickles me half to death. Trump has already lost potentally 4 states simply because of his mouth and crooked ways. Now, you may as well say he has lost California. Five states voters are gone. Lost. And hanging on by a thread in Ohio. 6 states potentially gone from Trump's grasp. And you can't blame anyone but Trump himself. Don't even try to blame the Democrats. It will not hold water. This is all Trump. Trump once again FU$%^ Trump.

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Tue 07/30/19 12:55 AM

But will it be enough to hurt his presidential chances? Possibly. We already have that problem, (racism) in the high office now. That's something we don't need any more of once Trump is gone. Maybe he should have tried harder to fix this before running for president. I'm not saying this guy is a racist. I don't know whether he is or isn't. But one thing for sure. At this point, he doesn't know how to handle it with his own police dept. If he can't figure it out with his own police dept, how is he going to handle it once he becomes president?

Why South Bend’s Police Department Has Become a Campaign Issue for Mayor Pete

"Mayor Pete Buttigieg appeared to be overwhelmed as he stood on stage with his chief of police at a South Bend, Indiana, town hall in June. Buttigieg had abruptly left the campaign trail after Sergeant Ryan O’Neill, a white cop, shot and killed Eric Logan, a 54-year-old black man. O’Neill had been responding to a call about a suspicious person breaking into cars when he came across Logan inside a vehicle. According to O’Neill, when the officer confronted Logan, he approached him with a knife; so he fired his gun twice, killing Logan. The officer’s body camera was turned off and the shooting sparked local outrage. Buttigieg’s constituents were loudly voicing their frustrations with the city, the mayor, and his police department. “Reorganize your [police] department by Friday of next week,” someone in the audience demanded. “Get the people that are racists off the streets".

Ahh, I see we get ma jones garbage. Nothing said about Logan and his past history on being a habitual criminal. Those who complained the loudest, are criminals themselves.

Republican Communists? Hardly. Democratic socialists get to own that one.

Better than any of that far-right, made up as you go lies that many of you post. And makes more sense. Also, not just vague statements with absolutely nothing to back it up. This is a "thing" that many Trump supporters seem to have in common. They either just outright lie. Or a mixture of Truth and lie. Or just really vague. So vague at times that most have no idea what they're talking about. It leaves the reader thinking you're just talking. You don't care if you make sense or not.

It seems to matter very little to a Trump supporter how goofy or silly they sound. The worst trait I've seen so far in Trumps supporters, besides there ability to lie and make up stories at the drop of a hat, is their racism. Many Trump supporters are full of hate and racism. And they don't care who sees it.

I'm not trying to insult you. I'm just telling you the truth. To educated people, Trump supporters come off as uneducated red necks that are gullible to Trump and blind to his lies. They are people who get on social media and tell lies. If they can't tell a lie, they will make up one and spread it.

Again, no insult to you intended. I'm just telling the truth. You can either accept it or you don't. It matters very little to me.

Pete Buttigieg Rips “Racist” Trump: “We Ought To Call That What It Is”

"Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg expressed his disapproval of President Donald Trump, by referring to the president as a “racist” during a speech Friday at the National Urban League Conference.

“My generation saw this country elect its first black president and then turn around and elect a racist to the White House — and we ought to call that what it is,” Buttigieg told members of the civil rights organization at their annual convention in Indianapolis".

Pete Buttigieg’s ideas are starting to intrigue black voters. Their support is another matter.

"INDIANAPOLIS — As the path forward in the 2020 presidential campaign starts to narrow, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg has been trying to find support in the one segment of the Democratic base he can't seem to reach: people of color.

He's likely struggling for a variety of reasons. He's young and lacks national experience. Acceptance of marriage equality and LGBTQ rights among African Americans and Latinos is growing but isn’t as high as among other groups. That could be a challenge for the openly gay Democrat. And there have been a lot of questions about his handling of the South Bend police shooting last month in which a white officer killed a black man he said was wielding a knife".

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Tue 07/30/19 12:17 AM
AP FACT CHECK: Mueller's words twisted by Trump and more

"WASHINGTON (AP) - President Donald Trump listened to Robert Mueller testify to Congress this past week, then misrepresented what the former special counsel said. Some partisans on both sides did much the same, whether to defend or condemn the president.
Trump seized on Mueller's testimony to claim anew that he was exonerated by the Russia investigation, which the president wasn't. He capped the week by wishing aloud that President Barack Obama had received some of the congressional scrutinies he's endured, ignoring the boatload of investigations, subpoenas and insults visited on the Democrat and his team".

Jake Tapper Mocks Trump For Bashing Baltimore, Ignoring Kushner's 'Slumlord' Role

"CNN’s Jake Tapper quipped that the “writers” of President Donald Trump’s “season” are “really getting lazy” for failing to realize that his own son-in-law and White House senior adviser, Jared Kushner, has played a key role in the decrepit conditions Trump has lambasted in Baltimore".

