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U.S. conservative group to launch attack ads against Biden during Democratic debate
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Club for Growth, a conservative political group, will launch new attack ads against Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden targeting his past statements about race that will run during his first debate appearance next week. The decision by Club for Growth to attack Biden is based on internal polling the organization conducted that was viewed exclusively by Reuters. The ad will air on MSNBC and NBC stations in Des Moines, Iowa, according to the organization". It's amazing how many people vote based on what they hear. Never once has an ad influenced my beliefs as they are grounded in knowledge not feelings. |
AP FACT CHECK: The silent partner in Trump's boasts
"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has a silent partner behind several of the accomplishments he likes to boast about: Barack Obama. Despite assailing his Democratic predecessor for waging a "cruel and heartless war on American energy," for example, Trump can brag about U.S. energy supremacy thanks to the sector's growth in the Obama years". "And the Obama-Trump decade is soon to yield an economic record if things stay on track a little longer — the most sustained expansion in U.S. history. Though Trump claims all the credit, the expansion started in Obama's first year, continued through his presidency and has been maintained under Trump". |
Florida conservatives say they don’t trust poll numbers: ‘They didn’t think Trump would win the first time’ "President Trump officially launched his 2020 campaign this week in Orlando in front of tens of thousands of his supporters at the Amway Center. Conservatives of all ages came out in the rain to express excitement for the president and praise the strong economy and his accomplishments on foreign affairs during his first two and a half years in office". ‘They didn’t think Trump would win the first time? The polls were of the popular vote. Clinton won it by millions. No one polled the Electoral College. The polling forecast that Clinton would have 2-3 percent more votes than trump. That's what happened. In 2018, the polling forecast that Dems would win big in Congress. That's what happened. Polling is based on statistics, which is math and science. Trust the science. The 2016 pre-election polls predicted Trump would lose the popular vote, AND HE DID. The polls were correct, By a landslide. The 2016 United States presidential election in California of November 8, 2016, was won by Democrat Hillary Clinton with a 61.7% majority of the popular vote over Republican Donald Trump. California's 55 electoral votes were assigned to Clinton. The Democrats can only get so many electoral votes from California or any other state that awards all the electoral votes to the winning candidate in the state. California could have a 100% democratic vote but would still get the same number of electoral votes. The electoral college gives the rest of us in other states a chance to make our votes actually count even though we have a much smaller population. If it was by popular vote, probably 6 or 8 states would control the Presidential election because of their large populations and strong Democrat support. Well, this is what I believe will happen. The American voter isn't stupid. But, on the other hand, you have people that if they knew that a vote for a Republican meant certain death, they would vote Republican anyway. They are that extream. There are a few still floating around out there of Trump's base that doesn't care about all the lies and deceit. Some don't care about the fact that Trump used the Russians, and will clearly do it again to get in office. But, another way to think about it. Clinton did win by something over 3 million votes. The people clearly wanted a Democrat 4 years ago. The people were left to feel like their vote didn't count. That's why there was such a public outcry about it. There was such a stink stirred over it by the public at large, it's just not going to be that way the next time. You can research this yourself. Trump made it by such a narrow margin, It was just dumb luck the margin was so narrow. I don't believe it will happen again. Especially with what we already know about Trump and the obstruction case slowly building against him. The Democrats are taking their time building this case. And there is a method to that madness. I'm kinda looking for them to come out with everything they know just before the election. I don't understand their reasoning for this at this point. They have a mound of evidence