The History of White Coffee
White coffee was developed more than 50 years ago in "Lian Thong", one of the oldest traditional Chinese coffee shops in Ipoh, Malaysia. The owners of "Lian Thong" were passionate about making quality coffee. They came up with unique idea through many researches and testing, and developed a special blend of aromatic coffee called "White Coffee". They started to serve the newly introduced white coffee to its customers. The increase of white coffee demand caused more coffee shops and restaurants to carry white coffee. Hence on, for the past ten years, "White Coffee" has become extremely popular among many local coffee enthusiasts and has received great approval from the overseas market. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 570x328. Image: The origin of White Coffee in Ipoh, Malaysia. Traditional White Coffee Both white and black coffees are actually produced from the same species of coffee beans, usually Robusta or Arabica. The main difference is in the way the coffee beans are roasted. To produce traditional 'black' coffee, the coffee beans are roasted with sugar and margarine. For white coffee, the beans are roasted with only margarine. Without sugar, the roast is not as dark and hence termed as 'white' coffee. Dapuri's White Coffee Through decades of research and development, white coffee has been transformed to fit the modern lifestyle of coffee lover today. Therefore, Dapuri combines the original recipe with modern production and packaging process to provide the best-in-class Malaysian white coffee. Dapuri is dedicated to taking the coffee lover’s satisfaction to the next level. |
- I am having hard time posting pictures really...thanks! Click on the 'Quote' link at the bottom of this post. You will see that a picture has this code: [*IMG]link address here[*/IMG] (withOUT the asterisks, of course.) Photobucket, as a Host, is what most people use here. You would go to (FREE to use) and set up an account. Then, when you UPLOAD a picture, they actually give you the entire code to paste into here. thanks will do that... |
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9 Uncommon Uses for Bananas
Make a face mask Who needs Botox when you have bananas? That's right: You can use a banana as an all-natural face mask that moisturizes your skin and leaves it looking and feeling softer. Mash up a medium-sized ripe banana into a smooth paste, then gently apply it to your face and neck. Let it set for 10-20 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water. Another popular mask recipe calls for 1/4 cup plain yogurt, 2 tablespoons honey, and 1 medium banana. Eat a frozen "banana-sicle" As a summer treat for friends and family, peel and cut four ripe bananas in half (across the middle). Stick a wooden ice-cream stick into the flat end of each piece. Place them all on a piece of wax paper, and then put it in the freezer. A few hours later, serve them up as simply yummy frozen banana-sicles. If you want to go all-out, quickly dip your frozen bananas in 6 ounces (170 grams) melted butterscotch or chocolate morsels (chopped nuts or shredded coconut are optional), then refreeze. Tenderize a roast Banana leaves are commonly used in many Asian countries to wrap meat as it's cooking to make it more tender. Some folks in these areas say the banana itself also has this ability. So the next time you fear the roast you're cooking will turn tough on you, try softening it up by adding a ripe, peeled banana to the pan. Polish silverware and leather shoes It may sound a bit like a lark, but using a banana peel is actually a great way to put the shine back into your silverware and leather shoes. First, remove any of the leftover stringy material from the inside of the peel, then just start rubbing the inside of the peel on your shoes or silver. When you're done, buff up the object with a paper towel or soft cloth. You might even want to use this technique to restore your leather furniture. Test it on a small section first before you take on the whole chair. Brighten up houseplants Are the leaves on your houseplants looking dingy or dusty? Don't bother misting them with water -- that just spreads the dirt around. Rather, wipe down each leaf with the inside of a banana peel. It'll remove all the gunk on the surface and replace it with a lustrous shine. Deter aphids Are aphids attacking your rosebushes or other plants? Bury dried or cut-up banana peels an inch or two deep around the base of the aphid-prone plants, and soon the little suckers will pack up and leave. Don't use whole peels or the bananas themselves, though; they tend to be viewed as tasty treats by raccoons, squirrels, gophers, rabbits, and other animals, who will just dig them up. Use as fertilizer or mulch Banana peels, like the fruit itself, are rich in potassium -- an important nutrient for both you and your garden. Dry out banana peels on screens during the winter months. In early spring, grind them up in a food processor or blender and use it as a mulch to give new plants and seedlings a healthy start. Many cultivars of roses and other plants, like staghorn ferns, also benefit from the nutrients found in banana peels; simply cut up some peels and use them as plant food around your established plants. Add to compost pile With their high content of potassium and phosphorus, whole bananas and peels are welcome additions to any compost pile -- particularly in so-called compost tea recipes. The fruit breaks down especially fast in hot temperatures. But don't forget to remove any glued-on tags from the peels, and be sure to bury bananas deep within your pile -- otherwise they may simply turn out to be a meal for a four-legged visitor. Attract butterflies and birds Bring more butterflies and various bird species to your backyard by putting out overripe bananas (as well as other fruits such as mangos, oranges, and papayas) on a raised platform. Punch a few holes in the bananas to make the fruit more accessible to the butterflies. Some enthusiasts swear by adding a drop of Gatorade to further mush things up. The fruit is also likely to attract more bees and wasps as well, so make sure that the plat-form is well above head level and not centrally located. Moreover, you'll probably want to clear it off before sunset, to discourage visits from raccoons and other nocturnal creatures. ^^^ |