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Mon 07/29/19 07:12 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Mon 07/29/19 07:21 PM

The human trafficking report has just published a new edition and guess what city is at the top of the list:

Baltimore , MD

The last three mayors of Baltimore were forced out of office because of corruption and all three were democrat's. The presidents comments are very accurate but, of course, the dems and media are downplaying this so the public will be kept in the dark.

The presidents comments about dead rats and animals WAS A QUOTE of the city's mayor Pugh video taped and played on a local news channel. The local congressional rep and media naturally turned in into a He's Racist argument. When one learns the facts it's the local politicians and media who are racist.

The far left ALWAYS accuses reasonable political direction as far right fascists. They have to mislabel those who are bringing the abuses to light.

Declassification of FBI and DOJ documents will begin by the end of this week. Some of the Spygate legal documents being investigated by Nunes, Barr, John Durham will begin seeing the light of day. Prosecutions will begin by the end of August. THIS IS WHY I SAID THE DEMS AND MEDIA WILL ATTEMPT CHARACTER ASSASSINATION OF John Henry Durham.

The democrat's and members of the DOJ who have illegally attempted to undermine our president will soon see the inside of federal court rooms.

John Durham's document is not just an investigation or report. It is a criminal investigation. Take note.

As more and more info is released it appears the Russiagate hoax didn't begin with Hillary and the DNC but from the top person in the White House during October 2016.

Need to go buy more popcorn.

More talk with absolutely nothing to back it up. Your first sentence is full-on far-right bullshyt lie. If I show one statement as untrue, the credibility of the whole statement falls apart. You only tell what you think might lead others to believe a lie. Tell the whole thing. Not just the parts that sound good to you and fit your narrative.

US map for starters.]

The next map shows where most human trafficking goes on in the USA. And Baltimore, MD is nowhere close. You're either very misinformed, or you're just lying in hopes that other people are dumb enough to take what you say at face value and just believe it. Even though the map shows otherwise. This map shows human trafficking hot spots. And Baltimore, MD is NOT one of them.

Catherine Pugh is the 12th Baltimore mayor to resign from the office. Here's a look back at the others.

"Mayor Catherine Pugh, who announced Thursday that she was resigning, is not the first Baltimore mayor to take that path. Or even the second. Or the third.

Actually, 11 others have pulled the plug on their mayoral careers and for a variety of reasons — including to become governor".

Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh Resigns In Aftermath Of Children's Book Scandal

"Pugh, a Democrat, is under investigation for alleged "self-dealing" in connection to the sale of thousands of copies of a self-published children's book series. Many of those sales went to entities that she had influence over or that sought to do business with the city".

This is the last I will speak on this subject. It's off-topic for the subject matter. I just couldn't let a lie that big go by.

Now back to the Trumpland thread.

Judge seeks compromise in the fight over Trump's state tax returns

"A federal judge on Monday ordered lawyers for President Donald Trump, House Democrats and New York state to try to come up with a compromise in a fight over the president’s state tax returns.

Judge Carl Nichols said he wants the three sides to outline possible ways forward in the dispute by 6 p.m. Tuesday.

The surprise decision came in a case in which Trump is demanding a temporary restraining order to prevent Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal from taking advantage of a newly passed New York law that would give him access to the president’s confidential tax filings there. Trump is challenging the underlying law and is concerned Neal could obtain the records while the case is still pending. "

Water meant for Puerto Rican hurricane victims dumped on farmland

"San Juan (AFP) - Tens of thousands of water bottles destined for desperate Puerto Ricans after devastating back-to-back hurricanes slammed into the US island territory remain unopened on farmland almost two years later, emergency aid officials confirmed Monday.

Aerial images captured by AFP show a sea of water bottles, packaged into massive bundles, heaped on what appears to be a private estate in the Higuillar neighborhood in Dorado, 25 miles (40 kilometers) west of San Juan.

In some pictures, the ground isn't visible through the piles. In others, broken pallets can be seen among the stacks".

More than 100 Democrats now onboard with Trump impeachment inquiry

"More than a dozen additional Democrats have come out in favor of beginning an impeachment inquiry into President Trump in the fallout from Robert Mueller’s testimony last week.

On Thursday, Rep. Katherine Clark, D-Mass., said she now favored impeachment. Clark, the vice-chair of the Democratic caucus, is the highest-ranking House Dem to come out in favor of the step. Clark said she was motivated by concerns over how Republicans, following Trump’s lead, are ignoring concerns about securing future elections from tampering".

Trump trash-talks ‘con man’ Al Sharpton, as Baltimore feud drags on

"President Trump, keeping up his racially charged attacks against Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., and the city of Baltimore, found a new target Monday in the Rev. Al Sharpton, the longtime civil rights activist and MSNBC talk show host who had scheduled an event there.

“I have known Al for 25 years. Went to fights with him & Don King, always got along well,” Trump tweeted. “He ‘loved Trump!’ He would ask me for favors often. Al is a con man, a troublemaker, always looking for a score. Just doing his thing. Must have intimidated Comcast/NBC. Hates Whites & Cops!".

