Community > Posts By > jamie175

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Thu 01/17/08 05:28 PM
I'm at work rite now its slow how r u doing?

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Thu 01/17/08 05:25 PM
Is there anything new tonite?happy

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Thu 01/17/08 05:23 PM
I think your a little cutie myself!

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Thu 01/17/08 04:14 PM
you to!happy

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Thu 01/17/08 04:08 PM
well i picked up a sec job no i'm not lazy i work for what i get

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Thu 01/17/08 03:59 PM
its in the 20's here too but the jobs never slow down

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Thu 01/17/08 03:57 PM
i just picked up a second job so i'm pretty busy i guess

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Thu 01/17/08 03:56 PM
fine and yourself? just getting ready for work!:wink:

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Thu 01/17/08 03:54 PM
how is everyone tonite?

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Wed 01/16/08 07:14 PM
sorry guys my sister is thinking of one!!!

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Wed 01/16/08 07:10 PM
thats all i have for now c u soon!!!happy

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Wed 01/16/08 07:06 PM
theres a new pill out there for lesbins! its called TRY MEN AGAIN!!!!!

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Wed 01/16/08 07:05 PM
let me think for a minute>

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Wed 01/16/08 07:01 PM
my brother in law is a cop and he tells some good ones at times.

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Wed 01/16/08 07:00 PM
A cop stops a car for not stpping at a stop light and the man said yes I did and his wife looks at him and said no honey you didn't and the cop says and you didn't use your signal when you turned back there either and the guy argued and his wife again looked at him and said no honey the cop is right again, so the man looks at her and says if you say one more thing i will knock your head off and the cop steps in and says mama does he talk to you like this all the time and the woman said no just when hes drunklaugh

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Wed 01/16/08 06:56 PM
ok do you want to hear another?

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Wed 01/16/08 06:54 PM
A cop stops this guy for not stopping at a stop sign and asked the man why didn't he stop? The guy says i did. The cop argues with the man for a moment, after telling the man he didn't make a complete stop he just slowed down. the cop pulls the guy out of the car gets his baton out and stated beating the man and he said now do you want me to stop beating you or just slow down?

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Wed 01/16/08 05:51 PM
Hey kojack r u still there?

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Wed 01/16/08 04:33 PM
I had a little family drama but everything is good this way!

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Wed 01/16/08 04:32 PM
hello again>