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Diabetes Myths
Insulin and food are key components of diabetes care. Diabetics have many doubts and suspicions. It’s no surprise that a lot of myths in diabetes revolve around these two topics. In this article I have tried to clear these myths so that more and more diabetics have the true knowledge to for better management. Myth No.1> No Symptoms of Diabetes Appear before Damage Has Occurred Diabetes is sometimes called “the Silent Disease,” but this is not true. Diabetes actually has plenty of symptoms like increased urination, increased thirst, dry skin, fatigue, blurry vision, irritability, extreme hunger, eating without weight gain, unexpected and unusual weight loss, these [COLOR=#6c8c37 !important][COLOR=#6C8C37 ! important]symptoms aren’t severe, so they often go unnoticed by parents and caretakers.Put simply, it’s hard to accept the fact that there’s something seriously wrong with body. Myth No.2> Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes Are the Same Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes share some common characteristics but they are hardly the same disease. They differ in the following ways: Type 1 is a genetic tendency plus a virus. These patients have an absolute lack of insulin and most cases occur in childhood. Type 1 can’t be controlled by diet and [COLOR=#6c8c37 !important][COLOR=#6C8C37 ! important]exercise alone. Most patients are thin. The cause of Type 2 is heredity plus obesity plus a sedentary lifestyle. These patients have insulin resistance and it mostly occurs after age 35.It can be controlled with diet and exercise alone. Patients are generally (but not always) fat. Myth No.3> You Can’t Eat Sugar with Type 1 Diabetes Today, there are probably more types of insulin available than are needed. A little injected insulin can take care of lots of sugar or other carbohydrates.A corollary to this myth is that diabetes caused by consuming too many sweets. Doctors have a pretty good idea of the cause of diabetes, and sweets have nothing to do with it. Myth No.4> You Have to Eat Special Foods When You Have Diabetes With diabetes, there’s no advantage to eating special diabetic foods. It’s difficult enough to deal with all the requirements for good diabetes care to have to eat boring tasteless foods! Food is one of [COLOR=#6c8c37 !important][COLOR=#6c8c37 !important]life’s great pleasures. Diabetics can have excellent glucose control with regular food so long as you account for the carbohydrate in it. Myth No.5> If You Take Insulin, You Must Have Type 1 Diabetes In Type 1, insulin is an essential part of diabetes care because the disease is characterized by a total lack of insulin in the body. On the other hand, in Type 2, insulin is a tool to get the blood glucose to a level at which diet and exercise can [COLOR=#6c8c37 !important][COLOR=#6c8c37 !important]work. Type 2 is a lifestyle disease, not a disease of lack of insulin. When someone with Type 2 improves his diet, exercise regimen, and weight, he can manage Type 2 without insulin. Myth No.6> Insulin Causes Atherosclerosis The fact is that insulin actually causes a decline in atherosclerosis by reversing the processes that lead to elevated [COLOR=#6c8c37 !important][COLOR=#6c8c37 !important]blood [COLOR=#6c8c37 !important]glucose [COLOR=#6c8c37 !important]levels and elevated fatty acids in the blood. Myth No.7> Insulin Cures Type 1 Diabetes Many myths concern great new cures for Type 1 with this medication or that medication. Ignore them. At the present time, no single medication can cure Type 1 diabetes. Myth No.8> Women with Diabetes Shouldn’t Get Pregnant The woman with diabetes who’s even thinking about a pregnancy must improve her glucose control so that she has HbA1c below 7 percent before she conceives. She also must keep her blood glucose below 90 mg/dl before a meal and below 120 mg/dl an hour after the meal throughout the pregnancy. Myth No.9> Doctors Are Hiding the Cure for Diabetes So They Can Make More Money There’s nothing further from the truth than this myth. Scientists are a highly competitive bunch. None of them is holding back a diabetes cure because they can feel the others breathing down their necks! Thousands of hard-working doctors and other scientists have dedicated their lives to finding a cure for diabetes With the proper knowledge about diabetes we can easily overcome the diabetes and its related complications. |
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Health Benefits of Strawberry
The health benefits of strawberry include eye care, proper brain function, and relief from high blood pressure, arthritis, gout and heart diseases. These berries, with their tempting looks and great taste, have secured their place in the list of favorites for ages. Strawberries, with their common scientific name Fragaria (there are different suffixes for different varieties, such as Fragaria Vesca for wild strawberry, Fragaria Orientalis for Eastern Strawberries etc.), are berries which grow in bushes. They are extensively used in food stuffs ice-creams, jams, jellies, squashes, syrups, confectionaries, bakeries, chocolates and even medicines for their extraordinarily rich flavor, taste and color. They are also consumed fresh. We know that all fruits, particularly berries and those with exotic colors are rich in anti oxidants. Strawberries are no exceptions. In addition to anti oxidants, they have many other nutrients and can be efficiently used to prevent many diseases. Let us see what they are. The health benefits of strawberry include the following: Eye Care: The primary reasons for almost all the problems of eyes are