I'm starting to think that Trump is the dumbest man on the face of the earth. The reason why He is bleeding voters and he is too stupid to realize it. He pissed away NY a long time ago. Now he has pissed away Baltimore MD with his racism. Now he is trying to start in on Al Sharpton. If he pushes that too hard, like he has Baltimore, he will piss away Ga. Trump is killing himself in three states. While we sit back and laugh at him as the rest of the world does. Also, Right now he is hanging on by a thread in Ohio. Not one president has ever been elected without Ohio.

Trump's 9/11 Boast Sparks Hilarious 'Lost Trump History' Meme

"President Donald Trump’s unsubstantiated claim on Monday that he “spent a lot of time” with 9/11 first responders at Ground Zero has inspired a side-splitting Twitter series featuring totally fabricated moments of “Lost Trump History"

He is a Russian asset since he doesn't want to do anything to keep our elections safer and stop the Russians from interfering.

Mitch McConnell Lashes Out At Critics Who Called Him A 'Russian Asset'

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Monday fired back at critics who accused him of being a “Russian asset” after he blocked legislation last week that would have strengthened U.S. election security.

“I was called unpatriotic, un-American and essentially treasonous by a couple of left-wing pundits on the basis of bald-faced lies,” McConnell said in a speech on the Senate floor, denouncing the “shameful” attacks as “modern-day McCarthyism.”

On Friday, MSNBC host and former GOP Rep. Joe Scarborough lit into McConnell after he blocked two election security measures. Democrats attempted to expedite passage of the measures via a unanimous consent request after Robert Mueller, the former special counsel, testified Wednesday about continued Russian meddling in U.S. elections".

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Mon 07/29/19 03:12 PM

Attempts by congressional Democrat's meeting to prevent disclosure of Five Eye's (UK, USA, NZ, Australia and Canada united intelligence) spying on Trump material in Italy was DENIED. Five Eye's allies will not protect illegal attempt to depose a legally elected president. Dem's getting nervous. Spygate picking up steam.

Five Eyes

"The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an anglophone intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.[1][2][3]

The origins of the FVEY can be traced back to the post–World War II period, when the Atlantic Charter was issued by the Allies to lay out their goals for a post-war world. During the course of the Cold War, the ECHELON surveillance system was initially developed by the FVEY to monitor the communications of the former Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc, although it is now used to monitor billions of private communications worldwide.[4][5]

In the late 1990s, the existence of ECHELON was disclosed to the public, triggering a major debate in the European Parliament and, to a lesser extent, the United States Congress. As part of efforts in the ongoing War on Terror since 2001, the FVEY further expanded their surveillance capabilities, with much emphasis placed on monitoring the World Wide Web. The former NSA contractor Edward Snowden described the Five Eyes as a "supra-national intelligence organization that does not answer to the known laws of its own countries".[6] Documents leaked by Snowden in 2013 revealed that the FVEY have been spying on one another's citizens and sharing the collected information with each other in order to circumvent restrictive domestic regulations on surveillance of citizens.[7][8][9][10]"

Newly Disclosed NSA Documents Shed Further Light on Five Eyes Alliance

"In July 2017, Privacy International and Yale Law School’s Media Freedom & Information Access Clinic (MFIA) filed a lawsuit against the National Security Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the State Department, and the National Archives and Records Administration seeking access to records related to the Five Eyes alliance under the Freedom of Information Act. The Five Eyes alliance emerged from spying arrangements forged during World War II and facilitates the sharing of signals intelligence (SIGINT) among the U.S., the U.K., Australia, Canada and New Zealand"

With Absolutely No Evidence, Trump Suggests U.K. Spied on Him for Obama

"Donald Trump has pushed out a baseless conspiracy theory that the British government spied on his 2016 campaign on behalf of President Obama's administration. In a tweet sent just one day after Queen Elizabeth II honored Trump and Melania with an invite to Buckingham Palace in June, the president quoted a pundit on the right-wing One America News Network accusing Britain of spying on him. Trump wrote: “‘Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson accuses United Kingdom Intelligence of helping Obama Administration Spy on the 2016 Trump Presidential Campaign.’ @OANN WOW! It is now just a question of time before the truth comes out, and when it does, it will be a beauty!” This baseless conspiracy theory was first brought to wider attention by Fox & Friends legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano in 2017 and repeated by then press secretary Sean Spicer. Even Fox News disavowed Napolitano’s theory two years ago, with anchor Shepard Smith saying on air: “Fox News cannot confirm Judge Napolitano’s commentary ... Fox News knows of no evidence of any kind that the now-president of the United States was surveilled at any time, any".

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Mon 07/29/19 12:13 AM
You want facts? How about this fact. Your boy is racist and doesn't know when to shut up. If he had the brains of a goat he would know that because of his mouth, this state is lost to him. He is barely hanging on in Ohio. Not one president has ever been elected without Ohio. Or are you that out of touch with reality?