on him now. But they are holding on. I think they know he stands a pretty good chance of being beaten most likely by Biden. Maybe they would rather let him be voted out. I don't know, I'm guessing on that one. All I do know, Trump is hurting himself by telling others to defy subpoenas. Which makes his whole cabinet look corrupt and guilty. We will eventually see what the Democrats have planned for Trump. But right now, it looks like they are letting him hang himself. How Many People Will Be Killed?': Why Trump Decided Against Striking Iran "The planes were ready—their deadly cargo poised for delivery within a half-hour. President Donald Trump had been given a series of options Thursday night on how to respond to Iran’s downing of an unmanned American surveillance drone. Senior military advisers zeroed in on a plan to launch strikes on a trio of sites within Iran, and it was up to Trump to give the final go-ahead". This is just a show for Trump. When they created this mission they would’ve advised how many casualties. He’s just acting like in the last minute he stepped in to save the day. Makes the United States look impulsive and indecisive. Where’s his red line now? Since Trump has been in office he's done a lot of dumb and corrupt shyt. But this came close to being the dumbest so far. Iran isn't a country you take lightly. It's not one you if you're in your right mind, want to fu$# with. He came pretty close to starting WW3. He is so dumb and sick with power that he thinks he can order a strike on Iran and all they will do is sit there and take it. Iran has the ability to hit back. And to hit HARD!. And they don't care how many die. It bothers them ZERO. They have the ability to blow many of our states off the map. They have the ability to kill way more than 150 Americans with just one bomb. Even Trumps beloved state news (Fox) has reported on this. Inside Iran’s deadly armory and its capabilities to fight the US "In the hours after Iran is said to have downed a $125 million U.S. surveillance drone over international waters with a surface-to-air missile, despite Tehran’s vehement denials, President Trump gave the green light to retaliatory military strikes before later ordering a halt amid the alarming spike in tensions. The inflammatory incident – which comes on the heels of escalating rhetoric between Washington and Tehran and other apparent sabotage vessel attacks – has many U.S. lawmakers and officials still fearing that some form of a military confrontation may be inevitable. But just how capable is Iran when it comes to fighting back and what lurks inside the country's shadowy arms arsenal and how is the Iranian military structured?". This is one of the things that makes me believe he might be trying to start a war. Because he knows that he can stay in office if he starts a war big enough. And WW3 with bombs falling on our mainland would be just the ticket. Screwing around with Iran is crazy. Just another pointless war. That could go terribly for the USA. Trump Hits Pause On ICE Plan To Raid Homes Of Undocumented Families "President Donald Trump announced Saturday over Twitter that he will delay for two weeks a plan that would deploy Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers to raid the homes of undocumented immigrants in several major U.S. cities. The delay, Trump claimed, will allow time for Republicans and Democrats to reach a consensus on how to manage the number of people attempting to cross the southern border and request asylum". |
Florida conservatives say they don’t trust poll numbers: ‘They didn’t think Trump would win the first time’
"President Trump officially launched his 2020 campaign this week in Orlando in front of tens of thousands of his supporters at the Amway Center. Conservatives of all ages came out in the rain to express excitement for the president and praise the strong economy and his accomplishments on foreign affairs during his first two and a half years in office". ‘They didn’t think Trump would win the first time? The polls were of the popular vote. Clinton won it by millions. No one polled the Electoral College. The polling forecast that Clinton would have 2-3 percent more votes than trump. That's what happened. In 2018, the polling forecast that Dems would win big in Congress. That's what happened. Polling is based on statistics, which is math and science. Trust the science. The 2016 pre-election polls predicted Trump would lose the popular vote, AND HE DID. The polls were correct, By a landslide. |
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Sat 06/22/19 01:24 AM
Elizabeth Warren is running the year's most substantive campaign. What does that say about everyone else?
