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Is it possible
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Sat 01/03/09 04:21 PM
Sorry, my question was somewhat vague. I have been saved and baptised for many years, spending several years in the fervent study of the Word. I guess I am curious as to how many other "passive or latent" christians have been only recently called to actively "Seek the Kingdom" such as I was.
Is it possible
Saved since I was 3. Ordained since 1995. Ordained as a minister? Forgive me I'm not familiar with many denominational terms. |
When I meet the right person, my time on Mingle will be done. Love you guys and all, but staying on here after hooking up just doesn't seem like a good idea. Well said, I agree. It seems to be once you find someone you would care less about interacting electronically. |
you might have to lower your standards then... and not to be snarky or anything, but saying "every woman needs a man" in your profile might be a turn off to some women who might want a man but don't consider themselves empty or bereft of anything because they're single. jmo I was emphasising the need of individuals to belong to family. |
In the middle east it seems to be a dispute over inheritance and division of the land. Gaza is prophsied to become desolate, Israel is trying to fulfil that maybe? Perhaps they read father and decided to "leave not one standing" so simply withdrawing to the point of digging up their dead in 2006 wasn't enough. I dunno, it is my understanding from scripture that God is the one which makes it desolate. Perhaps the current scuffle in Gaza is brought to us by the same folks who have started virtually every war in memory in order to sell both sides bullets let them kill each other therefore weakening both sides so they can step in and offer their solution for peace, which equals them having control over both sides.
Is it possible
I think maybe the best we can hope for on this site is an occasional conformation (or condemnation) of our faith with not much meaningful dialogue.
BTW, when were you called to seek the kingdom my brother? |
Is it possible
I'm sort of with you on this. I am wary of those who cut and paste every verse listed in some concordance just because it contains the same word. As a result all of them may not apply in the same context as it was written. Seems to me those people are in danger of "casting their pearls before swine" without first planting the seed required for spiritual growth. I have tried to engage those types in deeper conversation of Our Father's Word with no success. I wind up doing all the typing and they still just cut and paste, after maybe a brief personal question which I answer at length.
It's really frustrating. |
Met 1 nice lady for coffee. Didn't hit it off. Not many in my area. Within my weight range that is
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I have to put it up all the time and don't complain, so why is it so hard to put it down. Because this is woman's world we are just livin in it. Besides most women nowdays are so fat when they get close enough to the toilet to sit down the seat is no longer in their field of view. ![]() |
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Sat 01/03/09 02:06 PM
Do you know what a fossil is? Do you know how a fossil comes to be? I learned what a fossil was in junior high school as well as conditions necessary for its formation. So of all living creatures why would some get fossilized more then others? Why would some never or almost never be fossilized? Because the conditions prerequisite to forming a fossil(ie.sediment and liquid) were not present? There will be a test, please do your homework. ![]() In the future I promise to do mine and refrain from doing yours. ![]() |
I am a skeptic I will not present myself otherwise. Many times I have learned something marvelous that would seem impossible before researching it, however there is a lot of woo woo out there so we must check things out. Please link to these studies you mention if you have time. I was about to pull up my resources but after seeing your attack on my intelligence on another post in another forum concerning my knowledge of fossils I decided you can just google it. I am here to here to share my opinion on my research, explore the possibilities and experience the opinions of others developed through their research, not to prove my opinion to you. WHY DON'T YOU DO YOUR HOMEWORK INSTEAD OF TRYING TO IMPLODE FREE THINKING AND DISCUSSION? |
I don't agree with evolution simply because the timeline involved should have produced more "missing links" in the fossil record.