Trump doubles down on Cummings attacks, shares a vulgar comment about Baltimore on Twitter

"President Trump doubled down on his attacks against House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, whose district he called a “disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess,” by retweeting a comment from a British columnist who referred to Baltimore as a “proper sh*thole".

President Donald Trump trails former Vice President Joe Biden in Ohio, new poll says

Joe Biden Can Beat Donald Trump in Ohio, New Poll Declares

"If political polls are to be believed, Vice President Joe Biden could be the only Democrat capable of beating President Trump in Ohio in the 2020 presidential election. At least that's what one new poll put on by Quinnipiac University discovered.

According to the survey of registered Ohio voters, Biden beats Trump by 8 percentage points, with 50 percent to 42 percent.

But other Democrats didn't have bad showings in the poll, essentially landing neck and neck with the incumbent".

"WASHINGTON, D. C. - Former Vice President Joe Biden has an eight-point lead over current President Donald Trump in Ohio, while several other Democratic contenders are virtually tied with Trump in a state that Trump won by eight points in 2016, according to a new poll from Connecticut’s Quinnipiac University".

The last highlighted statement, You know what that tells me? The majority of people who they polled want Trump gone so badly that anyone of them will do. As long as we are rid of that worldwide embarrassment called Trump. "neck and neck with the incumbent " is what it says. That says a lot when a bunch of, technically "unknowns" are neck and neck with Trump.

The Republican Party Is Transforming Right Before Our Very Eyes

"The Republican Party Is Transforming Right Before Our Very Eyes

What is the future of conservatism in America?

That was the subject of consideration last week as scholars, thinkers, and attendees gathered at the National Conservatism conference in Washington, D.C. Speakers gave special focus to the future of America and conservatism in the age of Trump.

The conference featured an eclectic group of speakers, from TV personality Tucker Carlson to tech entrepreneur Peter Thiel, to Sen. Josh Hawley, the freshman Republican from Missouri".

'The Wire' creator David Simon calls Trump a 'racist moron' over Baltimore attacks

"David Simon, the author, and former journalist is best known for creating the acclaimed HBO series The Wire, which was set in Baltimore, was among those coming to the defense of the city and Rep. Elijah Cummings following a blistering attack by Donald Trump. Trump supporters then pushed back against Simon, with one — clearly unaware of the TV producer’s background – firing back, “Have you watched The Wire, sir?".

Shyt continues to roll down hill.

Something Trump-Bashed Baltimore Area Would Like To Ditch: 'Kushnerville' Homes

"After a series of vicious attacks on their home by their own president, proud Baltimoreans are standing by their city. But there is something local they would likely be happy to ditch: decrepit “Kushnerville” housing provided by Donald Trump’s own son-in-law, who has been blasted by tenants in the press as a “slumlord".

Where shyt rolls downhill, roses bloom.

Barack and Michelle Obama offer rare rebukes of Trump over attacks on Baltimore

"Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama offered rare rebukes of President Trump after he lashed out at an African-American congressman and called the lawmaker’s majority-black district “a disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess.”

"Hours after Trump’s Twitter rant against Cummings, the former president tweeted a link to a Washington Post op-ed published on July 26 and co-signed by 149 African-Americans who served in his administration. They called out Trump’s recent Twitter attacks against four Democratic congresswomen of color, which have been widely condemned as racist".

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Sun 07/28/19 09:35 PM

As usual, the far-right doesn't hear what the rest of America did. Your boy is a conman and a crook. He knows it. The Democrats know it right along with the greatest part of America. With the exception of a hand full.

FACTS. Accusations come every two weeks. We will not listen until cold, hard documented FACTS are given. Soap operas only give accusations.

The facts are right under your nose. If you can't see them, that's your problem. The rest of us do.

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Sun 07/28/19 09:28 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sun 07/28/19 09:32 PM
As usual, the far-right doesn't hear what the rest of America did. Your boy is a conman and a crook. He knows it. The Democrats know it right along with the greatest part of America. With the exception of a hand full.

“I think it was very important that he testified,” Nadler told ABC’s This Week, “because he … broke the lie that the president and the attorney general have been saying to the American people.

“Since his report was issued the attorney general and the president have misrepresented that report, lied to the American people about it, said the report found no collusion, no obstruction and totally exonerated the president. “All those three statements are lies. It was very important for Mueller to get up there and say just that.”

In his testimony, Mueller did not go beyond the contents of his 448-page report into Russian election interference, links between Trump and Moscow and possible obstruction of justice by the president.

Mueller submitted his report in March and it was published in redacted form in April after attorney general William Barr issued a summary of its contents which Democrats said was misleading. He did not find evidence of a criminal conspiracy between Trump and Moscow but did layout 11 instances of possible obstruction of justice by the president or his campaign.

Trump has claimed complete exoneration – as he did in tweets on Saturday in which he urged equal focus on supposed misdeeds by Democrats and FBI agents.