free radicals and deficiency of certain nutrients. With the growing age and lack of these protective nutrients, the harmful oxidants or free radicals cast heavy damage on our eyes, such as drying up of eyes, degeneration of optical nerves, Macular degeneration, vision defects and make them prone to infections too. The anti oxidants such as vitamin-C, Flavonoids, Phenolic Phytochemicals and Elagic Acid, present in strawberries can help avoid this situation to a great extent. One more factor is ocular pressure, i.e. the pressure of the eyes. Any disturbance in it is also harmful for the eyes. Here too, strawberries are helpful as they contain potassium, which help maintain right pressure. Arthritis and Gout: The degeneration of muscles and tissues, drying up of the fluid which help mobility of the joints and accumulation of toxic substances and acids (such as uric acid) in the body are some of the ill effects of free radicals present in our body, which are primarily responsible for Arthritis and Gout. Strawberries, with their team of anti oxidants and detoxifiers, can effectively help push away such health hazards forever. It is a famous saying in India that a serving of any fruit a day will remove the rust from the joints. It is very true for strawberries. Cancer: Vitamin-C, Folate and Anthocyanin, Quercetin and Kaempferol (few of the many Flavonoids in strawberries which possess excellent anti oxidant and anti carcinogenic properties) together form an excellent team to fight cancer and tumor. A daily intake of strawberries is seen to have remarkably brought down the growth of cancerous cells. Brain Function: It is a very common observation that old people tend to lose their memory and control over their activities, limbs etc. This is because of aging of their brain and the nervous system. Actually, the free radicals, the agents very much responsible for aging, have a very adverse effect on these systems. Due to them, the brain tissues start degenerating and the nerves get weaker. Strawberries can help you out. The vitamin-C and the phytochemicals in them neutralize the effect of these oxidants and also rejuvenate the system. One more thing, strawberries are rich in iodine too, which is very helpful for proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. High Blood Pressure: Strawberries are very good in potassium and magnesium content, both of which are very effective in lowering high blood pressure caused by sodium. Heart Diseases: High fiber, Folate, no fats and high anti oxidants such as vitamin-C and those phytochemicals (Flavonoids) together form an ideal cardiac health pack, as they effectively reduce cholesterol. Some of the members of the vitamin-B family present in strawberries also strengthen the cardiac muscles and help better functioning of the heart. Other Benefits: Folate is known to protect from birth-defects. Vitamin-C effectively prevents from infections and cold. The phytonutrients also have anti inflammatory properties. Wait! I forgot to tell you about the best benefit. The strawberry preserve tastes just awesome. |
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The Benefits Of Ginger
Ginger has long been renowned for its use in cooking and for its aromatic smell, but did you know that there are also many health benefits of ginger root such as curing nausea and helping with digestion. What is Ginger? z Ginger is a plant that comes from southeast Asia, and is now also cultivated in Jamaica and other tropical areas. The ginger herb root is used for culinary and medicinal purposes. Ginger is a natural spice and is known world wide for its smell and pungent taste. Ginger has been used by Chinese herbalists for more than 2,500 years as flavouring in food and also as a medicine. What are the Health Benefits Of Ginger? There is a wide range of benefits of ginger such as nausea, digestive problems, circulation and arthritis. Nausea caused during pregnancy or by travelling is one of the benefits of ginger root. Ginger is also known to have the ability to calm an upset stomach and to promote the flow of bile. Stomach cramps can be eased and circulation can also be improved. Ginger supports a healthy cardiovascular system by making platelets less sticky which in turn reduces circulatory problems. Ginger oil used for massage can help relieve painful arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger is often included in many herbal decongestants and can help to minimise the symptoms of respiratory conditions, colds and allergies. With all the benefits of ginger and continuing research, the ginger root is fast becoming a very popular medicinal herb. How to Use Ginger Ginger can be freshly grated and used in cooking. It is also available as a supplement which can be taken on a daily bases. Gated ginger root mixed with diluted lime juice can help to soothe the digestive tract and reduce flatulence. It can be made into oil and used to massage areas of localised chronic pain. It can also be taken in an extract form to reduce inflammation. When choosing a ginger supplement it is essential to choose ones that contain ginger's pungent compounds. These are gingerols and shogaols and are the ginger plant's active ingredients. Ginger can be used in extract pill form and the dosage for this is 100 to 200mg up to three times a day. Fresh powdered ginger should be taken three times a day ½ to ¾ of a teaspoon. Fresh ginger root can be eaten every four hours but no more than three times a day and should be approximately ½ inch and peeled. Ginger tea which now comes prepackaged can be taken several times a day. Crystallised ginger can be taken twice a day. With such a wide range ginger products available and with the ever increasing benefits of ginger being discovered ginger or a product of ginger is something that everyone should have in their homes. http://www.nutritional-supplements-h...of-ginger.html |
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Are genetically modified foods (GMF) safe or dangerous to consume?