I'm not exactly a 6000 year creation guy either, in fact I find this quite contrary to my study of the bible. Through study, prayer and reseach I have come to believe all fossil remains were deposited during the period between Genisis 1:1 and 1:2 which included millions maybe billions of years. Fossils belong to the "world that then was" spoken of in II Peter 3:4,5,6. I don't intend to start a feud over religion on here, just expressing my views and referencing my sources. |
fascinating reading..... I had no requirement for a scientific justification for what is obvious.... however it was fun reading it... thankyou. ![]() Thank you, it's so nice not to always have the last word on my posts... OOPS! did it again ![]() |
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Sat 01/03/09 12:14 PM
What is your conclusion exactly? That some kind of event is going to happen on 2012 because an arbitrary parallel exists between two things that have a fundamental force in common? I believe we are approaching a transformation, or change. There is some genitic research indicating our DNA is evolving for two-strand to a more complex 12-strand form. I wonder how many things share the spectral band between 1-30Hz? Our governments HARRP project. Communication with submarines. Could it possibly be that this is a standard band of frequency could it? Hmm You got it. Since the collective human mind state frequency is, in my opinion, influenced by the earth's Shuman resonance, I suspect that the hemispheric equilibrium state isn't a constant 7.83Hz.
I believe it effects different people differently. Research has indicated that the brain frequency of people living in the industrial world is slightly higher. It is as if we are spending too much time in our upper brain wave frequencies, and metaphorically as if we are trying to go faster in order to keep up! Those people in the industrial world who are often sought out for their spiritual, shamanic, or healing traits, however, prove to be vibrating closer to nature, at 7.8 Hz. So your theory is that the changes in resonance from lightning strikes in the earth ionosphere are somehow associated with the brains of people/ animals? I also give some credence to recent "collective consiousnence" experiments which indicate large goups of people simultaneoulsy engaging in meditation can have a slight measurable effect on this resonance. We have power within ourselves to modify our own resonance. Activites such as: Time with Nature Good quality guided imagery Meditation Contemplative prayer Listening to soothing music with an undistracted ear seem to be tools with which we can induce slower brainwave frequencies or escape from our "Beta Mindset". I am not here to debunk or debate anyones' theories of beliefs, just to gain a little insight into my own. Possibly even modify or discard my own beliefs according to the validity of information I gain here. |
It is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius ![]() You are most certainly correct. What will be the physical, social, economic or governmental ramifications of that? |
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Sat 01/03/09 09:42 AM
About the gene pool.... LOL, Good one!
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Sat 01/03/09 10:29 AM
BTW, the Mayans are not the only ones who foresaw this, also the Egytians and the ancient Chinese(through the I Ching). Also the Hopi indians believe the earth will suffer great travail and shake off the evil spirits in 2012.
Personally, I believe the earth is not moving toward an end but rather a transformation in 2012. See my post concerning "Shumann Resonance".
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Sat 01/03/09 09:29 AM
The phase at which matter vibrates falls in the field of harmonics. The background radiation on earth, and the subsequent wavelength at which it exists at, is what they refer to as the Schumann Resonance (there's the harmonics reference). This also happens to be the dominant brain frequency of all vertebrates ... yes, even humans.The Shuman resonance frequency of the earth was at 7.8Hz in 1985 and has been steadily rising ever since. It has past a (near critical) 11Hz state and is projected to reach the 13Hz phase (plateau?) at about 2012... Since the collective human mind state frequency is, in my opinion, influenced by the earth's Shuman resonance, I suspect that the hemispheric equilibrium state isn't a constant 7.83Hz. I would say that it is probably a bit different for everyone, but that the general 'psychic equilibrium state' at the moment is most probably situated somewhere around the 11.5Hz level.
Consider the following time-line of Shuman resonance in HZ/CPS shifts across the years: *------ 1899 AD ---- ~1985 (7.8Hz) *---- ~1995 (8.6Hz) *--- 2003 (11Hz) *** 2012 (13Hz?) Shuman rising frequency and human mind frequency are now inphasing at various levels with an increased overall consciousness level as most are in the beta or "wired" frequency orbits... 1-4 Hz is delta and is associated with deep sleep 5-7 Hz is theta and is associated with meditation/dreams 8-12 Hz is alpha and is associated with being alert/aware/learning 13-30 Hz is beta and is very awake Is the earth awakening, and us along with it? |
Do you feel the Quickening?
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Fri 01/02/09 09:47 AM
Happy New Year to all!!