Mueller stated both on paper and in person on Capitol Hill that he did not exonerate the president on questions of obstruction of justice.

He's already been proven a crook. Long ago. If he wasn't, why fight over his taxes? He's a crook with something to hide. What about the charity he was trusted with that we found out long ago he was treated as if it was his own private piggy bank.

If he was really all that great and grand, why is NY AG waiting his turn to prosecute him? The far-right can't stand it. They have to have someone who feeds into there fear and hate. He's a crook and a conman. Some people are suckers for that kind of person. Do you want specific proof? It's right under your nose.

Trump agrees to shut down his charity amid allegations that he used it for personal and political benefit

"President Trump has agreed to shut down his embattled personal charity and to give away its remaining money amid allegations that he used the foundation for his personal and political benefit, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood announced Tuesday.

Underwood said that the Donald J. Trump Foundation is dissolving as her office pursues its lawsuit against the charity, Trump and his three eldest children".

How Trump may have used his charitable foundation for personal and political gain

"As the New York attorney general investigates allegations of criminal misconduct by the Trump Foundation, the president announced he is shutting it down. The Washington Post’s David Fahrenthold has been reporting on scrutiny of the organization since before the 2016 election, and he joins William Brangham to discuss how the president may have leveraged his charity for personal and political gain".

Trump Is Being Exposed for the Grifter That He Is

"The Donald J. Trump Foundation was an audacious grift, even by the standards of its namesake. Charitable foundations are supposed to operate under a simple premise: They receive certain tax exemptions when it comes to receiving and disbursing their funds, and in turn, those funds will be funneled into good works for society’s benefit. For Trump’s charity, however, those good works largely amounted to crass self-enrichment—a guiding principle throughout the president’s life and political career".

Trump used charity money to buy his own portrait because no one else would: lawyers

"Donald Trump had no choice but to blow $10,000 in charity money on a giant painting of himself — because no one else wanted it, his lawyers claimed in court Thursday.

Trump picked up the infamous painting — now at the center of a lawsuit brought by the state attorney general who alleges suspect spending by the charity — during a 2014 auction benefiting The Unicorn Foundation at his Mar-a-Lago country club in Florida".

What the Collapse of the Trump Foundation Tells Us About Donald Trump

"Just when you’re getting ready to wrap it up for the holidays and take some time off from anything Donald Trump-related, up pops another story to remind you what sort of man is occupying the Oval Office. On Tuesday, Trump’s lawyers reached an agreement with the New York attorney general, Barbara Underwood, to shut down the Donald J. Trump Foundation, an entity that officially had charitable status but was perhaps best known for its purchase of a life-size portrait of Donald J. Trump—or, possibly, for the seven dollars it donated to the Boy Scouts of America, in 1989".

Trump loves ignorant people. Because they are suckers for his con games. They question nothing and believe everything he says. This man wouldn't spit on any of us if we were on fire. Except, maybe for those suckers that believe him.

Donald Trump has ensured his name never ventures far from the headlines by consistently making comments few would expect to hear from a Presidential hopeful.

"His triumph in Nevada overnight was no exception. The outspoken billionaire ramped up the increasingly divisive rhetoric continues to litter his speeches since victories in both the New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries.

Comments about his opponents have ranged in nature from vulgar to offensive and bizarre while his policy pledges include an aggressive stance on immigration and vows to keep Muslims out of the US.

But some of his claims from the Nevada caucus were particularly worrying."

The people that have common sense and are able to reason and are not suckered into Trump lies, they know these things to be true. So do the Democrats in congress. And sooner or later all his 10 thousand or so lies will catch up to him. It's not going to be much longer. Trump is a goner one way or the other. Either by impeachment or at the poles. Who will you latch on to after he goes to get your hate fix from?

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Sun 07/28/19 03:58 PM
Trump Deserves Impeachment But No Decision Made Yet, Nadler Says

"(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump deserves to be impeached, but the House Judiciary Committee is still investigating to determine whether to report resolutions to the full House, the panel’s chairman said.

“He richly deserves impeachment. He has done many impeachable offenses. He’s violated the law six ways from Sunday,” Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York said on CNN’s “State of the Union,” one of two TV appearances on Sunday. “The question is: can we develop enough evidence to put before the American people? We’ve broken the logjam".

Clinton was impeached on a lot less. He got his knob polished in the oval room by a then 22-year-old staffer. Lied about it and tried to cover it up. Trump has done ten times what Clinton did.

The 10 instances of possible obstruction by Trump in the Mueller report

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Sun 07/28/19 03:47 PM
But will it be enough to hurt his presidential chances? Possibly. We already have that problem, (racism) in the high office now. That's something we don't need any more of once Trump is gone. Maybe he should have tried harder to fix this before running for president. I'm not saying this guy is a racist. I don't know whether he is or isn't. But one thing for sure. At this point, he doesn't know how to handle it with his own police dept. If he can't figure it out with his own police dept, how is he going to handle it once he becomes president?