When the first Genetic Modification techniques were applied agriculturally to a brand of tomatoes in 1994 to cause them to grow bigger and redder, the public and consumers showed a mixed reaction. A minority consisting mostly of the scientific community and the industry understood what GM was and mainly had not problem with it. Most people didn't understand what GM actually was, and neither did they care - do you know the chemical structure of the acids in fruit juice? Probably not, and you wouldn't be expected to. However, when a new technology makes its debut into the world there are always skeptics. A lack of understanding or knowledge breeds mistrust. This is a primal human instinct sometimes, and while it can serve us well on occasion (for example, one might not trust a stranger with your personal belongings or volunteer to trial a new untested drug) it can often have undesirable side effects. Examples could be a fear of the dark, which comes from a basic fear of the unknown. So, when faced with this new "genetic manipulation" technology, some developed a suspicion of the process and, as is typical to sentiments of fear or mistrust, made their views very public knowledge. The fact of the matter is, genetically modifying a vegetable's DNA structure will cause changes in the way it may grow. The typical application of this is to cause fruits and vegetables to grow into larger or better tasting. There is no inherent "danger" in the new food. Foods which are dangerous to consume are only dangerous because of unhealthy chemicals or toxins present in them, for example the ricin poison in castor beans or the deadly toxins in the Japanese fugu. DNA, on the other hand, is not a poison. On this note, it is imperative to mention (to avoid accusations of bias) that it is theoretically possible that a certain genetic modification might cause a plant to grow in a manner that would produce certain chemicals that could be hazardous to human health if consumed. However this is in my mind highly improbable, as the genes manipulated by GMF scientists target such attributes as growth rather than chemical constituency. It is also important to note that any new GM food would undergo examination of chemical content and rigourous testing to ensure its safety. Therefore the danger posed by these chemicals is, in practice, none. In conclusion, there is no inherent danger posed by GM foods; the "scare" present in the media is derived only from a poor understanding of the technology and a basic suspicion of new things. ^^^Martin Michael Rose... |
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Meaningful Sayings for a Meaningful Life
Here are some sayings on “what I feel”, “what I observe”, “what I see”, “what I think” and “what I perceive”. And I do hope all these sayings can benefit you, your friends, your family, your career and any persons. Here we go.. Don’t make offensive judgments about people who’re born abnormally or handicapped, particularly when the judgments tend to be sarcastic and negative – which eventually can harm their self-esteem. No one grows without support, so please give whatever support you can to your patients/friends/family members. The trouble you experience in caring for the patients/elderly can lead you to a better understanding of yourself as well as the reality of life Always be sure that you’re choosing your words carefully, because it’s always better to hold back some extra words of yours. Guilt is always there when you’re unable to see the real facet of life. Dwelling in yesterday’s painful feeling is an awful mistake. One of the best ways to not hang on your loneliness and fear towards yourself is to hang on your painful feeling. You shouldn’t let anger/unstable mood weigh you down in your life. Your rage and finally, hurt and hatred feelings will know no boundary. When it lies beneath your heart, it’ll erupt like a volcano- but at the end, you’ll never have it completely burst out of your confusing mind. The reason is that you’re being bristled with rage that has caused you to be HOT under the collar. You must work to pay for the same price that is paid for anything you do. Nothing comes so easily for your success. You must work at it, of course. Judging the worst for others, and giving them the doubts- these behaviors- as though you’re not cultivating conscious habit in your daily life. You can’t make other people shine without first shining yourself. You shouldn’t do something just simply to get people to applaud you. When you keep on thinking the vital role you’re acting, you’re likely to pass over or may even forget many painful moments. If you’re placing your self-worth by other’s people pats, claps and compliments on the back, you’re not growing maturely. When all these attentions are withdrawn, you feel mistreated. In an attempt to seek for praises, you’ve given other people authority to validate your self-esteem. Happiness is like a beautiful butterfly Each time it lands softly to your shoulder, but you don’t quite realize to catch it. No matter what irritates your feelings badly, you can, of course, get it over and over, if you’ve compassion and determination. Strong desire and confidence can significantly overcome many adverse circumstances. Happiness is sometimes an unexplainable process that you created to enjoy the beauty of the world whenever you can. It, of course, requires your effort to realize the conditions of laughing more, of taking more time off, of living happier than usual, of relaxing more, of communicating more with the people you care about, of having less stressful life, of enjoying the benefits when you’re tense, panicked and too tired. Guilt is always there when you’re living without dignity, honesty, morale, repentance and benevolence. While painful feelings and deadly awful nightmares are always irritating and frustrating, they shouldn’t be served as a measure to defeat you badly. You must endure the bad situation, so that you can see a beautiful life. |
Let's get Physical!