"The way a lot of my colleagues in the media have been talking about her, Elizabeth Warren is running for president in a way that’s different from anyone else who has ever run for president, or at least since the printing press came along." |
2020 Vision: The first week of the rest of the campaign begins
"Over the next week, the 2020 Democratic candidates are going to be spending a lot of time in close proximity to one another. First comes this weekend’s festivities in South Carolina, starting with the Blue Palmetto Dinner and Rep. James Clyburn’s “World Famous Fish Fry” on Friday night, which 22 of the 23 candidates will attend. (Montana Gov. Steve Bullock had other fish to fry, in New Hampshire.) On Saturday, 21 candidates are set to speak at the South Carolina Democratic Convention. With voting set for Feb. 29, South Carolina is the fourth primary state but the first where African-Americans, a key part of the Democratic constituency, will have a major say in the party’s nominating process". |
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Fri 06/21/19 07:00 PM
Trump Is Winning Mueller Fallout Battles, But House Democrats Say They'll Win The War
"House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said there’s a method to what some critics see as madness. He told Politico this week that Hicks’ testimony “very much played into our hands,” because it will help illustrate to a federal judge the consequences of the Trump administration’s stonewalling". Trump is playing right into the Democrats hands. They are building an obstruction case. Every time Trump tells one not to answer a subpoena, it drives another nail in Trump's obstruction case. This will eventually go to a federal court. And when it goes federal, You've hit the big time, baby. They will all start to sing. I don't believe that pretty woman, in the end, will risk prison time for Trump. In the end, none of them will. Because once it hits Federal Court, You don't fu&^ around with Federal court. |
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Fri 06/21/19 06:55 PM
The process looks more, and more, like the Special Olympics. It doesn't matter who wins or loses the democratic party nomination. They're all still retarded. ![]() ![]() I knew that many Republicans were pretty low down people. And this proves it. You try to make a joke, statement, but you do it on the backs of those less fortunate. You make a joke at the mentally challenged expense. Does it mean you are smarter? does it mean you think you are better or above someone who in your eyes is retarded? as you say? I hate to tell you, but the jokes on you. It's sad really. It just shows how close some are to scraping the bottom. You can't come up with anything meaningful? Just using those less fortunate for your sick entertainment fodder. |
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Fri 06/21/19 05:49 PM
UPDATE: Patient tested for Ebola at Philadelphia hospital doesn't have the deadly disease
"A patient tested for Ebola virus at a Philadelphia hospital turned out not to have the disease, the state Health Department reported". "An initial statement issued by Penn Medicine's chief medical officer, Dr. P.J. Brennan, said the test was administered “in an abundance of caution.” Doctors at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania were unsure if the patient had traveled to a location which has the disease, or came in contact with someone who does". Patient at Hospital at University of Pennsylvania Cleared of Ebola |
Despite gaffes, Biden holds strong support among blacks in South Carolina
"COLUMBIA — As nearly two dozen Democratic presidential candidates here for a ritual fish fry event that marks the symbolic kickoff of the South Carolina campaign, former Vice President Joe Biden appears to be enjoying considerable early support, especially from the capital’s tight-knit black community". |
Former top U.S. diplomat deplores policy toward Iran 'untethered to any coherent strategy'
"President Trump seriously miscalculated when he scrapped the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal, embarking on a policy “untethered to any coherent strategy,” according to a scathing assessment by William Burns, the former U.S. diplomat who negotiated the nuclear agreement. Burns said the move was certain to embolden hard-liners in Tehran and contribute to military tensions in a way that will backfire against the U.S. — which was already happening this week, as news broke that Iran had shot down an American military drone. “We’re worse off today as a result of bailing out” of the nuclear deal, Burns, former deputy secretary of state under President Obama and now president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said in an interview for the Yahoo News podcast “Skullduggery". |
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Fri 06/21/19 01:58 PM
Famed magazine columnist: 'Donald Trump assaulted me'