Why South Bend’s Police Department Has Become a Campaign Issue for Mayor Pete

"Mayor Pete Buttigieg appeared to be overwhelmed as he stood on stage with his chief of police at a South Bend, Indiana, town hall in June. Buttigieg had abruptly left the campaign trail after Sergeant Ryan O’Neill, a white cop, shot and killed Eric Logan, a 54-year-old black man. O’Neill had been responding to a call about a suspicious person breaking into cars when he came across Logan inside a vehicle. According to O’Neill, when the officer confronted Logan, he approached him with a knife; so he fired his gun twice, killing Logan. The officer’s body camera was turned off and the shooting sparked local outrage. Buttigieg’s constituents were loudly voicing their frustrations with the city, the mayor, and his police department. “Reorganize your [police] department by Friday of next week,” someone in the audience demanded. “Get the people that are racists off the streets".

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Sun 07/28/19 03:30 PM
He wasn't vindicated. Not at all. If anything he was implicated in wrongdoing.

I promise you, you're wrong': Fox News' Wallace shuts down Mulvaney claim Mueller vindicated Trump

"President Donald Trump and many of congressional Republicans treated former special counsel Robert's Mueller's testimony last week before two House committees as a victory but for Democrats like Rep, Jerry Nadler the possibility of impeachment proceedings against the president remain very real.

"My personal view is that he richly deserves impeachment," Nadler said during an interview with CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "He has done many impeachable offenses. He's violated the law six ways from Sunday".

On the attack: Trump targets Cummings for the second straight day

"The president’s scathing and scolding words spark condemnation, as well as an increased debate over his use of divisive rhetoric".

Barack and Michelle Obama offer rare rebukes of Trump over attacks on Baltimore

"Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama offered rare rebukes of President Trump after he lashed out at an African-American congressman and called the lawmaker’s majority-black district “a disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess".

I hope Trump keeps doing this. Right up to the election. The more alienates and divides the less likely he will get voted back in. He's a one-term president. Especially if he keeps up what he's already been doing. Besides all the other crap he's done. He has alienated women and now one whole state. This has got to be the dumbest dictator wanna be ever. Trump is like watching a slow-motion train wreck.

The Democrats know what they are doing. You give any loud-mouthed idiot enough rope and said idiot will hang themselves.

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Sun 07/28/19 12:34 PM
Why White Working-Class Women Are Starting to Turn on Trump

"he president of the United States has a well-deserved problem with women voters but it may not be for the reasons you’d suspect. It turns out the racism may actually be more distasteful to working-class white women than the numerous sexual assault allegations".

Baltimore paper blasts Trump after his attacks on the city: 'Better to have a few rats than to be one'

"The Baltimore Sun editorial board lit up President Trump Saturday night for his Twitter tirade against its city and Rep. Elijah Cummings, the powerful Democrat who represents Maryland’s Seventh District".

Not only does Trump's mouth and ways turn off women, Now he has turned off a WHOLE state. I hope the idiot keeps up with his racist rants and his attack on women. We will wave this moronic criminal goodby in 2020.

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Sun 07/28/19 12:13 AM
Sparks will fly when Sanders and Warren face-off at debate

"Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have competed for months to position themselves as the top progressive in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. They will have the chance to make their case to voters Tuesday night during CNN’s primary debate".

Looking for a boost, Beto O'Rourke to try a new strategy in second debates

"WASHINGTON — As Beto O’Rourke goes into the second Democratic debates in Detroit, he will be trying to achieve a delicate balance, coming across forcefully without seeming overly aggressive, according to campaign aides. But most importantly, he’ll be striving to overcome what critics saw as an uneven performance in the first round".

Democrat Buttigieg unveils plan to raise pay, expand worker protections

"(Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg unveiled a plan on Friday to raise wages and strengthen the rights of American workers, including “gig economy” workers such as Uber drivers, and fast-food employees".

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Sun 07/28/19 12:01 AM
Here is What a Socialist U.S. Economy Would Look Like

"If the United States were to adopt the socialist policies of Venezuela, the move would slash the economy by 40 percent—or $24,000 per year for the average American, according to a report by the president’s Council of Economic Advisers.

“Coincident with the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx’s birth, socialism is making a comeback in American political discourse,” says the council’s report, “The Opportunity Costs of Socialism.”

“Detailed policy proposals from self-declared socialists are gaining support in Congress and among much of the electorate,” the report continues".

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Sat 07/27/19 11:47 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sat 07/27/19 11:51 PM
Trump adds $4.1 trillion to the national debt. Here's where the money went

"Once President Trump signs the budget deal that was passed by the House on Thursday and is expected to be approved by the Senate in a few days, he will have added $4.1 trillion to the national debt, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. The total national debt surpassed $22 trillion in February.

This will mark the third time that a major piece of deficit-financed legislation will get Trump’s stamp of approval. Legislation Trump has so far signed since 2017 has added $2.4 trillion to the national debt through 2029, according to CRFB, a nonpartisan public policy group".