Children should be given vitamin D drops daily, Scotland's health chief The chief medical officer of Scotland, Sir Harry Burns has sad that all the children aged between six months and five years must be given vitamin D drops on a daily basis. Sir Harry also said that pregnant women should take the vitamin daily to protect themselves from bone disease and other illnesses. He has written to the health professionals outlining the risks of vitamin D deficiency among children and women. He wrote in the letter that all pregnant and breastfeeding women should intake a 10 micrograms dose everyday. It also said that the people aged 65 and over who do not get much direct sunlight should also take a dose of 10 micrograms daily. The Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to high rates of multiple sclerosis in Scotland by several health studies. The main reasons for lower Vitamin D among people in Scotland include lack of sunshine and a diet low in oily fish. Sir Harry also said that the daily dose would allow children to meet the requirement of 7 to 8.5 micrograms of vitamin D per day. “My colleagues and I are writing a joint letter to health professionals to increase awareness of this important issue, highlighting the fact there are steps that people who may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency, such as pregnant women, infants and young children, can take to avoid low levels,” said Sir Harry. First, commentaries about coffee. Now, quoting someone in Scotland. Carra63, I am starting to like you. thanks... |
Shannon! well we have a great start to an awesome coffee klatch here! and I meant to tell carra that once you find your photo on bucket click on it - then click on SHARE - then choose the find link code tab - then choose img I will still figure that out, thanks sweetestgirl11 |
Can Coffee Offset Liver Damage from Alcohol?
There was a study of more than 125,000 people who drank coffee. The study, published recently, showed that one cup of coffee a day cut the risk of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver by 20 percent. Four cups a day reduced the risk by 80 percent. It's not known yet why coffee protected livers in this study. Even "social drinkers" can develop cirrhosis, a condition that causes irreversible damage to the liver. Whether you get cirrhosis depends upon the amount of alcohol you drink and a predisposition for the condition. If you drink a lot of alcohol, you will hurt your liver. However, you will not necessarily get cirrhosis. You have a one-in-three chance of getting cirrhosis if you drink 8 to 16 ounces of liquor a day (or the equivalent in other alcoholic drinks) for 15 years or more. More men than women get cirrhosis. There is a theory that more men get cirrhosis because they're heavier drinkers. Women can't tolerate as much alcohol as men can. Studies show that a much higher percentage of women, consuming less alcohol than men, suffer from cirrhosis. In the United States, excessive alcohol consumption is the single greatest risk factor for cirrhosis. Chronic infection with the hepatitis C virus is the second leading cause of cirrhosis. The liver, which is located in the upper right side of the abdomen, is the largest organ in the human body. It weighs about three pounds and is--believe it or not--about the size of a football. You cannot live without a liver. The liver is a multipurpose organ that performs hundreds of tasks. Among its functions are the digestion of fats, removal of harmful substances from blood, production of cholesterol, control of infections and the coagulation of blood. In cirrhosis of the liver, scar tissue replaces healthy tissue; this blocks blood flow through the liver and prevents it from working efficiently. At the onset of cirrhosis, there may be no symptoms. As the liver deteriorates, the following may occur: internal bleeding, fluid retention in the legs and feet, bruising, yellow skin and eyes, fluid in the abdomen, itchy hands and feet, dark urine, loss of appetite and weight, nausea, fatigue, and red spider veins. Although liver damage from cirrhosis is irreversible, treatment can help prevent more damage and reduce complications. Giving up alcohol is the primary treatment. Improving nutrition is often part of treatment, too. A doctor can diagnose cirrhosis through symptoms, a medical history, a physical exam, and tests. Tests that are often used in diagnosis include a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or a scan using a radioactive substance that highlights the liver. A doctor might look at the liver using an instrument that is inserted into the abdomen. A liver biopsy can confirm a diagnosis. |
Coffee In Food
Lovers of the drink know how delicious that liquid dream can be. But delights abound in using coffee as an ingredient in food preparation too. While commonly used in desserts - and we'll look at a couple - the uses of coffee aren't limited to sweets. Barbecue sauces and glazes for meat, chili and even pot roasts benefit from a dash of the ground bean. In any recipe, freshness is essential, so either buy freshly ground or grind your own and use right away. And if the recipe calls for brewed coffee, make it just before preparing the dish with good filtered water. And remember, most recipes call for coffee two or three times as strong as you'd want to drink. Here are only a few of the many possibilities... Coffee Meatloaf Sauce Australian Meatloaf is becoming increasingly popular outside kangaroo country. For the sauce add a tablespoon of instant coffee to a quarter cup of water and half-cup of ketchup with a quarter cup of a favorite dry red and equal amount of Worcestershire sauce. Two tablespoons of vinegar, an ounce of margarine and two tablespoons of lemon juice with some brown sugar