"Magazine columnist E. Jean Carroll alleges she was sexually assaulted by President Trump during the 1990s, in a dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman". Hope Hicks Refused to Answer Questions 155 Times in Closed-Door Testimony "The transcript of Hope Hicks’ all-day Wednesday interview in front of the House Judiciary Committee, released to the public on Thursday afternoon, confirmed what Democratic lawmakers grumbled as they streamed out of the hearing room: She wasn’t much help. During the course of the eight-hour examination, Hicks’ legal team repeatedly invoked a claim of “absolute immunity” and blocked her response to questions by objecting in 155 separate instances, according to a tally from the Judiciary Committee’s Democrats". Hope Hicks, Who Saw Everything and Said Nothing, Just Exposed Donald Trump "Who wouldn’t be upset with someone who wouldn’t even answer where she sat in the West Wing (Answer: in the office closest to the Oval, where all Trump had to do was call “Hopey, Hopey” and she’d come running)? When Hicks tried to answer a question about getting former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to un-recuse himself from overseeing the Mueller investigation, she was cut off by counsel asserting blanket immunity. It was, said Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu, “obstruction of justice in action”. Donald Trump vowed to raise pressure on Iran and cripple its economy. Did it backfire? "WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump says he just doesn’t want Iran to get a nuclear weapon. Trump’s secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, has demanded a dramatic change in Iran’s activities across the Middle East. And the president’s national security adviser, John Bolton, has long rooted for regime change". All of those goals seem increasingly out of reach – despite more than a year of the Trump administration’s "maximum pressure campaign" designed to cripple Iran’s economy and force its leaders to the negotiating table. “It is clear that maximum pressure has rendered the Iranians more – not less – belligerent,” said Ali Vaez, the Iran project director at the Crisis Group, a nonpartisan group focused on preventing conflict.;_ylt=AwrJ7FQxPg1dds0AH1dXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw-- I believe Trump is trying to get a war started. These people will not bend. They don't mind dying. If Trump can get a war big enough started he knows he will stay in office. If he can get something started with Iran, that will be a bigger war than WW2. More death than we have seen to date in any war before it. It will be like Armageddon. That's the only way he will stay in office. How Donald Trump created one hell of a mess with Iran "It's a crisis that President Donald Trump predictably provoked by pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal just over a year ago -- with no real Plan B beyond imposing ever-tougher sanctions on the Iranian regime". Iran and President Trump: What Is the Endgame? "In Donald Trump, the United States may have finally found a president whose views on Iran are both unambiguous and immutable". Democrats call for oversight after Trump's Iran airstrikes reversal "Warren accused Trump of instigating ‘another unnecessary conflict’ while Biden called it a ‘self-inflicted disaster". "Senior US Democrats led the outcry on Friday against Donald Trump’s dramatic almost-launch of military action on Iran and the last-minute pullback – calling the crisis “self-inflicted” by America and pressing for a swift de-escalation. They also demanded oversight from Congress on decisions involving any eventual strikes. " |
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Fri 06/21/19 12:05 PM
A young child who became the first cross-border case of Ebola in the world's second-largest outbreak has died, health officials said.
The 5-year-old boy sought medical care at a hospital in western Uganda on Monday evening after he and five relatives crossed into the country from the neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo, which is struggling to contain one of the deadliest Ebola outbreaks in history. The boy was transferred to an Ebola treatment unit, where he and his family were placed under isolation and tested for Ebola virus disease, according to separate statements from the Ugandan and Congolese health ministries. |
Booker campaign gets 2020 jolt with pushback against Biden
"WASHINGTON (AP) — Cory Booker's supporters have spent months waiting for a moment when the charismatic senator could break through a crowded field of Democratic presidential candidates. That opening came when Joe Biden clumsily talked about segregationists, prompting Booker to push back at his 2020 rival to great effect". |
Ivanka Trump’s 2020 tweet violated the Hatch Act, watchdog says "Ivanka Trump was accused on Thursday of violating the Hatch Act that bans government workers from speaking out on political campaign issues, over tweets she wrote ahead of her father’s 2020 presidential campaign launch". Remember this? The apple hasn't fallen far from the tree. She can leave with those other two lying talking heads. But we know that's not going to happen. Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last year "Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence". |
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Fri 06/21/19 01:23 AM