"The House Oversight Committee voted on Thursday to authorize a subpoena for all work-related texts and emails sent or received by White House officials on personal accounts, part of a long-running probe into whether senior administration aides have violated federal records laws by using private messaging services for official business.

The 23-16 vote, divided along party lines, puts into the crosshairs President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump and his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, both of whom have admitted through an attorney to using personal accounts in the course of their work.

The effort is also a turnabout of sorts for House Republican efforts in 2016 to highlight Hillary Clinton’s use of personal emails for her official work as secretary of state".

The next two are a good read. It will give you an idea of what the Republican party has become. The Republican party now, and what your dads or granddads, Totally different. It's not the grand ole party anymore. For those who aren't familiar with Reddit, well, in simple terms, there are millions of posts there every day about all sorts of stuff.

But, if you really dig into it you will find many violent right-wing posts. Every day. Glorifying Trump as if he is some sort of God. Some are actually dumb enough to talk openly about the murder of anyone who stands in Trump's way. And Trump, being the idiot he is, he puffs out his chest and blows off his mouth. Which only adds fire to the flame.

A pro-Trump subreddit is full of calls for violence in support of Oregon Republicans

"Reddit has previously banned multiple subreddits in violation of this policy. Reddit “shut down several Nazi and white supremacist subreddits” in 2017 after its policy came into effect, according to The Verge. In 2018, the site banned the largest subreddit dedicated to the Qanon conspiracy theory, citing “repeated violations of the terms” of its content policy, NBC News reported, noting that the forum was “host to a stream of violent threats.” And on June 20, the platform banned the subreddit “r/frenworld,” which “featured racist and anti-Semitic Pepe the Frog-style cartoons,” with a spokesperson saying it “violated rules against encouraging and glorifying violence,” according to The Daily Beast reporter Will Sommer. [The Verge, 10/25/17; NBC News, 9/12/18; Twitter, 6/20/19] "

Walkin’ the Snake at Breitbart and YouTube

"Continuing our long-running analysis of the realization of the Nazi methodology expressed in Serpent’s Walk, we further develop Breitbart’s achievements in that regard, as well as underscoring how YouTube has evolved in that same manner.

The back cover of Serpent’s Walk sums up the essence of the tome: ” . . . It assumes that Hitler’s warrior elite – the SS – didn’t give up their struggle for a White World when they lost the Second World War. Instead, their survivors went underground and adopted some of the tactics of their enemies: they began building their economic muscle and buying into the opinion-forming media. A century after the war they are ready to challenge the democrats and Jews for the hearts and minds of White Americans, who have begun to have their fill of government-enforced multi-culturalism and ‘equality".

Unmasking the GOP as the Party of Negligent Homicide

"In Arizona, a family caring for a child’s heart condition lost their house and car to medical bills they couldn’t pay. In St. Louis, a shelter closed and later a homeless man was found frozen to death in a trash bin. In California, a poor family was found dead in their van from carbon monoxide poisoning.

“Poverty is a death sentence,” Sen. Bernie Sanders said in a 2016 campaign rally. The audience nodded. They should’ve screamed. Look at history. Look at the statistics. Conservative and neoliberal policies kill hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. When Republicans dismantle Obamacare, they kill people. When lawmakers from both parties shred the safety net, they kill people".

Just a reminder of what the Republican party has become under Trump.

Coast Guard Officer Plotted to Kill Democrats and Journalists, Prosecutors Say

Suspect arrested after explosive devices sent to Trump critics and CNN

"Mail bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc was arrested today in south Florida and charged with making threats against former presidents and other explosive-related crimes".

New Republic

"Is someone trying to assassinate top Democrats? The Secret Service said on Wednesday morning that it intercepted two “potential explosive devices” sent to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on Tuesday. The announcement comes one day after law-enforcement officials recovered a mail bomb delivered to billionaire investor George Soros".

I wonder who the next one will be? The next one to try to kill in Trump's name?

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Sat 07/27/19 09:18 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sat 07/27/19 09:18 PM
Pelosi denounces Trump's 'racist attacks' on Rep. Elijah Cummings and Baltimore

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi denounced Saturday President Donald Trump's criticisms of U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings and his Baltimore district as "racist attacks."

"RepCummings is a champion in the Congress and the country for civil rights and economic justice, a beloved leader in Baltimore, and deeply valued colleague," Pelosi, D-Calif., wrote on Twitter. "We all reject racist attacks against him and support his steadfast leadership."

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Sat 07/27/19 09:11 PM
More of Trumps far right backward thinking.

Trump Warns 'Gutless' Antifa May Be Branded Terror Group As Far-Right Killings Rise

"President Donald Trump warned Saturday that “consideration is being given” to declaring anti-fascist protesters — Antifa — a “terror” organization. He issued the threat even though Antifa followers haven’t been linked to a single killing, while the death toll of far-right extremists is surging".