complete the mixture. After the meat has cooked for 30 minutes, add the sauce and bake 45 minutes more at 375F (190C). Espresso Brownies To make brownies surpassing even Alice B. Toklas', try this one. Heat a cup of sugar, a quarter teaspoon of salt, and a stick and a half of butter in a sauce pan. Add a teaspoon of vanilla and four ounces of chopped, semi-sweet chocolate and stir until well melted. Now add a tablespoon of your favorite finely ground dark-roast. For an interesting variation substitute with two teaspoons of espresso granules. Stir until everything is well mixed, then transfer to a mixing bowl and let cool for a few minutes. While still warm, fold in three eggs, a cup of flour and pour the result into a baking pan. Bake for 30 minutes and set out to cool. Yum! Black Russian Cake Select a favorite dark chocolate cake mix and add a cup of vegetable oil, a package of instant chocolate pudding, four eggs, and a half cup of creme de cacao. Now add a cup of your favorite Russian coffee. (1 oz vodka, 1/2 oz Kahlua, 5 oz hot black coffee.) Beat until smooth and pour into a tube pan, then bake 45 minutes at 350F (177C). Da! The possibilities are endless. Muffins, cookies, breads and all manner of candy - not to mention those well known ice creams - are enhanced by the addition of coffee. Even cocktails get a boost from the ancient bean. Besides the famous Kahlua there are a wide variety of liqueurs that can be used to enhance a pie. There's even a recipe for coffee syrup. Mix a cup of sugar with a cup of double strength Colombian. Boil in a saucepan, stirring constantly to keep the sugar dissolved. Lower the heat and simmer for three minutes, stirring often. Then cool. Try it! Bon cafetite! |
Little known facts about COFFEE...
Coffee Has More Fiber than Orange Juice, and Antioxidants, Too. Doctors tell us that fiber is good for us and that antioxidants help keep us young and disease free.Well, coffee delivers on both counts. In a Spanish study, scientists concluded that “brewed coffee contained a significantly higher amount of soluble dietary fiber…than other common beverages. Coffee’s dietary fiber contains a large amount of associated antioxidant phenolics...” Coffee Keeps Your Mouth Moist. Does your mouth sometimes get dry, such as when you take medication?Well, to help relieve it, a research group in Poland suggests you try drinking a cappuccino! Dry mouth is called xerostomia in medicine, and here’s what the doctors found: “The five-minute drinking of 15.0 g of cappuccino coffee increased the amount of saliva, decreased xerostomia, and improved the ability of speech. The beneficial effect of coffee lasted from 0.5 to 4 (average about 2) hours.” |
How are decaffeinated coffees made?
Coffee is a delicious and wholly natural product that contains several hundred different chemicals and that help to define its distinctive taste and aroma. Caffeine is just one of these naturally occurring substances. It is an extremely difficult process therefore to remove only the caffeine and leave the other chemicals intact. To all intents and purposes this is an impossible task and even the best and most carefully produced decaffeinated coffees will have its taste and aroma altered by the decaffeinating process. Coffee comes in two major varieties: Arabica coffees and Robusta coffees. The Arabicas contain about half the amount of caffeine as Robustas. So how do manufacturers go about removing the caffeine from the bean? The decaffeinating process has many variations but all start with the raw green coffee bean. A popular method is known as "Water Processing" that was originally developed by the Swiss in the 1930's. This process involves soaking the green coffee beans in hot water to extract all the soluble and semi soluble compounds (including the caffeine) into the solution. The first batch of 'used' coffee beans are then removed and thrown away. The solution containing all the coffee compounds is then treated to remove the caffeine by passing through carbon filters in solution. These carbon filters are designed to only remove the caffeine molecules and to allow the other compounds in solution to pass through. A new batch of raw coffee beans is now introduced into the 'filtered solution' which has been kept at the same temperature throughout the process. The 'clever' part of this process is that since the hot water solution has reached equilibrium and already has the maximum amount of coffee compounds suspended in solution, then when the new beans are introduced only the caffeine is dissolved out from the new beans and the other compounds remain in the bean as they are unable to be extracted by the hot solution that already contains them from the original batch! The coffee beans are then removed and sent away for drying. They are then stored and shipped to market. This process is repeated many times using the original solution, which is continually treated to remove the caffeine. Other processes used to remove caffeine rely on similar principles as water processing but use different ways to soak the beans and different ways to extract the caffeine. For example some processes use steam instead of soaking the beans and use solvents to remove the caffeine. Other processing methods use oxygen and carbon dioxide gases. It should be noted that there are different criteria for labelling coffee as decaffeinated: The International Standard demands 97% of the caffeine to have been removed from the beans and the European EU Standard of having 99.9% of the caffeine removed by mass. |