If you read the Mueller report the IRA is a Russian organization that comes onto forums and post political commentary designed to mislead. Exposing Russia’s Effort to Sow Discord Online: The Internet Research Agency and Advertisements "On February 16, 2018, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III indicted 13 Russian individuals and three Russian organizations for engaging in operations to interfere with U.S. political and electoral processes, including the 2016 presidential election. This was a significant step forward in exposing a surreptitious social media campaign and holding accountable those responsible for this attack. The indictment spells out in exhaustive detail the breadth and systematic nature of this conspiracy, dating back to 2014, as well as the multiple ways in which Russian actors misused online platforms to carry out their clandestine operations. Throughout the indictment, Mueller lays out important facts about the activities of the Internet Research Agency (IRA)—the notorious Russian “troll” farm—and its operatives". Here’s Everything The Mueller Report Says About How Russian Trolls Used Social Media "Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign provides one of the most detailed looks at how Russia’s Internet Research Agency — the infamous Kremlin-linked troll farm — tried to hijack the 2016 election and swing the vote in favor of Donald Trump". Russia worked hard to recruit social media users to campaign for Trump "We already knew that the Internet Research Agency (IRA), which is essentially a farm of bots and trolls, exposed 126 million Americans on Facebook to Russian-backed propaganda during the 2016 US presidential election. But today's release of the redacted Mueller report has shed light on new details, including the great lengths the IRA went to in using social media to provoke social discord in the US. The report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, titled "The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election," highlights how the IRA created thousands of accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Tumblr to create posts in "support for the Trump Campaign and opposition to candidate [Hillary] Clinton". The Mueller Report Shows Just How Much Russia Trolled Americans in Real Life, Too Through email leaks and propaganda, Russians sought to elect Trump, Mueller finds "In what will stand as among the most definitive public accounts of the Kremlin’s attack on the American political system, the report of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation laid out in precise, chronological detail how “the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion.” " The whole story here. Trump’s ‘frightened world’ of the ‘happily stupid’ "Picture the scene: On Saturday night, deep in the heart of Texas, I was hanging out at a saloon that featured western swing dancing, and during a break in the action I pulled out my phone and watched a chunk of Donald Trump’s bat-crazy serenade to a conservative confab. I was revolted, for all the usual reasons, when a guy in a handlebar mustache sidled past, peered at my screen, and asked, “What’s he saying?” I had to make an instant decision. Should I be candid and share the news that Trump had copiously buttressed his treasure trove of 9,000 lies? Or should I play it safe? Should I pose as a cultist and hail the Leader the same way Trump treats Kim Jong-un? I decided to take a chance. I shook my head in disgust, which prompted him to laugh – with me, not at me. He asked, “What bothers you most?” So far, so good. I said, “What actually bothers me most is the reaction of his audience. He’s not a man of sound mind. But what’s their excuse?” I could’ve said a lot more – about how conservatives and Republicans used to care about “character,” about how they prized morals and marital fidelity, about how they took pride in being tough on foreign adversaries and faithful to our allies – but much to my relief, he clearly got my drift. It turned out that he was a Trump skeptic from east Austin, and “the best thing” he’d ever read about Trump’s followers had been posted a few years ago on the website of the Texas Observer. He promised to send me the link; yesterday, he did. I realized it was a piece I’d seen before – it was written shortly before the 2016 election – but I hadn’t read it. I’ll share it now, because it feels more timely than ever, as we careen toward our national day of reckoning in 2020. Trump begins his re-election bid with roughly 90 percent support from the Republican base (despite his demagoguery, lies, and serial failures), and that blind fealty cannot be underestimated. As the Texas Observer piece presciently warned us, Trump reigns supreme over a kingdom of the “happily stupid” – a sizeable slice of the citizenry that chooses to indulge its basest instincts and most irrational fears. Key excerpts: “Thing is, the support of Trump in Texas — and I speak specifically of my region, East Texas — goes beyond the smart and the not so smart, the educated and the uneducated. It is more a result of what I like to call the happily stupid; the ones who hold stupid views by choice, not due to lack of intelligence, but due to a kind of tribalism. Facts that interfere with their version of the world are there to be ignored…Trump has provided a dark, dank hole into which these folks can dump whatever it is they’re mad about… “Most of what Trump is selling shouldn’t convince a distracted 12-year-old, and certainly it’s hard to see how a conniving real estate tycoon represents the average person, but those are the people he has made the greatest inroads with…Trump could have unhealthy relations with a dying donkey on the White House lawn and they would see it as him being refreshingly politically incorrect, and isn’t there a chance that donkey could have illegally crossed the border from Mexico and got what it deserved? “They have decided to hear what they want to hear and dismiss the rest. But this isn’t as new as some suggest. What appeals to the Trump supporter is what has long appealed to the Republican party. Before, it was thinly concealed, like a cheap coat of whitewash over bathroom graffiti. No longer. Now we know for certain what’s