"Trump’s warning follows a nonbinding resolution introduced earlier this month by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) calling for the “designation of Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization.” Cruz later called on Attorney General William Barr to investigate Antifa. He attacked Antifa after conservative journalist Andy Ngo was bloodied in a clash last month with counterprotesters in Portland, Oregon".

As Far-Right Violence Surges, Ted Cruz Seeks To Brand Antifa A Terrorist Organization

"Last year was the fourth-deadliest in the nation for right-wing extremist violence, according to data from the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism".

Who are the Antifa?

"In recent weeks, law enforcement officers across the United States have faced the challenge of keeping the peace at a number of far-right rallies and demonstrations. Their task, to secure both safety and First Amendment rights, has been made more difficult not only by the white supremacists and other bigots who have shown up in Charlottesville, Berkeley and Boston, but also by a relatively small number of counter-protesters who engage in confrontational tactics, including violence, in their opposition to the right-wing extremists. Most recently, the August 27th anti-racist march in Berkeley, attended by thousands of peaceful counter-protesters, turned chaotic when a number of anarchists appeared and allegedly attacked several right-wing or pro-Trump attendees".

Trump slams Fox News polls as 'terrible to me' a day after he praised one

Trump slams Fox News polls as 'terrible to me' a day after he praised one

"WASHINGTON – The up-and-down relationship between President Donald Trump and Fox News took another negative turn Friday.

A day after praising a Fox News poll that reflected confidence in his economic record, Trump attacked another Fox News poll that shows him losing the 2020 race to former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden.

"@FoxNews is at it again," Trump said in a tweet. "So different from what they used to be during the 2016 Primaries, & before - Proud Warriors!"

He added another barb: "Now new Fox Polls, which have always been terrible to me (they had me losing BIG to Crooked Hillary), have me down to Sleepy Joe".

Trump news - live: Mueller warns of Russian interference in testimony as president rails against 'disaster' hearing

"Robert Mueller, the former US special counsel who investigated the Russian interference into the 2016 presidential campaign and Donald Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, is testifying on Capitol Hill today, where he has been asked to explain the conclusions he reached in his report released earlier this year. The whole world is watching, and Democrats skillfully laid out the various ways in which Mr. Mueller's report shows the president obstructed justice by trying to end the Mueller report".

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Sat 07/27/19 12:27 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sat 07/27/19 12:27 AM
Progressives Are Going to War Against the Electoral College]

"It seems that there isn’t a prominent progressive left in America who hasn’t come out in favor of abolishing the Electoral College.

The latest is Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who called for an end to our 200-plus-year-old presidential election system on Twitter earlier this month.

Sanders didn’t explain why he wanted to ditch the Electoral College (it was a tweet after all), but it’s interesting that as a senator from a small state, he has benefited enormously from the supposedly “undemocratic” nature of the American political system".

Could Democrats win back the Buckeye State? Poll has Biden up by 8 over Trump in Ohio

"WASHINGTON – After voters chose former President Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012, President Donald Trump won Ohio by more than 8% in 2016. But according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday, the Democrats might have a chance to take back the swing state, which has voted for the overall winner in every presidential election since 1964".

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Fri 07/26/19 09:08 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 07/26/19 09:11 PM
Kinda off-topic for the thread. But relevant to the election process.

Twitter Users Slam 'Moscow Mitch' After McConnell Kills Election Security Bills

"Social media users lashed out against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Friday with the nickname “Moscow Mitch” following his move to kill two election security bills.

On Thursday, McConnell blocked a House measure that would have authorized $775 million to strengthen state election systems in addition to requiring paper ballots. He also quashed another proposal to require candidates, their campaign officials and their families to alert federal authorities if they’re offered aid from foreign governments ― something President Donald Trump himself has not committed to doing".

How does McConnel's home state feel about him?

Washington May Love Mitch McConnell, But His Constituents Don’t

"In the inside-the-Beltway world that is Politico’s beat (and one that it mostly covers very well), Mitch McConnell is a titan, whose announced ambition to stay at the top of his party’s Senate conference is big news — Washington’s version of a royal engagement or pregnancy in the U.K. So the long, puffy piece that examines what its headline calls the “record-breaking reign” of the Kentuckian is understandable. And it gives a reasonable account of the intra-party peril McConnell has faced — and overcome, so far — in the Senate".

Mitch McConnell's big donors are Wall Street firms — and only 9% of his funds come from Kentucky

"Wall Street contributions helped Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell raise $3 million last quarter. But just 9 percent of his donations came from individual donors in his home state of Kentucky.

The biggest blocks of contributions to McConnell’s campaign between April and June came from 29 donors at New York’s Blackstone Group, who donated a combined $95,400, and from 14 executives from the financial firm KKR & Co., who contributed a combined $51,000, the Louisville Courier-Journal reports. Executives from firms like Apollo Global Management and Golden Tree Asset Management contributed another combined $65,100".

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