The Best Cup of Drip Coffee Possible With a “good" cup of coffee costing almost as much as a good sandwich these days, more and more people are taking to making their coffee at home from an “old fashioned" drip coffee machine. With the influence of Starbucks and the others out there, people are demanding a better cup of coffee all of the time. This article should help you make the best cup of drip coffee possible. Coffee from a can just doesn’t work for the general public anymore. You know what I’m talking about and it sounds as lousy to you as it does to me. The good news is that great coffee beans can be obtained at pretty much any grocery store. If you use coupons (and if you don’t, shame on you), you should do quite well if you aren’t too worried about the brand name. My tip for you – worry about quality more than anything else. The big stores like Sams Club and Costco offer big bags of coffee beans at some very good prices. Your author’s favorite, in case you’re interested, is Kirkland brand (two pound) of Espresso Roast (Starbucks) that you can find at Costco. Be willing to experiment with different bean types to find the kind of coffee you like best. For what it is worth, more times than not, I’ve found that a good espresso roast makes a great cup of drip coffee as well. Do experiment though, you just might be surprised at what you find. Good beans deserve a good grind. You’d be surprised at the difference between a good grind and a bad one. If you don’t have a good grinder at home, consider grinding the beans at the store where they were purchased as the grinders there often do a great job. Burr grinders are the best, and the most expensive. It is probably obvious but good water makes a difference as well. The more things you take out of the water, the better your coffee will taste. A good drip machine is also a must. More than anything else, the warming element is what you need to worry about. If you find that your coffee often has that scalded burned taste, the warmer might be too hot. And, of course, there is seldom a way to change that so, … you’ll need a new machine. Consider the French Press alternative. French presses are dirt cheap, make an incredible cup of coffee, and never leave you worrying about overactive warmers, water tube build-up and the like. Remember that the grind for French Press is different than normal drip coffee so grind accordingly. What about people stuck in a bad coffee situation in the office or somewhere else? Here’s a trick that can help with some issues: Bring in a cinnamon shaker and dash a little on the grinds before starting the machine. This will give the coffee a bit more taste, hide some of the bad taste and help with the aroma. Grab the coffee as soon as is brewed and, most of all, lobby for better coffee. You’re worth it. ^^^ we drink Starbucks at work from excellent machines - no worries! and upload your picture to or find one on there, then copy the img for forum posting - I am having hard time posting pictures really...thanks! |
Instant Coffee Sticks??? The new convenient coffee
Officially, instant coffee sticks have now hit store shelves. Will this new product replace the old jars of other brands of instant coffee? Do we need another form of freeze dried coffee?? It wasn’t that long ago that Starbucks popped a new, instant coffee product onto store shelves, and now the “Ready Brew Stick” packets have hit the shelves. Apparently, these have been touted by nescafe’s Tasters Choice as being much tastier and quite a bit cheaper than the Starbucks instant coffee. Nescafe’s instant coffee sticks are currently retailing for about $4.00 at supermarkets, which are sold in boxes of 20, making each cup about 20 cents. Starbucks is selling their single cup instant coffee packets for around $10.00 for a dozen packets, or about 85 cents per cup. The Chicago Tribune ran a few taste tests, blind of course, with six panelists. They served up both brands of instant Colombian coffee along with a pot of drip brewed Colombian coffee. The results were obvious. The winning cup was the drip brewed coffee, offering the ‘most complex notes’. In second place was the Starbucks instant brew. Tasters commented that the Tasters Choice coffee sticks were weak, thin bodied and had an unpleasant ‘cardboardy’ flavour. One taster commented that the Starbucks cup was bitter and sharp, and prefered the Tasters Choice cup. It was however unanimously agreed that instant coffee has come a long long way from the days of old! The Chicago Tribune also left a few recipes to make some instant Iced Coffee seeing as its the season for cold beverages now: Sprinkle a packet of instant coffee over your favorite soft-serve frozen yogurt, custard or ice cream for a bitter counterpoint to the sweet, creamy treat. Empty a packet into a glass or carton of milk. Stir a packet into a blender full of shaved ice to make an easy granita. I must say……….you’d still be hard pressed to have me consuming instant coffee for any reason at all! |
How to Make a Bubbly Coffee Drink
Tired of the same bland coffee every morning? Here's a delightful way to impress your friends and give your coffee a zap. Ingredients: Coffee (any amount, any sort - to taste) Carbonated water Cream (optional) Sugar (optional) Chocolate syrup Steps: Fill up half of your glass with Double-brewed coffee (so as to even out the strength). Add any amount of sugar to taste. Do not add any if you dislike it in your coffee. Stir until the sugar is fully mixed in. Add cream (in whatever amount you enjoy). Stir in cream. Fill up the rest of your glass with carbonated water until it becomes foamy at the top of your glass. Drizzle chocolate on top of the foam for an elegant touch. Add a straw and just for a change, you've got bubbly delight for coffee. |