written on the wall, and what has been going on in the basement. Trump is the Frankenstein monster Republicans have been tinkering with all these years, and now It’s Alive! and running amok… “It’s a jungle out there. At least, to hear the Republicans tell it. But what it’s really about, in earthier conservative circles, is a chance for people to feel important, to think they are standing on the lines of freedom, fighting back the zombie hordes. What drives these folks is fear; but for many, it’s a delicious fear… “Fear sells, and it stimulates. Trump and his cronies constantly tell us, without actual facts, how bad crime is and how evil all foreigners are…and you better build that bunker and stock up, because if you don’t, all you’ll have for protection from the certain rise of crazed liberals is harsh language. This is a world so many conservative Republicans feel they can control. A frightening world. A world where the happily stupid, bless their little hearts, can thrive within their own fear-based mythology.” Those words were written in 2016. They could’ve been written now. Over the weekend, attendees of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference yelled “Fake News” on cue, cheered wildly when Trump described the Russia probe as “********,” happily indulged his delusion that the midterm election debacle was actually a victory for the GOP, bought his warning that Democrats will take away their cars and “end air travel”…a willfully frightened constituency beholden to a cult of personality. That’s roughly 40 percent of the electorate, immovable and forever loyal – a clear and present danger to our fragile democracy, given the vagaries of the Electoral College, the threat of a third-party candidate, and the usual propensity of Democrats to keep fighting among themselves. We’ve already seen what happens when a demagogue governs by tweet on behalf of “the happily stupid.” We can ill afford another perfect storm". |
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Fri 06/21/19 12:17 AM
Ebola virus cases in the United States
"In December 2014, Ebola virus cases in the United States occurred due to four laboratory-confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease (commonly known as "Ebola") in the United States.[3] Eleven cases have been reported, including these four cases and seven cases medically evacuated from other countries; the first was reported in September 2014.[4] Nine of the people contracted the disease outside the US and traveled into the country, either as regular airline passengers or as medical evacuees; of those nine, two died. Two people have contracted Ebola in the United States. Both were nurses who treated an Ebola patient; both have recovered". WHAT’S GOING ON WITH THE LATEST EBOLA OUTBREAK? "On May 8, 2018, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) declared a new outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) centered on the market town of Bikoro, near the DRC’s border with the Republic of Congo". Ebola: Three reasons why most U.S. patients have survived "Grim tales of the thousands of sick, dead, and dying from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa contrast greatly with the high success rate of medical treatment for a small number of Ebola patients in the United States. What are the factors that make the biggest difference in saving the lives of people infected with the lethal virus?" If Trump only had a 10th of the brains this man has, he never will he will always be a low life liar, crook and conman. He will never reach the heights this man has. He just doesn't have it in him. And he never will. If this was Trump, he would be asking for someone to drag out the heckler and "hit" him. All Trump can do is act like he is still connected to the WWE. Trump is nothing but a cheap sideshow clown. That some fall all over. While the larger portion of the country look at them like they are crazy. 2013 Obama responds to hecklers at speech "President Barack Obama addresses hecklers during his immigration reform speech in San Francisco". |
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Thu 06/20/19 07:40 PM
Matt Gaetz Gets Laughed At After His Attempt To Derail Mueller Hearing Both of these are pretty good listen. FULL The Beat With Ari Melber 6/20/19 | Ari Melber MSNBC NEWS Today June 20,2019 |
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Thu 06/20/19 05:53 PM
Hope Hicks Finds Trump’s Stance On Foreign Dirt ‘Troubling,’ Nadler Says
"The ex-Trump aide “made clear that even she knew” foreign assistance should be reported to the FBI, the House Judiciary chairman said". House Democrats, White House Spar in Hope Hicks Interview "Former top White House adviser Hope Hicks was blocked by President Donald Trump's lawyers from answering questions more than 150 times in an interview". For being "the most transparent administration ever" Trump and his team sure are hiding a lot from the American people. I wonder why? |
Ivanka Trump’s 2020 tweet violated the Hatch Act, watchdog says
"Ivanka Trump was accused on Thursday of violating the Hatch Act that bans government workers from speaking out on political campaign issues, over tweets she wrote ahead of her father’s 2020 presidential campaign launch". Remember this? The apple hasn't fallen far from the tree. She can leave with those other two lying talking heads. But we know that's not going to happen. Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last year "Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence". |