A study published by the American Chemical Society has shown the power of coffee grounds as a source of biodiesel, possibly ending America's dependence on the unfortunately named rapeseed. According to a study in the ACS's Journal of Agriculture, spent coffee grounds contain between 11% and 20% oil by weight, similar to other popular sources of biodiesel such as soy and palm seeds. Since approximately 16 billion pounds of coffee is grown each year, spent coffee grounds can be used to create as much as 340 million gallons of biodiesel. While this is barely enough fuel to cover the US for a day, it is a surprisingly cheap and easy process they say could net an $8 million average profit in the US alone. We could probably fuel a TDI SportWagen by just following Wert around for the day. Press release below. Waste coffee grounds offer new source of biodiesel fuel Researchers in Nevada are reporting that waste coffee grounds can provide a cheap, abundant, and environmentally friendly source of biodiesel fuel for powering cars and trucks. Their study has been published online in the American Chemical Society's (ACS) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a bi-weekly publication. In the new study, Mano Misra, Susanta Mohapatra, and Narasimharao Kondamudi note that the major barrier to wider use of biodiesel fuel is lack of a low-cost, high quality source, or feedstock, for producing that new energy source. Spent coffee grounds contain between 11 and 20 percent oil by weight. That's about as much as traditional biodiesel feedstocks such as rapeseed, palm, and soybean oil. Growers produce more than 16 billion pounds of coffee around the world each year. The used or "spent" grounds remaining from production of espresso, cappuccino, and plain old-fashioned cups of java, often wind up in the trash or find use as soil conditioner. The scientists estimated, however, that spent coffee grounds can potentially add 340 million gallons of biodiesel to the world's fuel supply. To verify it, the scientists collected spent coffee grounds from a multinational coffeehouse chain and separated the oil. They then used an inexpensive process to convert 100 percent of the oil into biodiesel. The resulting coffee-based fuel — which actually smells like java — had a major advantage in being more stable than traditional biodiesel due to coffee's high antioxidant content, the researchers say. Solids left over from the conversion can be converted to ethanol or used as compost, the report notes. The scientists estimate that the process could make a profit of more than $8 million a year in the U.S. alone. They plan to develop a small pilot plant to produce and test the experimental fuel within the next six to eight months. Biodiesel is a growing market. Estimates suggest that annual global production of biodiesel will hit the 3 billion gallon mark by 2010. The fuel can be made from soybean oil, palm oil, peanut oil, and other vegetable oils; animal fat; and even cooking oil recycled from restaurant French fry makers. Biodiesel also can be added to regular diesel fuel. It also can be a stand-alone fuel, used by itself as an alternative fuel for diesel engines. [Source: American Chemical Society] |
A caffe latte, literally "coffee with milk," is espresso with both a generous amount of steamed milk and milk foam. Although you are unlikely to see caffe lattes offered in Italy, except perhaps at breakfast, they have become quite popular in the United States, particularly those flavored with sweet syrups. Make a shot of espresso equaling between 1 and 1 1/2 oz. (See "How to Make an Espresso" in the Related eHows section.) Steam 10 oz. milk. Point your steam wand towards the bottom of your stainless steel pitcher to steam your milk. To create froth, raise the tip just below the surface of the pitcher. Pour hot milk in a 12-oz. glass until 3/4 full. Pour the espresso shot into the steamed milk. Dust with ground chocolate, cinnamon or nutmeg. |
Uses of USED coffee grounds...
Soften and add shine to hair. When washing your hair, rub coffee grounds through wet hair and rinse. For brown hair, coffee grounds add highlights. Use coffee grounds as an exfoliant for skin. Pat on skin, massage over skin, rinse. Add coffee grounds to your skin mask beauty routine. Make homemade tattoos (temporary) with henna and coffee grounds. Fertilize plants. Old coffee grounds are nutrient-rich for plants that thrive in an acidic soil. Add used coffee grounds to the pots of indoor plants. Work used coffee grounds into your garden soil before seed planting. After your plants start to emerge, work in coffee grounds near the plants. Used coffee grounds are said to repel snails and slugs as well as adding nutrients to the soil. Increase your carrot and radish harvest by mixing seeds with dry coffee grounds before planting the seeds. Use coffee grounds to repel ants. Keep cats from using your garden as a kitty box by spreading used coffee grounds and orange peels throughout flower beds. Deodorize a freezer. Place a bowl with used coffee grounds in the freezer to remove unwanted odors. Add a few drops of vanilla to coffee grounds. Rub coffee grounds on hands to get rid of smells from chopping or cutting up pungent foods. Make a used coffee grounds sachet. Fill old nylons or cheescloth with dry used coffee grounds. Hang in closets to absorb odors. When you need an abrasive cleaner, coffee grounds can be used. Be careful of any surfaces that might stain. Remove furniture scratches with wet coffee grounds. Got a fireplace? Sprinkle wet coffee grounds over the ashes to keep from becoming engulfed in the plume of dust ashes create when you need to remove them. Dye fabric, paper or Easter eggs. Simply add used coffee grounds to warm water and let sit a bit to create a dye. After you give your dog a bath, rub coffee grounds through the coat of your pet. Coffee grounds are said to repel fleas. Keep bait worms alive by mixing coffee grounds into the soil before you add worms. Grow mushrooms on old coffee grounds. |